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Question Words For Kindergarten— Let's Practice!

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Question Words For Kindergarten— Let's Practice!

Basics on the topic Question Words For Kindergarten— Let's Practice!

Kindergarteners, let's practice using question words with Goopaw!

Transcript Question Words For Kindergarten— Let's Practice!

Goopaw says get ready to practice, “Question Words For Kindergarten”. Remember, question words are words we use to ask something. They are words like: who, what, when, where, why, and how. Let's practice with the questions below! Here is the first one. Blank is making dinner? Which question word should we use: where or who? Where is making dinner? Or who is making dinner? Who is correct because we want to know the person making dinner. Let's look at the next question. Blank is the party? Which question word should we use: when or who? When is the party? Or who is the party? When is correct because we want to know the date and time of the party. Here is the next question. Blank is my backpack? Which question word should we use: why or where? Why is my backpack? or Where is my backpack? Where is correct because we want to know the location of the backpack. Here is the last question. Blank are you laughing? Which question word should we use: why or what? Why are you laughing? Or what are you laughing? Why is correct because we want to know the reason for the laughter. Goopaw had so much fun practicing with you today! See you next time!

1 comment
  1. EZ

    From Drake, 4 months ago

Question Words For Kindergarten— Let's Practice! exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Question Words For Kindergarten— Let's Practice!.
  • Which question should you ask?


    Think about the question word that helps you know a person's name.

    Use who when you want to find out about a person or who someone is.


    Who is the new student?

  • You see a friend looking for their missing toy.


    Think about the word you use when you want to know the place of something.

    Where did you leave your shoes?


    Where is your toy?

  • You see mom cooking the dinner.


    Use the question word that helps you find out about time.

    This word is what you ask when you want to know on what day or at what time something happens.


    When is the dinner?

  • What should you ask to find out the reason?


    Use the question word that helps you find out the reason behind something.

    This word is what you ask when you want to understand why someone feels a certain way.


    Why are you sad?

  • What should you ask?


    Think about the word you use when you are looking for something and want to know its place.

    Where can I find it?


    Where is my lunchbox?

  • What is the correct question word?


    What is about things or ideas — like colors, toys, or foods.

    Why helps us understand reasons or causes.

    When is for talking about time, like hours, days, or moments.


    Who is your favorite teacher?

    What is your favorite color?

    When do we go to recess?

    Where did you put your crayons?

    Why do we wash our hands before lunch?

    How do you make a pizza?