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CVC Sounds: The Middle Vowel

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CVC Sounds: The Middle Vowel

Basics on the topic CVC Sounds: The Middle Vowel

CVC Words – Middle Vowels

In this video we learn about CVC words, or consonant-vowel-consonant words, but what does that mean exactly? Words always consist of one or more syllables. Syllables can be formed from consonants and vowels (C for consonant and V for vowel). This creates the structure CVC.

What is a Middle Vowel?

You might already know that medial vowel sounds include the letters, A, E, I, O and, U. These are our vowels. Consonants are every other letter of the alphabet that is not a vowel. When we talk about the middle sound of a CVC word, we mean the vowel in a word. CVC words usually make short vowel sounds, or short medial vowel sounds because they are being hugged by the last consonant.

Finding Vowels in CVC Words

The word C U T is a CVC word with an example of medial vowel sound. Say the word out loud. You will hear two voiceless sounds – /k/ and /t/. The vowel in the middle of the word is voiced – /ʌ/

To find the medial short vowel sounds, or middle vowel in a CVC word, you can do as follows:

  • First say the word out loud

  • Next, touch and say each sound we hear

  • Then, we name the vowel we hear in the middle

  • Finally, we write that vowel sound in its place.

CVC Words – Examples

Take a look at the following CVC word with the missing middle vowel sound, can you figure out the vowel sound and what the word is?


Remember to say what you think the word is first. Then, sound out each letter of the word and fill in the blank for the vowel sound.


The vowel here is a which makes the short vowel sound – /æ/ in the word [kæt]. The word here is cat!

Let’s try one more! Which vowel sound is shown in this word? Can you tell what the word is?


Remember to say what you think the word is first. Then, sound out each letter of the word and fill in the blank for the vowel sound.


The vowel sound in this word is u which makes the short vowel sound – /ʌ/. The word here is bug – [bʌɡ]!

CVC Words with Medial Short Vowel Sounds – Summary

The English language features a lot of words consisting of just one syllable. Many of these words show the structure CVCconsonant, (short) vowel, consonant. See below how to find the middle sound or middle vowel in CVC words:

Step # What to do
1 Say the word out loud.
2 Name the vowel you hear in the middle.
3 Write that vowel in the correct place.

Have you practiced yet? On this website, you can also find interactive exercises and printable worksheets on CVC words and their middle sounds.

Transcript CVC Sounds: The Middle Vowel

Dee and Kala are packing lunches for their hike today. They’re making sandwiches… sandwiches that is! They have all the consonant ‘bread’ laid out, but are having trouble determining which vowel spreads to use. Let's help them by learning about ... "CVC Words: The Middle Vowel." A CVC word is a special kind of word made up of... THREE letters that follow the same pattern each time... A consonant, (...) a vowel, (...) and a consonant. Consonants and vowels are the names for the two types of letters in the alphabet. Vowels are the letters , , , , and . Consonants are all the other letters that are NOT vowels. When we say MIDDLE vowel, we are talking about the sound the letter makes in between the first and last letters... kind of like the spread in the MIDDLE of a sandwich. In words,VOWELS usually make a SHORT sound... like /ӑ/ add (...) /ě/ egg (...) /ĭ/ igloo (...) /ŏ/ olive (...) or /ŭ/ umbrella... because they're being hugged by the last consonant. But how do we figure out the middle vowel? Let's look at this first sandwich with the NUT spread. The middle letter is missing! To figure it out... first, we say the whole word aloud: (...) NUT! Next, touch and say EACH sound we hear: /n/ (...) /u/ (...) /t/. Then, we name the VOWEL we hear in the middle ... what says /uh/? (...) says the short sound /uh/. So finally, we write the letter in the middle. spells NUT! Here's the sandwich with (...) JAM. But the middle vowel is missing again! First, we say the word aloud (...) JAM. Next, we touch and say EACH sound we hear: /j/ (...) /a/ (...) /m/. Then, we name the VOWEL we hear in the middle ... What letter says /a/? … says the short sound /a/. So, we write here where it belongs! spells JAM! Can you finish the last sandwich? This one is FIG ... and the middle letter is still missing. Let's figure out what it is! First, say the word aloud... FIG Can you touch and say EACH sound you hear in fig? ... /F/ (...) /i/ (...) /g/. What letter says /i/ in FIG? … says the short sound /i/ in fig. So, write in the middle! spells FIG! As Dee and Kala finish packing their lunches, let's remember! Today we learned about the middle vowel in a word. A CVC word is a special kind of word that is made up of three letters: a Consonant- a Vowel-and a Consonant. When we say MIDDLE vowel, we are talking about the sound the letter makes in between the first and last letters... To figure out the middle letter of a CVC word: First, we say the word aloud. Next, we touch and say each sound we hear. Then, we name the VOWEL we hear making the short sound in the middle ... Finally, we write that vowel letter in its place. Just as Dee and Kala sit down to enjoy their sandwiches, they hear a noise coming from the bushes! "Dee, what is that? Do something!" "Here, take our third sandwich...It tastes way better than we do!" [We see sandwich lands in bushes, and a super cute friendly bear pops out of the bush, excited about the yummy sandwich thats on top for her!]

