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Get Ready For Middle School ELA

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Ready for Middle School ELA – Building a Strong Foundation in 5th Grade

As students transition from elementary to middle school, their English Language Arts (ELA) skills become increasingly important. The 5th grade is a pivotal year for solidifying foundational reading and writing skills that will support students' academic success. Let's dive into these essential skills and understand how to master them, with links to resources, explanation videos and exercises on our site.

Ready for Middle School ELA – Reading Skills

There is a range of skills that make reading in middle school more enjoyable and productive. See the list below.

Phonemic Awareness and Phonics

Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds—phonemes—in spoken words.

Even though it is taught at the very beginning of elementary school, phonics and phonemic awareness continues to be very important throughout the entire elementary school journey.

By mastering different vowel sounds, consonants and different sounds they make in different beginning, consonant and ending blends, your child will be ready to read fluently.

Reading fluency allows children to develop automaticity in letter recognition and decoding, allowing valuable cognitive space to be freed up for reading comprehension.


Vocabulary knowledge is another important element of your child’s success in middle school. Expanding vocabulary is crucial for understanding and using language effectively. You will be able to achieve that by engaging in meaningful and enjoyable reading and listening activities with your child.

However, it is also important to get a solid understanding of morphology and develop the ability to spot patterns in words. Our series of videos on getting to know words, as well as synonyms and antonyms, can help your child get better at that.

Text Structure

Understanding text structure helps readers comprehend the organization of information in a text. In middle school, students will engage with an increasing variety of texts in their ELA classes. Therefore, being able to sequence of events in scientific and technical texts or compare different texts on the same topic will be crucial. We provide an overview of such skills, as well as deep dive instructions on how to compare and contrast fiction and non-fiction on our platform.

Comprehension and Inference

Having mastered reading fluency, pupils will start to engage with increasingly more difficult texts. Comprehension – understanding and interpreting what is read – will become a non-negotiable skill, whilst making inferences – using clues from the text to draw conclusions about what is not explicitly stated – elevate students’ understanding of complex texts to the next level.

Making connections within and between texts will become important, and so will be making inferencesin informational or narrative texts. Finally, students should be prepared to be making predictions based on texts on a regular basis.

Ready for Middle School ELA – Writing Skills

Students build up their writing skills over time in elementary school to be able to write with ease for different purposes. The building blocks leading to that are discussed below.

Sentence Structure and Punctuation

Using correct sentence structure ensures that writing is clear and grammatically correct. Parts of speech with clear information on differences between nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives and pronouns, explains why certain words are used in different ways. Different types of sentences explains what types of sentences can be used for an effect and how to punctuate them correctly.

Writing Process

Understanding the writing process provides a framework for producing well-structured written work. Start writing with our videos and learning material. Learn steps to successful narrative, informational or opinion writing to develop your own style of writing.

Editing and Revising

Editing and revising involve reviewing written work to improve clarity and correctness. This is an important skill to master and will certainly be helpful in middle school. Editing your writing is important in revising and improving your writing, learn that with materials on our platform.

Ready for Middle School ELA – Summary

  • Mastering reading and writing skills in the 5th grade sets the stage for academic achievement in middle school and beyond.
  • Focus on enhancing your phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, text structure, and inference skills to become a proficient reader.
  • Develop your sentence structure, paragraph writing, organization, grammar and usage, spelling, and editing and revising skills to excel in writing.
  • With practice, perseverance, and the right tools, you'll be well-prepared for the challenges of ELA in the 6th grade and ready to succeed in middle school.

Remember: Practice makes progress. Keep reading and writing, and don't hesitate to seek help when you encounter obstacles. Your future in middle school ELA looks bright!


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