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Your Teeth

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Basics on the topic Your Teeth

Do you know how many types of teeth we have? Watch this video to learn about your teeth and the three types of teeth we have: the biting incisors, the ripping canines and the chewing molars.

You can also learn about the different parts these teeth have and a lot more!

Transcript Your Teeth

Leoni looks at her teeth, because she lost a baby tooth this morning! Now, there's a space where her tooth used to be. Will it ever go away? To find out, open wide so we can take a look at "Your Teeth". This is a set of human teeth. When we open the mouth like this, we can see all the teeth at once. This is the upper jaw that forms the top of your mouth, and this is the lower jaw that forms the bottom of your mouth. "There are THREE types of teeth in your mouth: the biting incisors, the ripping canines, and the chewing molars." At the very front of your mouth, the teeth are very thin and somewhat sharp. Like scissors, the incisors come from above and below. You can feel them with your tongue. Like scissors, the incisors come from above and below, moving towards each other to help you take a bite. Next to your incisors are the CANINES. These are the ripping teeth. They are slightly longer and more pointed. Canines help you hold food and tear it. You can also feel them with your tongue. Farther back in your mouth are the MOLARS or chewing teeth. They are large and wide to grind any food as you chew. This makes the food small enough for you to swallow. Let your tongue run over your molars.

Every tooth has the same parts.

The root of the tooth is at the bottom. This holds the tooth in place. The tooth is surrounded by the gum. The part of the tooth that sticks out of the gum is called the neck of the tooth. The top of the tooth is called the crown. You can feel the narrower neck of the tooth and the wider crown with your tongue, especially on your molars. The bright, outer layer of your teeth is called the enamel. Enamel is very hard and protects the inside of the tooth. So why did Leoni's baby tooth fall out? Because her new, adult teeth are growing in her jawbone under the baby teeth. Eventually, the adult teeth grow big enough and move up, which pushes against the bottoms of the baby teeth over time. The more the adult teeth grow and push up, the more the baby teeth start to wiggle and eventually they fall out! How many of your baby teeth have already fallen out? Before you tell us in the comments below, let's remember! We have three types of teeth: the biting incisors, the ripping canines, and the chewing molars. All teeth have three parts: The bottom root, the middle neck and the top crown. Enamel covers your teeth creating a protective layer. Your baby teeth fall out and make way for your adult teeth that are pushing against them from below.

And what's Leoni doing? She's already found the tip of her new adult tooth peeking through!

  1. 🦷🦷🦷🦷I lost 8 teeth🦷🦷🦷🦷

    From Drake, 4 months ago
  2. I lost 5

    From Amelia, 5 months ago
  3. 3 TEETH

    From Jonah Miles kerley!!!!!!, 5 months ago
  4. all of them

    From ROMIN BOYLE , 6 months ago
  5. 9 TEETH!

    From Alyssa, 6 months ago
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Your Teeth exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Your Teeth.
  • Identify how many different types of teeth you have.


    We have teeth that bite, teeth that tear and teeth that chew.

    The types of teeth are located in different places for their special jobs.


    There are three different types of teeth in your mouth.

  • Locate the different types of teeth in your mouth.


    You have four canine teeth, two on top and two on bottom. These teeth help you hold and tear food.

    Molars are located in the back of your mouth.


    Incisors are located in the front of your mouth. Canines are located next to the incisors. Molars are located in the back of your mouth.

  • Show the different parts of a tooth.


    Enamel is the outer, protective coating of a tooth.

    The neck of the tooth sticks out of the gum.


    The root is at the base of the tooth and holds it in place.

    The neck is the part of the tooth that sticks out of the gum.

    The crown is the top of the tooth.

    The enamel is the top, outer layer of protective coating.

  • Recall what each type of tooth does.


    The teeth in the back of your mouth help with chewing.

    Sharp canine teeth help rip food.


    Incisors are for biting.
    Canines are for ripping.
    Molars are for chewing.

  • Identify why baby teeth fall out.


    You have adult teeth waiting to move up and take the place of baby teeth.

    As you get older, you need adult teeth.


    Baby teeth fall out when an adult tooth grows in.

  • Describe how teeth fall out.


    First, the adult tooth has to grow.

    Right before your baby tooth falls out, it will get very wiggly.

    1. The adult tooth grows.
    2. The adult tooth pushes the baby tooth.
    3. The baby tooth wiggles.
    4. The baby tooth falls out.