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Editing Writing


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Editing Writing

Basics on the topic Editing Writing

Editing Writing – Introduction

The editing stage of the writing process happens when you have finished planning, writing your first draft, and revising your writing. Editing is the final step in the writing process, which makes it extremely important. When editing, you should read your writing several times to make sure you don’t miss anything.

Editing Your Writing – Strategy

One of the most common editing techniques in writing can be remembered through an acronym COPS. Let’s find out what COPS stands for:


First, you should check for capitalization and make sure that common nouns and initial letters of the sentences are capitalized. Then, check whether the order of sentences makes sense. Next, make sure the punctuation is appropriate. Finally, check for spelling mistakes. You can use COPS as your editing writing checklist.

Editing Writing – Practice

Now, take a look at some editing writing examples. Let’s read the paragraph and use COPS to edit it.

Getting a good nights sleep is beneficial for our fysical and mental health. this is why it is important for you to have a bedtime routine. Going to bed at the same time every night and avoiding big meals before bed can help with sleeping better It is also a good idea to turn of the screen of a Tv or a phone 30 minutes before bed.

  • First, let’s check for capitalization. In the second sentence t in this needs to be capitalized since it is the start of a sentence. Both T and v in Tv should be capitalized as well, because TV is an abbreviation.

  • Now, let’s look at the order of the sentences and see if it makes sense, as well as whether the sentences themselves make sense. Only the second sentence is using a you-statement, so it would be better to remove it and change the sentence to This is why it is important to have a bedtime routine.

  • The next step is checking the punctuation. A period is missing at the end of the third sentence, as well as an apostrophe in the word night’s.

  • Finally, we need to check the spelling. There are two spelling mistakes in this paragraph. First, the correct spelling of the word physical includes ph, not f. Also, the second f is missing in the phrasal verb turn off.

Take a look at the example paragraph after editing:

Getting a good night’s sleep is beneficial for our physical and mental health. This is why it is important to have a bedtime routine. Going to bed at the same time every night and avoiding big meals before bed can help with sleeping better. It is also a good idea to turn off the screen of a TV or a phone 30 minutes before bed.

Now, when we are done with editing the paragraph, it is ready to be published!

Editing Writing – Summary

When editing your writing, use the acronym COPS.

capitalization order punctuation spelling

First, check that all the words are correctly capitalized. Then, check the order of sentences and make sure it makes sense. Next, check the punctuation. And finally, make sure all the words are spelled correctly.

Now you know everything about writing editing techniques! If you want more practice, watch our video about editing writing for kids, and check out our worksheets and activities!

Additional Information about Writing and Editing

Frequently Asked Questions about Editing Writing

What does editing mean in the writing process?
What are the 4 steps of editing?
What aspects of the writing should be carefully considered?
What is the difference between revising and editing in writing?
Is editing the final step of the writing process?

