Capitalization: First Words & 'I'— Let's Practice!

Basics on the topic Capitalization: First Words & 'I'— Let's Practice!
Let Goopaw help you practice capitalizing first words and the pronoun "I".
Transcript Capitalization: First Words & 'I'— Let's Practice!
Goopaw says get ready to practice, "Capitalization: First Words and ." Capitalization is when we write a letter in its uppercase, or bigger, form. In kindergarten, we know that we need to capitalize the FIRST letter in a sentence and the letter I when we write about ourselves. Let's look at these next sentences and see which letters we need to capitalize! Here is the first... sentence. I sit up. Which letter do we need to capitalize? I because it is the firtletter in the sentence and we are talking about ourselves! Let's look at another... sentence. a jet can fly. Which letter do we need to capitalize? A because it is the first letter in the sentence. Here is the next sentence. let the dog run. Which letter do we need to capitalize? L because it is the first letter in the sentence. Now, try this sentence. Can I mix it? Which letter do we need to capitalize? I because we are writing about ourselves. The first letter in the sentence C is already capitalized. Here's the last sentence. The bag and I are wet. Which letters do we need to capitalize? T because it is the first letter in the sentence and I because we are talking about ourselves too! See you next time!
Capitalization: First Words & 'I'— Let's Practice! exercise
Help Goopaw capitalize the letters.
HintsCapitalization is when you write a letter in its uppercase or bigger form.
You capitalize the first letter of the sentence and when you are talking about yourself.
Solution- The cat ran fast.
- Can I play with you?
- I want a dog.
- Do you like cake?
Which letter is it?
HintsCapitalization is when you write a letter in its uppercase or bigger form.
Here are examples of uppercase or capital letters in words:
- I
- The
Solution- Can I read a book?
- The bird flew high.
- Can we go to the store?
- Let the dog play.
Complete the sentences.
HintsCapitalization is when you write a letter in its uppercase or bigger form.
Here are examples of uppercase or capital letters used in words:
- The girl ran fast.
- He is hungry.
Solution- Am I late?
- I can run fast.
- Can I eat a snack?
Uppercase and lowercase challenge.
HintsCapitalization is when you write a letter in its uppercase or bigger form.
Here are examples of capital letters:
- M
- K
- i
- b
SolutionLowercase letters in uppercase form or capitalised:
- X
- B
- M
- D
- g
- f
- a
- e
Find the capital letters.
HintsCapitalization is when you write a letter in its uppercase or bigger form.
Here are examples of uppercase or capital letters:
- I
- F
SolutionCapital letters:
- A
- R
- D
- E
- P
- G
- B
More sentences.
HintsMake sure to spell each word correctly as shown in the sentence above.
Capitalization is when you write a letter in its uppercase or bigger form.
Here is an example of an incorrect sentence:
- i like snow.
- I like snow.
- He is cold.
- He is cold.
Solution- Can I go to the park?
- I picked a flower.
- He is nice.
- You are happy.