Matching Letters to Consonant & Vowel Sounds— Let's Practice!

Basics on the topic Matching Letters to Consonant & Vowel Sounds— Let's Practice!
Let Goopaw help you practice matching letters to the consonant or vowel sounds you hear!
Transcript Matching Letters to Consonant & Vowel Sounds— Let's Practice!
Goopaw says get ready to practice, "Matching Letters to Consonant and Vowel Sounds." Listen carefully to the sound you hear, then pick the letter on the screen that also makes that sound. Here is the first letter sound. /D/ Here it is one more time: /D/. Which letter says /d/? The letter D says /d/. Let's listen to another letter sound. /Ĕ/ here it is once more /Ĕ/. Which letter says /Ĕ/? The letter E makes the short sound /eh/. Let's listen to another letter sound. /N/ here it is once more /N/. Which letter says /n/? The letter N says /n/. Way to go! We're halfway there! Here is the next letter sound. /Q/ here it is again /Q/. Which letter says /q/? The letter Q says /q/. Here is the next letter sound. /G/ here it is one more time /G/. Which letter says /g/? The letter G says /g/. Here is the last letter sound. /Ŭ/ here it is once more /Ŭ/. Which letter says /Ŭ/? The letter U makes the short sound /Ŭ/. Nice work listening to your letter sounds! Goopaw had so much fun practicing with you today! See you next time!
Matching Letters to Consonant & Vowel Sounds— Let's Practice! exercise
Matching letters to vowel and consonant sounds.
HintsSound out the word:
- pig
- what sound does /i/ make?
Here is a sentence that uses the word:
- The pig is pink.
Solutionbig is the answer.
- /i/ makes the short i sound in pig and in big.
Words and letter sounds.
HintsHere is a word that uses the /s/ sound:
- stick
Here is another word that uses the /s/ sound:
- words
The /s/ sound can come anywhere in the word.
SolutionThe words that use the /s/ sound are:
- sun
- sleep
- ask
- cookies
Vowel and consonant sounds.
HintsHere is an example:
- (i or e) I need a p_n.
- The answer is e.
- I need a pen.
Here is an example:
- (d or s) Are you ma_?
- The answer is d.
- Are you mad?
Solution- Dogs like to play.
- The frog jumps.
- I can kick the ball.
- The flower is yellow.
More practice.
HintsHere is an example:
- (u or a) C_n we go to the park?
- The answer is a.
- Can we go to the park?
Here is an example:
- (m or x) I am si_.
- The answer is x.
- I am six.
Solution- My hot dog bun is hot.
- The pan is hot.
- Can I have a pencil?
- The dress is red.
Beginning sounds.
HintsWhich sound do you hear at the beginning of the word?
Here is an example:
igloo and in have the same beginning vowel sound.
SolutionThe words that have the same beginning consonant or vowel sound are:
- Taste has the same beginning sound as tree.
- End has the same beginning sound as elephant.
- Pet has the same beginning sound as pizza.
Is it a consonant or a vowel?
HintsUse the image of the alphabet to identify vowels and consonants. Vowels are in purple and consonants are in green.
Here is an example of a word using a consonant:
- book
- /b/ is the consonant sound.
- land
- /a/ is the vowel sound.
- k
- r
- x
- u
- i
- e