Simple Preposition Words (For, By, With)

Basics on the topic Simple Preposition Words (For, By, With)
Read this text to earn about the simple preposition words, by and with.
A preposition is the name of a special group of words that tell us the position or location of a noun (a person, place, or thing). Prepositions are always next to nouns. There are many preposition words, but in this text we will specifically discuss by and with.
The word 'by' means next to or close to. For example, we can say that the sock is by the bird's nest, because the sock is hidden close to it.
The word 'with' means mixed into a group. For example, we can say that the egg is hidden with the flowers because the egg is mixed in to them!
Transcript Simple Preposition Words (For, By, With)
"Finally! There it is!" "I can't wait to tell Koko where I found all the hidden objects she drew for me!" But before he tells Koko where he found them, Pip will need to learn about the "Simple Preposition Words: By and With". You might be curious about this big, new word: preposition. A preposition is just the name of a special group of words. These words tell us the position or location of a noun, which is a person, place, or thing. Prepositions are always next to nouns. You've already heard and used a lot of them, but might not have known it! There are many preposition words, but today we will learn about two: by, and with. The word, by, means next to or close to. Let's use 'by' to describe the position of this hidden sock that Pip's found in the picture! We can say that the sock is by the bird's nest, because the sock is hidden close to it. The word, with, means mixed into a group Let's use 'with' to describe the position of this hidden egg that Pip also found! We can say that the egg is hidden with the flowers because the egg is mixed in to the group of them!' Now that we understand how to use these prepositions, let's practice explaining where some of the other hidden objects were found! Here is the bell. Is it hidden by or with the bunny? The bell is hidden by the bunny because it is next to the bunny. Now, let's look at the paper: how can we describe its position? Is the paper hidden by or with the roof tiles? The paper is hidden with the roof tiles because the paper is mixed into the group of them. Now that we've finished helping Pip describe the location of all the hidden objects, he needs to find Koko to show her. But, where’s Koko?! As Pip searches, let's remember! Today, we learned about the simple prepositions by and with. A preposition connects a person, place, or thing to the rest of the sentence by explaining its position. The word, by, tells us a person, place, or thing is next to, or close to, somebody or something. The word, with, tells us that a person, place, or thing is mixed into a group. "There she is!" Look, Koko was hiding too! She's by the chair!
Simple Preposition Words (For, By, With) exercise
What is a preposition?
HintsPrepositions tell us where things are.
By and with are prepositions. For example:
The bird is by the tree.
What is this sentence telling us about the bird?
SolutionPrepositions tell us the position or location of a noun (people, places, things).
Where are the animals?
HintsIf an animal is by the tree, it will be next to the tree.
If an animal is with the flowers, it will be in the middle of the flower bed.
Here the rabbit is by the tree, and the egg is with the flowers.
SolutionThese animals are by the tree:
- hedgehog
- bird
- squirrel
- bee
- butterfly
- worm
Which picture matches the sentence?
HintsWhat is the noun that this sentence is about? A horse.
What is the horse by or next to?
SolutionHere we can see the horse by the gate.
Can you complete the sentences?
HintsIf the animal is by something else, it is next to it.
If the animal is with something else, it is in the middle of it.
For example, the duck is by the dog.
Solution- The sheep is by the cow.
- The chicken is with the chicks.
- The dog is by the farmer.
Where is the hamster?
HintsIf something is by something it is next to it.
If something is with something it is in the middle of it.
Here the rabbit is by the tree and the egg is with the flowers.
SolutionThe hamster is with the sawdust.
Where is the duck?
HintsListen carefully to the preposition in each sentence. Is it saying that the duck is by something or with something.
If the duck is by something else, it is next to something else.
If the duck is with something else, it is in the middle of something else.
For example, here the duck is by the dog.
Solution- The duck is by the pond.
- The duck is with the frogs.
- The duck is by the swan.
- The duck is with the water lilies.