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What is a Preposition?

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What is a Preposition?

Basics on the topic What is a Preposition?

Prepositions – Introduction

What is a preposition? What are the common preposition examples? Today we will learn the definition of a preposition, usage of prepositions in a sentence, and see multiple prepositions examples. Do you know what parts of speech are? You may remember different parts of speech such as nouns, verbs, or adjectives. Preposition is another part of speech that we use very often and that helps us communicate better.

Prepositions – Definition

First, let’s define a preposition.

A preposition is a connecting word in a sentence. What does a preposition mean in a sentence? Prepositions tell you where and when something is in relation to something else. Here are some examples of prepositions:

  • on the road
  • before 5 o’clock
  • around the world

Common Types of Prepositions

There are a lot of preposition words. The most common types of prepositions are: preposition of location, preposition of time, and preposition of movement. These prepositions can establish a noun's location, time, and movement. Let’s have a look at the examples of different types of prepositions.

Prepositions of Location

A location preposition sometimes can be called a preposition of place. We use prepositions for location to say where things and people are. Preposition of location examples are: on, behind, inside, above, below.

Have a look at this sentence:


In this example, the word behind is a preposition of location. It connects the noun (plant) with the location (the treehouse). The preposition in this sentence helps us understand where exactly the plant is in relation to the treehouse.

The word after the preposition is called object of a preposition. In the sentence above treehouse is an object of the preposition behind.

Prepositions of Time

Prepositions of time answer the question when?. They help us understand when a certain thing happens. For example:


In this sentence before is a preposition of time. It connects watering of the plant with the time when it should be watered. Other prepositions of time include: before, at, during, since.

Prepositions of Movement

Prepositions of movement answer the question to where? and tell us where objects and people are moving. Have a look at one of the preposition of movement examples:


The preposition out of in this sentence is a preposition of movement. It answers the question to where? and helps us understand in which direction the plant sprouts. Other prepositions you can include in your movement preposition list are along, down, and off.

Let’s practice! Which version of the sentence uses the preposition to show location?

  1. I usually play football in the park behind the cinema. //
  2. I have been playing football since morning.

Do you know which sentence includes a preposition of location? It is the sentence number 1. We use preposition behind to show where the park is located. Can you identify a preposition in the second sentence? It is the word since and it is a preposition of time.

Let’s practice more! What is a preposition of movement in this sentence?

  • Before I go to school, I take a short walk along the river.

In this sentence the word along is a preposition of movement. Can you find the second preposition? It is before, a preposition of time.

Prepositions – Summary

Prepositions are connecting words in sentences. Prepositions can establish a noun’s location, time, or movement.

  • Prepositions of location answer the question where? and help us understand where objects and people are located.
  • Prepositions of time answer the question when?. They connect the words to indicate when things happen
  • Prepositions of movement answer the question to where? and help us understand the direction things and people move.

See the table below for an overview of the common types of prepositions:

Type of Preposition Question Example
location where? behind
time when? before
movement to where? out of

Now after reading the preposition definition and examples, you can recognize and use prepositions correctly. Do you want more practice? On our website you can find interactive exercises about prepositions, preposition worksheets for the 3rd grade, prepositions of movement worksheets with answers in PDF format, as well as activities about prepositions.

Frequently Asked Questions about Prepositions

What's a preposition?

What are some object of preposition examples?

Is on a preposition?

Is of a preposition?

Is about a preposition?

Is into a preposition?

Is was a preposition?

Is at a preposition?

Is through a preposition?

Is when a preposition?

Is during a preposition?

Transcript What is a Preposition?

What is a Preposition? [Pip is trying to sound like Koko's voice.] "Pip, I am out of town this week for the art show. I need you to take care of the new plant that I planted outside. Please follow these directions! Love, Koko " "I better read these directions carefully so I don't mess things up!" You may remember different parts of speech such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Another part of speech is called a PREPOSITION. Prepositions are a type of connecting word in a sentence. They tell you "where" or "when" something is in relation to something else. Prepositions can establish a noun's location, time, or movement. Learning the different types of prepositions helps us communicate better by making our sentences clearer. We'll use the message from Koko to look at the different types of prepositions. The first sentence says, "Pip, water the plant BEHIND the treehouse." The word "behind" is a preposition. Behind is a preposition that answers the question of "where." It also connects the noun, "plant," with the location. Here, we understand that Koko is talking about a specific plant behind the treehouse. If we changed the preposition, the meaning of our sentence would also change. For example, if Koko said, "Pip, water the plant inside the treehouse,"... she would have been telling him about a different plant because the location changed. Other prepositions that show location include above, below. Koko's next sentence says, "You need to water it every day before noon." Before is a preposition. It answers the question of "when" and connects the watering of the plant with the time. Before noon tells us the plant needs to be watered sometime in the morning. If we changed the preposition to "at,, then the meaning of the sentence would change from a general time period to having to be done exactly at noon. Other prepositions that show time include "during" and "since." Koko's final sentence says, "When it sprouts OUT OF the ground, give it some plant food." "Out of" is a preposition that describes movement. It answers the question of what direction something is moving. Which movement is the preposition "out of" connecting in this sentence? (...) The movement of the plant coming out of the ground Our understanding would be a little plant poking out of the ground. How would the meaning change if we used the preposition "along" instead? (...) Here, the movement along the ground makes us imagine a vine appearing. Other prepositions that show movement include down, off, and off. Before we see how Pip made out with his green thumb, let's review... Remember, prepositions are connecting words in sentences. A preposition is a word that tells you where or when something is in relation to something else. Prepositions can establish a noun's location, time, or movement. Learning the different types of prepositions helps us communicate better by making our sentences clearer. "Pip, I'm HOOOME!" "I took care of your plant, just like you said!"

What is a Preposition? exercise

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  • What is a preposition?


    Prepositions can establish a noun's location.

    Prepositions can establish the time.


    Prepositions can establish a noun's location, time, or movement.

  • What information do these prepositions tell you?


    Location prepositions answer the question, where.

    Time prepositions answer the question, when.

    Movement prepositions answer the question of what direction something is moving.

    The cat jumped off the sofa, gives us information how the cat moved.


    Learning the different types of prepositions helps us communicate better by making our sentences clearer.

  • What are the prepositions used in the sentences?


    Where is the book?

    When did school finish?

    • Under is a preposition that shows location.
    • At is a preposition that shows time.
    • Out of is a preposition that describes movement.
  • What information do these prepositions give us?


    Some prepositions that show movement include down, out of, and off.

    Some prepositions that show time include during and since.

    • Some prepositions that show location include behind, inside, above, below.
    • Some prepositions that show time include before, at, during, since.
    • Some prepositions that show movement include out of, along, down, off.
  • What is the preposition missing in each sentence?


    Where is the cat?

    When will I study?

    How did she move to pick up the pen?


    Here are the correct answers:

    • The cat is inside the house.
    • We rode our bikes along the river.
    • I will study before the quiz.
    • We are watching TV at the moment.
    • She reached down to pick up the pen.

  • What is the preposition missing in each sentence?


    When did Juliet have breakfast?

    To go to school, I need to get on the bus at the bus stop. Then, I get off the bus when it arrives at my school.


    Here are the correct answers:

    1. Juliet had breakfast before going to school.
    2. They got off the bus 10 minutes ago.
    3. The paper airplane flew above his head.
    4. We played outside during the lunch break.
    5. Our apartment is on the second floor. Tom's apartment is on the fourth floor. Our apartment is below Tom's apartment.