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Avoiding Accidents

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Basics on the topic Avoiding Accidents

Home Safety

Accidents can happen unexpectedly and sometimes even have serious consequences. Most accidents happen at home – did you know that? That's why it's even more important to know the potential hazards at home and how to improve safety at home. This way, you can also take precautions to prevent accidents. How can you prevent accidents? In this text, we will explore some ways to stay safe.

In general, be careful with trip hazards. These can arise from things like folded carpets, scattered toys, or power cables and can lead to falls. You can also stumble on stairs, especially if you're distracted or moving too quickly. So it's better to walk up and down the stairs carefully and slowly.

Burning candles should also never be left unattended or placed near flammable objects, as a fire can easily start. You can find fire safety measures explained simply in this video.

Additionally, open windows can pose a danger, as you can fall out if you lean too far. So be careful when opening a window and if you can't reach it well. Instead, ask a taller person for help and don't play near an open window.

Preventing Accidents in the Kitchen

In the kitchen, you can find delicious food, but also several potential hazards that can cause accidents. What hazards can you think of? Here's an overview of the dangers and how you can avoid them to prevent accidents:

  • Sharp and pointed objects such as knives and scissors:
    You can cut yourself or others with sharp objects. To avoid this, it's important to ask an adult to handle sharp objects. This should be done carefully and with focus. Also, they should be sure to handle and carry sharp and pointed objects by the handle, face down, and away from their body, and with the blunt side forward.

  • Hot items and foods such as stove burners, pots, and ovens:
    Anything that can get hot in the kitchen, like a toaster, carries the risk of you burning yourself. So, caution is advised when anyone is cooking or baking. Never touch hot stove burners and avoid contact with hot objects and foods. You can also be scalded by boiling water. Additionally, do not place paper, plastic, or other things on the hot stove as it is a fire hazard.

  • Climbing on shelves:
    If you want to reach some candy on the top shelf, never climb on the shelf or other kitchen furniture. The shelf could tip over, you could slip, or objects could fall out of the shelf and hit you or others. If you can't reach something, ask someone taller who can reach the item or use a stepladder to reach it safely.

  • Toxic and dangerous substances:
    Not everything can be consumed without risk. Some foods are choking hazards. Some people also have food allergies, so it's crucial to be aware and careful about what you eat and what you should avoid. If you're not sure which foods are safe for you to eat, ask an adult.

Preventing Accidents in the Bathroom

Some hazardous situations can also arise in the bathroom. Below, you can find a few examples:

How accidents can occur: How to prevent accidents:
Wet areas pose a slipping hazard. Be careful and dry wet areas with a towel or cloth.
Electrical current near water can cause an electric shock. Never leave a hairdryer or other electrical devices near water, as water conducts electricity. It can even be deadly if touched.
Medications can cause side effects or even poisoning. Don't confuse medications with food, even if they sometimes resemble candy. Never swallow them without asking an adult's permission first.
Shower gel and laundry detergent can cause poisoning if ingested. Never drink or eat laundry detergent, shower gel, or shampoos.

Now you already know some sources of danger and how to avoid accidents. If an accident still happens and help is needed quickly, you should know what to do in such situations. If you are injured or if you see someone is injured, call an adult. If they can’t help, emergency services may need to be contacted to provide first aid and medical treatment.

In addition to these hidden hazards at home, there are also special warning signs that you can find on some containers. You can learn about what these mean and what they look like in the following section.

Warning Signs

In this picture, you can see three warning signs like those that may be found on cleaning product bottles:


You probably already have ideas about what these signs mean:

  • Flammable means that the contents can catch fire very quickly, especially when fire or heat is near.
  • Toxic means that you should never eat or drink the contents. Some poisons can also be absorbed by the skin – so avoid skin contact with these contents. You can often find this sign on chemicals or fertilizers.
  • Irritants Many cleaning products are irritating to your eyes or airways.

Now you know a lot about dangers and how to handle them so that accidents don't happen. Take a look around your home to see if you can find any trip hazards and eliminate them.

Transcript Avoiding Accidents

When it comes to accidents, we often don't look at what we can do until after it's already happened. Today, however, let's take a look at "Avoiding Accidents." Did you know that most accidents happen at home? Let's walk through a few rooms and see where they can happen. Let's start in the kitchen. There is a lot of cooking going on here, with full pots, hot stove tops and ovens that can easily burn someone who is not being careful. But not only that! See what's hanging on the wall above the blender? Sharp knives! You can cut yourself or hurt others. As a child, you should not be using knives. Responsible adults always hold a knife with the pointed, sharp edges downward away from their body and carry them blunt side first. Can you see what's in the basket on the shelf? It's too high up to see, so never climb on shelves. The cabinet could tip over, but you can ask someone who can reach it instead! Let's take a look at the bathroom. In the bathroom, wet tiles can be slippery and dangerous. You can easily fall with bare feet. Look, the window is still open! Should you try to reach the handle and close it? No, it's safer to ask someone who can reach. Do not climb on objects to reach things because you could fall. It looks like someone took a bubble bath, but what's on the edge of the bathtub? A hair dryer. And it's still plugged into the socket. Do you know what can happen? Well, electricity and water must never touch each other... because it could be very dangerous and hurt someone very badly. Hmmm, are these candies in the cabinet? That's strange, why would candies be in the bathroom? Stop! These are medicines. You should never take medicine without an adult! Even if it looks colorful or tasty! This cabinet should always be locked! Even detergents or dishwashing liquids can look like colorful drinks. But, do not drink them! Come on, let's walk down the stairs Slow down! Even holding the railing can end with a fall if you are racing and what's down there on the floor, a long cable and a carpet. You might trip! Always look carefully at what is in front of you! What else do you think could be dangerous in the hallway? The burning candle. As a child, you should never light a fire, nor should an adult leave one alone. A hallway is not the best place for a lit candle, especially not next to a big pile of paper books! Finally, let's go downstairs to the basement. Here are tools, paint buckets, bottles and jars. Some have danger symbols. This means "flammable." Whatever is inside can easily catch fire and burn quickly especially if there is a flame nearby. And this one, which is used for chemicals and cleaning supplies. It tells you that what's inside is toxic and can't be eaten. And what does the exclamation mark mean? It means irritant, so it can burn or bother your skin, eyes, and even breathing. Responsible adults are the only ones who should handle types of bottles with these warnings on them. Today we learned about many situations where accidents can happen at home. Now you know what to look out for and how to avoid them!

