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Blooms in Spring


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Basics on the topic Blooms in Spring

What flowers grow in spring? In this video you accompany Newton on zir voyage of discovery across the forest floor and into people's gardens and discover together with zir which flowers bloom first in spring and why they do so! You will meet the snowdrop, the crocus and the narcissus. But be careful: early bloomers are usually poisonous and you should not eat them. Don't forget to wash your hands if you touch them!

Transcript Blooms in Spring

It's the beginning of March and the FIRST warm rays of sunshine pull Newton out of zir winter hiding place. Ze is looking for nectar from flowers. But it still looks VERY much like winter outside! I wonder if Newton can even find flowers with nectar yet? Wait, what has Newton discovered there? Isn't it way too early for the flowers to bloom? It looks like Newton has found a flower that "blooms in spring". Believe it or not, there ARE actually flowers that bloom early in the year. Blooming is when a flower's petals grow. Flowers that bloom VERY early in the year are called early bloomers. When THEY bloom, sometimes there is even still snow outside! In nature, they grow on the forest ground. The flowers of early bloomers attract insects like bees and provide them with nectar and pollen early on in the year. Early bloomers are therefore VERY important for insects like bumblebees (...) right Newton? Early bloomers grow on the forest floor. That's why they need to grow so early. These kinds of flowers need sun, just like all plants, but on the forest floor it gets dark as soon as the leaves of the big trees sprout. SO (...) they use the sun and bloom before the ground is covered up when the trees start blooming again. Meanwhile, Newton has found different early bloomers on a windowsill. Because HUMANS also love the colorful flowers. Let's see WHICH early bloomers Newton visits. The first flower ze visits is called a snowdrop. The flower of the snowdrop hangs DOWN and is all WHITE. The snowdrop is one of the the first flowers that you can see blooming early in the year. It mostly blooms in late January to February and in March, and you can find on the East coast of the United states, in states like Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and even North Carolina. And there we see another early bloomer: the crocus! How many colors can you count of the crocuses in this picture? There are five different colors here: red (...), white (...), yellow (...), purple (...) and blue. The crocus blooms between February and March. The next flower that Newton finds is called a daffodil. It grows mostly in March and April. Let's summarize what we learned together again: Early bloomers are flowers whose petals come out early in the year. There are many different types of early bloomers, for example, daffodils ... snowdrops and ... crocuses. They are important for many animals that use the nectar and pollen from their flowers as food. People like the early bloomers for their colors and because they grow when the other plants don't yet. However, Newton must warn us ... Early bloomers are poisonous to us humans. Do NOT put them in your mouth (...) and wash your hands well after touching them. Then nothing can happen to you! And Newton? Ze is totally full and HAPPY that there are early bloomers!

1 comment
1 comment
  1. man this is helpiing me a lot

    From BATMAN AKA Romin!, 2 months ago

Blooms in Spring exercise

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  • Which flowers are early bloomers?


    There are 3 correct choices, and one false.

    Sunflowers are often enjoyed throughout the summer and into the early autumn.

    • Snowdrops, daffodils, and crocuses are all early bloomers.
    • Early bloomers are flowers which bloom especially early in spring, sometimes as early as late January!
    • Early bloomers grow before the trees have grown their leaves and sometimes while there is still snow on the ground.
  • Sort which flowers bloom earliest to latest.


    Sunflowers are often enjoyed throughout the summer and into the early autumn.

    Snowdrop flowers can be found on the east coast of the United States, and can bloom as early as late January!

    Daffodil flowers grow mostly between March and April.

    Crocus flowers bloom between February and March.

    • Snowdrop flowers bloom the earliest, often as early as late January!
    • Crocus flowers bloom next between February and March.
    • Daffodil flowers bloom next between March and April.
    • Sunflowers are NOT early bloomers, and usually bloom in June or July. The blooms last into the early autumn.
  • Find the true sentences.


    There are 3 correct choices, and 1 incorrect.

    Except in tropical climates, there are NO flowers that bloom at the end of autumn or the beginning of winter.



    • Early bloomers are important for animals that use pollen and nectar for food.
    • People like early bloomers for their colors, and because they grow when other plants don't yet.
    • Early bloomers are poisonous to humans, and you should NEVER put one in your mouth!
    • It is NOT true that early bloomers can bloom as early as November. Except in tropical climates, there are NO flowers that bloom at the end of autumn or the beginning of winter.

  • Assign left to right.


    Flowers produce nectar and pollen, which many insects use as food.

    Petals on flowers are similar to leaves on trees.

    All of these flowers are early bloomers.

    Newton is a bumblebee!

    • Petals are a part of a flower, usually very colorful. Petals are similar to the leaf of a tree.
    • Early bloomers are flowers that bloom earlier in the year than other flowers, sometimes when snow is still on the ground! Snowdrops, crocuses, and daffodils are all early bloomers.
    • Bumble bees are a yellow and black type of insect that flies and eats nectar. Newton is a bumble bee!
    • Nectar and pollen are sugary fluid and powder produced by flowers, which is used as food by many insects.
  • Who likes early bloomers?


    There are two correct and two incorrect choices.

    Early blooming flowers produce nectar, which bumblebees use for food. Bumblebees love nectar!

    Dinosaurs are extinct, which means they are no longer alive in present day.

    The word creature means any living thing that is not a plant.

    • Bees and humans are two types of creatures that especially love early bloomers!
    • An airplane is a machine, not a type of creature!
    • A dinosaur is not a living creature in the present time, so we cannot know if they liked flowers in the past or not.
  • Choose the correct word.


    Flowers produce nectar and pollen, which many insects use as food.

    Petals on flowers are similar to leaves on trees.

    Newton is a bumblebee!

    All of these flowers are early bloomers.


    There are flowers that bloom very early in the year. Blooming is when a flower's PETALS grow. Flowers that bloom early in the year are called EARLY BLOOMERS. These flowers can bloom when there is still snow on the ground! These flowers bloom early so they can catch the light from the forest floor. Once the LEAVES on the trees have grown, the light is blocked, and flowers on the forest floor can no longer bloom. Early bloomers are very important to BEES and other insects, who use the NECTAR AND POLLEN from the flowers as food.