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'S' Ending Blends

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'S' Ending Blends

Basics on the topic 'S' Ending Blends

What are 'S' ending blends? You might already know that consonants are letters that aren’t vowels. And you might also know about blending things, when you mix things together. When you blend two consonants together, you hear the sounds that each letter makes. Consonant blends can be at the beginning, middle, or end of words.

When figuring out 'S' ending blends; * Start with the letter 'S' and the sound it makes. * Next find the sound the next letter makes. * Then, blend the sound 'S' makes with the next sound to figure out the blend! * Finally, touch and say the sounds and swipe your finger across the letters to repeat the blend!

Can you think of any words that have an ending 'S' blend? Comment them below!

Transcript 'S' Ending Blends

"This is an amazing trail, I can't wait to show Dee!" Kala is painting a map to show Dee a new cool trail. She is mixing together the colors much like mixing the sounds in words! Let's help her mix the colors and learn about S ending blends. You might already know that consonants are letters that aren’t vowels. And you might also know about blending things, when you mix things together. Did you know that you can blend letters together? When you blend two consonants together, you hear the sounds that each letter makes. Consonant blends can be at the beginning, middle, or end of words. In this video, we will explore ending consonant blends. When figuring out T, always start with the letter S and the sound it makes. Next, find the sound the next letter makes. Then, blend the sound S makes with the next sound to figure out the blend! Finally, touch and say the sounds and swipe your finger across the letters to repeat the blend! Now that we've learned a bit about ending blends, let's help Kala! Kala is mixing blue and yellow to make green for the grass, but each color has a letter on it! What blend do we get when we mix these two letters together? First, start with the letter S, what sound does S make? S makes the sound /s/. Next, we need to find the sound for the second letter, here it's K. What sound does K make? K makes the sound /k/. Then, blend the two sounds together. We can do this by touching and saying the sounds, then saying them faster to find the blend. What do /s/ and /k/ make when blended together? /S/ and /k/ make /sk/ when blended together. Like in the word desk or mask. It looks like Kala is blending blue and red together to make purple, but there are letters on her paint again! She has the letters S and T this time. What blend do we get when we mix these two letters together? Remember to start with the letter S, which makes the /s/ sound. Next, find the sound of the second letter, T. What sound does T make? T makes the sound /t/. Then, blend the two sounds together by saying each sound faster. What do /s/ and /t/ make when blended together? /S/ and /t/ make /st/ when blended together. Like in the word list or dust. Before we see Kala's map, let's review. Today we learned about S ending blends. To find S ending blend in words, always start with the letter S and the sound it makes. Next, identify or figure out the sound the next letter makes. Then, blend the sound from the letter S with that sound to figure out the blend! Finally, touch and say the sounds and swipe your finger across the letters to repeat the blend! Now, how is that map? "I should check that my map works first!' "Wait a second, what are you doing here, Dee?"


'S' Ending Blends exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video 'S' Ending Blends.
  • Can you find the adjacent consonants?


    Remember, adjacent consonants are two consonants that are next to each other.

    The letters in green are consonants.

    The word desk contains adjacent consonants.

    The word set does not.

    There are 2 paint splats to highlight.


    The adjacent consonants above are sk and st.

    Ab, po and se are not adjacent consonants as a, o, and e are vowels.

  • Does the word have adjacent consonants?


    Remember, adjacent consonants are two consonants that are next to each other.

    The letters in green are consonants.

    Look at the end of each word to see if there is an s and then another consonant.

    There are three words with adjacent consonants and three words without.


    These words have adjacent consonants s_ at the end:

    • best
    • dusk
    • fist
    These words do not:

    • has
    • sun
    • sit
  • Can you match the words and pictures?


    Find the adjacent consonants at the end of each word and blend the two sounds together.

    Sound out the rest of the word and blend all of the sounds together to read each one.

    Wr makes an r sound.


    Here we can see the matching words and pictures.

  • Can you fill in the missing words?


    Listen carefully and read along with the sentences, which word is missing?

    Sound out each missing word looking carefully at the last two sounds.


    I just sat down.

    They need to finish the task.

    That was a big gust of wind.

  • Which word has adjacent consonants in it?


    Look at the end of each word. Is there an s?

    Is the s followed by another consonant?

    There is one correct choice.


    The word ask has adjacent consonants at the end: ask.

  • How are these words spelt?


    There are adjacent consonants at the end of each of these words.

    The second to last letter of each word is s, followed by another consonant.

    Listen carefully to the first sounds in order to spell each word.


    West is spelt w e s t.

    Gasp is spelt g a s p.

    Brisk is spelt b r i s k.