Transcript Editing Writing

It's Benji's last day as an intern with Jane and Ernie. "Your writing has come a long way since you started!" "It really has!" "But you still need to edit it and then you can publish your piece!" Let's help Benji with editing writing. When you finish planning and writing your draft version, and have revised your writing, it's time for the final step, which is editing! You should always read the writing multiple times, each time with a different editing purpose, to make sure you don't miss anything. When editing, check for capitalization, check that the order of sentences makes sense, check for punctuation, and finally, check for spelling. The acronym cops can help you remember this checklist! Let's practice with Benji, and help him to edit his writing. Here is the section we will help Benji with. First, let's check for capitalization. Here, we see the i in 'it' needs to be capitalized since it is the start of a sentence. Can you spot one more capitlization edit that Benji needs to make? The t in there needs to be capitalized, since it is the start of a sentence! Next, let's look at order and see if the order of sentences makes sense, as well as whether the sentences themselves make sense! Read each sentence out loud, and think to yourself, are my thoughts clear? Let's read it out loud together now. Mindfulness is calming because it helps focus. It assists you to identify your feelings. Identifying your feelings makes you a more self aware person. It also aids with the balance of your hormones. There are lots of reasons why it calms you. This may feel silly, but it can help you find mistakes you might miss otherwise. If a sentence doesn't make sense, you should rework the sentence order or add a word so it does make sense! Can you find a sentence that needs editing? Since the whole paragraph focuses on the reader by using you statements, this sentence would make a lot more sense if we also added a you to direct it at the reader. So we will add a you after helps. Next is punctuation, so let's look through Benji's writing for any missing punctuation. Can you find the missing punctuation? A period is missing here, since identifying is capitalized, it indicates a new sentence is here. Finally, we check through the writing for spelling. This is where you check all words are correctly spelled, and make corrections to any spelling errors if needed. As we read through line by line, we can only see one word that is incorrectly spelled. Can you spot the word? Aware is incorrectly spelled! It should be spelled a, w, a, r, e! Benji has finally finished editing his writing now. While he publishes his article, let's review! Remember, when editing writing use cops to help! C stands for capitalization; check that all words are correctly capitalized. O stands for order; check the order of sentences, and that the sentences themselves make sense. P stands for punctuation; check that all punctuation is correctly included. S is spelling; check that all words are correctly spelled. "Oh Jane, he did amazing in all his minutes here." "Oh Ernie, it's like he hasn't left at all!"

Editing Writing exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Editing Writing.
  • What should you check for when editing your writing?


    You can use COPS to check your writing.

    You should check for capitalization when editing your writing.

    You should check that the order of sentences makes sense when editing your writing.


    You can use COPS to check your writing when editing.
    You should check for:

    • C: Check for capitalization.
    • O: Check that the order of sentences makes sense.
    • P: Check for punctuation.
    • S: Check for spelling.

  • Which sentences need to be edited for capitalization?


    Sentences should begin with a capital letter.

    Does each sentence begin with a capital letter? Highlight the sentences that should begin with a capital letter.


    The three sentences that need to be checked for capitalization are highlighted in yellow.

  • Edit the writing by checking for punctuation.


    A period is needed at the end of each sentence.
    Check for punctuation by reading each sentence to make sure that there is a period at the end of each one.

    A comma can be used to separate multiple items in a sentence. For example: Some types of instruments are guitars, violins, drums, and tambourines.


    The missing punctuation is highlighted in green.

  • Identify the misspelled words in a paragraph.


    The first sentence has two misspelled words.

    The last sentence has two misspelled words.

    There are 5 misspelled words in the paragraph.


    The 5 misspelled words are highlighted in green. The correct spelling is below:

    • planing --> planning
    • editng --> editing
    • remimber --> remember
    • righting --> writing (incorrect form of the word was used here)
    • reeders --> readers

  • Edit the writing by checking for spelling.


    Read through the writing line by line.
    In this example, "awear" is incorrectly spelled. It should be spelled "aware."

    Be sure to use the correct form of new or knew.

    • new means for the first time.
    • knew means to know information about someone, a place, or a thing.


    Th correct spelling of the bolded words are highlighted in green here.

    • sunrize --> sunrise
    • cleer --> clear
    • new --> knew

  • Use the "COPS" checklist to edit the writing.


    When editing writing, you can use COPS to help.

    • Check that all words are correctly capitalized.
    • Check the order of sentences and that the sentences themselves make sense.
    • Check that all punctuation is correctly included.
    • Check that all words are correctly spelled.

    Remember: Sentences should begin with capitalization.

    Check for punctuation.
    Remember: A sentence does not end with a comma, it ends with a period.


    The correct answers are highlighted above.
    Using the "COPS" checklist to edit the writing, the correct edits are below.

    • Capitalization in violet: Sentences should begin with a capital letter. A capital letter is needed for the second and third sentences.
    • Order of sentences in yellow: The last sentence is in the wrong place and should be the first sentence.
    • Punctuation in green: Sentences should end with periods, not commas. A period is needed after shore and symphony.
    • Spelling in blue: whyle --> while, beachs --> beaches, twinkld --> twinkled.