  1. 🖐🏾..

    From Samayah, 3 months ago
  2. It’s the hardest

    From Drake, 4 months ago
  3. I did the hardest I think

    From Drake, 4 months ago
  4. 👋

    From Useless account, 5 months ago
  5. It good

    From Jaylum, 5 months ago
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Avoiding Accidents exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Avoiding Accidents.
  • Where do most accidents happen?


    It's somewhere you spend a LOT of time!

    It's not at work.


    Most accidents happen at home.

    This is because we spend a LOT of time at home. There's so many different items that could cause harm, if they aren't properly used and stored.

  • Can you find all the possible accidents?


    You should never try to reach something that's too high.

    Ask an adult for help instead of climbing on something tall.

    It can be dangerous to touch hot surfaces.

    What's that on the floor? Don't slip!

    There are 5 things that can cause an accident. Can you find them all?


    Never try to use knives. They are very sharp!

    Don't touch the pot on the stove or the pie in the oven -- they could be hot and burn you!

    Watch out for the water on the floor, you could slip and fall.

    Never climb shelves or cabinets. Ask an adult to get items that are too high up.

  • Which of these images can you safely eat?


    The image on the left means our friend can safely eat the item. The image on the right means the item is not safe to eat.

    Medicine can make you sick if it's not yours. It looks a lot like candy!

    Which picture is candy and which is medicine?

    Laundry and cleaning detergent can look like juice. But never drink it, it is dangerous!

    Can you find the detergent? Can you find the juice?


    Medicine, detergent, and paint are NOT safe to eat! They can make you very sick.

    Candy and juice are safe to eat - and delicious!

  • Do you recognize these symbols?


    Flammable means it can easily catch on fire.

    Can you find the symbol that shows a flame?

    Lightning is made up of electricity. That's why the symbol for electric shock looks like a lightning bolt.

    Can you find it?

    Toxic is another word for deadly.

    Which symbol best describes this?


    The symbol for flammable is a flame. It tells you that it's easy to start a fire.

    The symbol for toxic is the skull and cross bones. This means that something is poisonous!

    The symbol for irritant is the exclamation mark. It's a general warning that something could be harmful to you.

    The symbol for electric shock is the arrow in the shape of a lightning bolt.

  • Which situations are safe and which are dangerous?


    Remember, electric cords and water should never touch.

    Which image shows a hairdryer that is safely stored?

    Never hold a sharp object out in front of you, you could hurt someone!


    A cord from a hairdryer should never touch water. It could cause electric shock. It's best to unplug it and store it away from the bathtub.

    Sharp objects like knives and scissors should always be handled by adults. Carry them with the sharp point down towards the floor.

    It's much easier to trip and fall when you are running! It's never safe to run down stairs.

  • Spot all the potential accidents in the house.


    There are 6 potential accidents in the kitchen and 1 in the living room.

    Can you find them all?

    Sometimes, unsafe actions can cause accidents.

    Find all the people in the house and figure out whether their actions are safe or dangerous.

    There are 15 potential accidents in the photo.

    Can you find them all?


    All of the items in the photo above are potential accidents.

    Room 1: The bottle of detergent is open and dangerous if consumed. The iron is hot and steamy! Don't touch it or you could get burned.

    Room 2: The kid is running down the stairs which could end in a fall! The rug could easily cause someone to trip and fall.

    Room 3: The hairdryer is plugged in and near the bathtub. It should be stored away from water to avoid electric shock. The puddle of water could case someone to slip and fall.

    Room 4: The boy is jumping on the bed which could lead to a bad bump or fall. The scissors are sharp and could cut someone - they should be stored safely.

    Room 5: The pot on the stove is hot! Be careful not to touch it. The bottles of cleaner under the sink are toxic - don't drink them! The girl is climbing the cabinet to reach the jar. This is dangerous, she could fall! There's a knife near the sink that is not stored properly. The candle is lit and could cause a fire if it's knocked over. There's an open bottle of pills on the table. They could make you sick if you eat them!

    Room 6: There's an open flame in the fireplace that could cause a fire or burn you if you get to close!