CVC Sounds: The Middle Vowel exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video CVC Sounds: The Middle Vowel.
  • Find the short vowel sound.


    You hear short a at the beginning of the word add.

    You hear short e at the beginning of the word elephant.

    You hear short i at the beginning of the word itchy.

    You hear short o at the beginning of the word octopus.

    You hear short u at the beginning of the word up.

    • You hear short a at the beginning of apple.
    • You hear short e at the beginning of egg.
    • You hear short i at the beginning of igloo.
    • You hear short o at the beginning of olive.
    • You hear short u at the beginning of umbrella.
  • Find the CVC words.


    A CVC word is a special kind of word made up of three letters that follow the same pattern each time: a consonant, a vowel, and a consonant. For example, the word cat has a consonant (c), a vowel (a), and another consonant (t).

    Vowels are the letters a, e, i, o, and u.

    Consonants are all the other letters in the alphabet that are not vowels.


    There are 5 CVC words on the blackboard: job, sun, bag, fin, and pet. Each of these words follow the pattern: consonant, vowel, consonant.

    The other words (kite, vote, and late) are not CVC words. These words are called CVCe words, and they follow the pattern: consonant, vowel, consonant, silent e.

  • Find the missing middle vowel in a CVC word.


    First, say the word aloud.

    Next, touch and say each sound you hear.

    Last, name the vowel you hear in the middle.

    Did you forget the sounds that the short vowels make? Use this picture to help!


    To spell the color of Dee's favorite crayon, you need the short vowel sound e in the middle. The word is spelled: red.

  • Match the CVC word to the middle short vowel sound.


    Find some paper and a pencil. Draw three blanks for each CVC word. As you say the name of the animal aloud, write down the sounds you hear.

    This is a female chicken. What is a female chicken called?


    All of the animals on the farm have CVC names. The vowels in the middle make a short vowel sound, because they are being hugged by the consonant on the end.

  • Insert the middle vowel to make a CVC word.


    To begin, say the word aloud.

    Next, touch and say each sound you hear.

    Last, name the vowel you hear in the middle.


    Here is how to correctly spell each word with the middle vowel. Read them out loud:

    • dog
    • nut
    • fan
    • kid
    • web

  • Can you group the words?


    Say each picture aloud. As you stretch out the sounds, tap your finger for each sound you hear. What sound did you tap in the middle?

    Can you spell each picture's name as you sound it out? Remember, they will all be three letters in this order: consonant, vowel, consonant.

    • Hat and map both have the short a sound in the middle.
    • Net and ten both have the short e sound in the middle.
    • Lip and zip both have the short i sound in the middle.
    • Log and fox both have the short o sound in the middle.
    How many CVC words can you think of that have the short u sound in the middle?