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Using Place Value to Add Two Digit Numbers (Regrouping)

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Using Place Value to Add Two Digit Numbers (Regrouping)

Basics on the topic Using Place Value to Add Two Digit Numbers (Regrouping)

2 Digit Place Value Addition

In this text, we’ll have a detailed look at how you solve addition problems in math using place value. But first, let’s repeat what place value is:

What is place value and how can it help when adding when you need to regroup? Place value is the value of each digit depending on where it is in the number, and is a great strategy to help when adding.

When adding using place value with regrouping, start by representing the addends using base ten blocks and rods. Remember that addends are the numbers we are adding together.

Next, add the ones blocks from each addend together. Here you can see if your ones add up to make a ten. If they do you must move it over to the tens place. This is called regrouping.

Once you add the ones blocks together, you can add the tens rods together.

Place Value Addition with Regrouping – Practice

If you are adding thirty-five red mushrooms and seventeen brown mushrooms together, how many will you have in total?

You can use place value with regrouping to add!


You will have fifty-two mushrooms all together.

2 Digit Place Value Addition with Regrouping – Summary

Remember, when adding using place value, regrouping works like this:

Step # What to do
1 Represent the addends with base ten blocks
2 Add the ones blocks from each addend together.
If you can make a ten with the ones blocks,
regroup, or move it to the tens place
3 Finally add the tens and ones together
to find the sum

Interested in more practice? Below are interactive exercises place value addition with regrouping along with worksheets and more activities.

Using Place Value to Add Two Digit Numbers (Regrouping) exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Using Place Value to Add Two Digit Numbers (Regrouping).
  • How do you use place value regrouping to add two digit numbers?


    The first step is to represent the addends with base ten blocks. What do you do next?

    The second step is to add the ones blocks from each addend together. What do you do next?


    The steps to add using place value regrouping are:

    • Represent the addends with base ten blocks.
    • Add the ones blocks from each addend together.
    • Make a ten with the ones blocks by regrouping the ones into the tens place.
    • Add the tens blocks.
    • Add the tens and ones together to find the sum.

  • Add 22 + 19 using place value.


    How many tens are there?

    How many ones are there?

    You can regroup the ones into a ten.


    22 + 19 = 41

  • Solve the problem using place value regrouping.


    Add the ones blocks from each addend together.

    You can regroup the ten ones to one ten.


    72 + 18 = 90

  • Solve 48 + 22 using place value regrouping.


    First, represent the addends. How many tens and ones are there?

    Then, regroup the ones and add the tens and ones together to find the sum.

    60 is an incorrect choice.


    48 + 22 = 70

  • Which group of base ten blocks represents 33 + 19?


    How many tens are in 33?
    How many ones are in 33?

    How many tens are in 19?
    How many ones are in 19?


    This group of base ten blocks represents 33 + 19.

  • Find the sum of each problem.


    First, represent the addends. How many tens and how many ones are needed?

    Next, regroup the ones to tens.

    Lastly, add the tens and ones together to find the sum.

    • 35 + 29 = 64
    • 33 + 28 = 61
    • 59 + 41 = 100
    • 46 + 44 = 90