'L' Beginning Blends

Basics on the topic 'L' Beginning Blends
What did you learn today about beginning 'L' blends?
Remember that consonants are letters that aren't vowels, and that you can blend consonants together just like you blend other things such as cookie dough or paint.
When figuring out consonant blends with the letter L;
- Start by saying the first letter to find the sound it makes.
- Then say the second letter, L to find the sound it makes.
- Finally, blend the two sounds together by repeating them faster.
Can you think of any words that have a beginning 'L' blend? Comment below!
Transcript 'L' Beginning Blends
"Oh, this won't work!" "What's wrong, Dee?" "I don't have the color that I need!" "Hm, you can mix the colors together to make what you need!" Dee and Kala are painting and will need to blend some colors together, much like consonant blends! Let's help them by learning about L beginning blends. You might know that consonants are letters that aren’t vowels, and that blending is when you mix things together. But, did you know you can blend letters together? When you blend two consonants together, you hear the sounds each letter makes. When figuring out consonant blends with the letter L. Start by saying the first letter to find the sound it makes. Then say the second letter, L to find the sound it makes. Finally, blend the two sounds together by repeating them faster. Now that we've learned about L blends, let's help our friends! Dee needs to mix coral and light blue together. What do the letters C and L make when blended together? Start by saying the first letter to find the sound that it makes. Our first letter is C which makes the /k/ sound. Then say the second letter, L to find the sound it makes. L makes the sound /l/. Finally, blend the two sounds together by repeating them faster. What do /c/ and /l/ make when blended together? /C/ and /l/ make the blend /cl/! Like in the words clap, or clip! Next, Dee is blending sea green and light blue to make a teal color. What do the letters S and L make when blended together? Start by saying the first letter to find its sound. Here, it's S which makes the /s/ sound. Then say the second letter, L to find the sound it makes. What do /s/ and /l/ make when blended together? /S/ and /L/ make the /sl/ sound! Like in the words sled, or slip. Dee is almost finished but needs to blend two more colors! He needs to blend purple and light blue this time. What do the letters P and L make when they are blended together? Remember, start by saying the FIRST letter to find its sound. Then, say the second letter, L to find the sound it makes. Finally, blend the two sounds together by repeating them faster. What do /p/ and /l/ make when blended together? /P/ and /L/ make the sound /pl/! Like in the words plum, or plug. Before we see Dee's painting, let's review. When trying to figure out an L beginning blend: start by saying the first letter to find the sound that it makes. Then say the second letter, L to find the sound it makes. Finally, blend the two sounds together by repeating them faster. Now, how is Dee's painting? "That's beautiful Dee, but, um, did you use the paintbrush I gave you?" "Nope! I lost it, so I used my hooves!"
'L' Beginning Blends exercise
Which words have an "l" beginning blend?
HintsAn "l" beginning blend is a consonant followed by the consonant, "l".
For example: /cl/ is an "l" beginning blend.
Four of these words show "l" beginning blends!
SolutionThe words glad, clock, flat, and slug all have "l" beginning blends.
What are consonants and how do we blend them?
HintsRemember, when you blend something, you mix it together.
Letters come in two categories: consonants and vowels.
SolutionConsonants are letters that are not vowels.
Blending is when you mix things together.
When you blend two consonants together, you will hear the sound each letter makes.
Sort the words by their beginning "l" blends.
HintsBlend the word out loud. Which two letters do you hear first? That is the consonant blend!
Look at the word clip. First you sound the /c/, then you sound the /l/. The beginning blend is /cl/. From /cl/ we can sound out the rest of the word.
SolutionClown and cloud start with the consonant beginning "l" blend /cl/.
Block and blink start with the consonant beginning "l" blend /bl/.
Flow and flip start with the consonant beginning "l" blend /fl/.
How do we figure out an "l" beginning blend?
HintsRemember, the first thing you do when blending two consonants, is to say the first letter to find the sound it makes.
The next thing you do, is say the second letter's sound to find the sound it makes.
SolutionTo figure out an "l" beginning blend, you must:
- Start by saying the first letter to find the sound that it makes.
- Say the second letter, "l", to find what sound it makes.
- After, blend the two sounds together by repeating them faster.
- Now you can read your consonant "l" blend!
Find the words with the "l" beginning blend /pl/.
HintsRemember to highlight words with a beginning "l" blend. This beginning "l" blend is /pl/.
SolutionThe words that start with /pl/ are play and plant! Paper is not a beginning "l" blend, since "l" is not the second letter.
Select the correct partners.
HintsRemember, the first two letter of the matching words will be the beginning "l" blend.
The word cluck would pair with /cl/.
Solution/pl/ is the beginning "l" blend in the word plum.
/sl/ is the beginning "l" blend in the word slam.
/cl/ is the beginning "l" blend in the word clear.
/bl/ is the beginning "l" blend in the word blend.