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How to Keep Our Bodies Fit!


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Basics on the topic How to Keep Our Bodies Fit!

How to Stay Fit – Explained for Elementary School

How fit do you feel today? In this text, you will get tips and information on what helps keep your body healthy and fit. There may even be advice for you to try, or you may realize you already do these things well. Find out and continue reading below.

Staying Healthy and Fit – What to Look Out For

There are four important keywords that you should definitely remember. This way, you'll know what you can do to keep yourself healthy and fit. They are:

  • rest
  • nutrition
  • hygiene
  • exercise

Continue reading to find out what you need to pay attention to for each of these categories.

How to Stay Fit – Rest

When was the last time you rested? Did you just take a break, or did you come straight from school? Rest is important for your body to recover. If you don't get enough rest, it will be difficult for you to concentrate and move your body in activities like playing soccer, climbing, or participating in class.

For your body, sleep is particularly important for recovery. As a child, you need about ten hours of sleep a night. Adults usually need less. However, this can vary from person to person. But your body doesn't just recover while sleeping. Your hobbies or alone time can also be refreshing, for example.

How to Stay Fit – Nutrition

Your body also regains strength through nutrition, not just rest. Eating right is just as important as resting. If you eat healthy and the right amounts, your body has the energy it needs to grow and stay healthy. In addition, it's good to eat a varied diet and have different foods on your plate every day.

How to Stay Fit – Hygiene

This includes washing yourself, brushing your teeth, caring for your hair, and nails. You can easily wash your face and hands at the sink. Especially before eating, as soon as you get home, or after using the toilet. Always wash your hands with soap. Handwashing is especially essential after touching animals or plants, even if they are your pets! You should definitely brush your teeth in the morning and at night.

How to Stay Fit – Exercise

Exercise is also important to keep you fit and healthy. Bring your heart rate up every day. How do you like to move—playing outside with your friends, doing sports, or riding your bike?

It's also great if you move around during the school day. Maybe your class has extra movement breaks, or you use the break and gym class for lots of exercise. In the picture, you can see a few sample exercises to try out with enough space—they're also great for rainy days. These exercises can help train your fitness in elementary school, but be careful: the exercises are not that easy.

Fitness exercises in elementary school

Exercise description

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and make sure there is enough space in front of and behind you. Raise your arms. Now circle one arm forward and the other back. This is not that easy and you have to concentrate well. Take your time and do it slowly.

2. Stand on one leg. Lift the other leg and bend it. Your foot now touches either your thigh or your calf. If you can already balance well, then try to raise your arms over your head. Let your hands touch each other.

How to Stay Fit – Summary

Now you have received important information for the question: How do I stay fit? What else do you do to feel really good and fit? Try sharing ideas with your friends. Finally, in the table below, you'll find an overview of how to keep your body healthy:

Important factors for your fitness Examples
Rest Sleeping, playing, reading
Nutrition Healthy eating, varied diet
Hygiene Wash, brush teeth, comb hair, nail care
Exercise Ball games, gymnastics, biking, dancing

Transcript How to Keep Our Bodies Fit!

Mio the Cat is fit, healthy, and happy. That's because his owner, Hannah, takes good care of him. His litter box is always clean, Hannah plays with him often, and he loves his cat food! "But what does Hannah need to feel as good as Mio the cat? Let's learn about "How to Keep Our Bodies Fit!" There are four words that teach us what is important for our bodies. Remember them well! The first word is: rest. As children, we need about ten hours of sleep a night. But rest is much more than just sleeping. Our hobbies, or some quiet, alone time, like painting, crafting or playing by ourselves, can help our bodies recover. Without enough rest, we can't put in the effort and show what we can do! The second important word is: nutrition, or the food and drink we put into our bodies. Our bodies need healthy food to grow and stay fit. Plus, we need to eat well to do all the great things we want to do during the day. Therefore, we should eat breakfast in the morning before school. It's good to eat different things all the time; it gives our bodies variety. Sometimes it's especially nice to have a quiet lunch or dinner together with family where we tell each other the exciting things from the day. The third word is: hygiene, or keeping our bodies clean. In order to feel good and stay healthy, we need to wash ourselves often, from top to bottom. We should always wash our hands before eating, as soon as we arrive home, and after using the bathroom. We should also wash our hands after touching plants or animals, even if they are our pets! Brushing our teeth in the morning and at night is also part of keeping our bodies clean. Keeping our bodies clean let's us stay healthy! The fourth word is a lot of fun; it's exercise! Whether playing outside with friends, during sports, or riding bikes, movement is healthy. Getting our hearts pumping every day is not only fun but also keeps us fit. Can you remember the four words? Let's review them together! Rest, Nutrition, Hygiene, and Exercise! These are the four things we need to remember to stay fit! How do you keep your body fit? Tell us in the comments!

  1. [sleeping noises]

    From Drake, 12 days ago
  2. exericse and i do like food and sleep

    From BATMAN AKA Romin!, about 1 month ago
  3. I love exercise and food, it also feels good to shower

    From Lucas Scott Kerley, about 2 months ago
  4. I like Exercise and food

    From Sommer Wolf, 12 months ago
  5. but food yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum

    From Averie, over 1 year ago
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How to Keep Our Bodies Fit! exercise

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  • What are different ways to keep fit and healthy?


    Remember, hygiene is another word for keeping your body clean!

    Remember, nutrition is how food interacts with your body.


    The four words that describe how we keep fit are rest, nutrition, hygiene, and exercise.

    Rest allows our bodies and minds to recharge. Children should sleep for about 10 hours each night. That is why it is paired with the picture of the bed.

    Nutrition tells us that we should eat a healthy and varied diet of foods that will help our bodies grow. Mealtimes are also a great time to catch up with our family and friends! That is why it is paired with the picture of the healthy food.

    Hygiene is a word that tells us how to keep our bodies clean from top to bottom! Washing hands, bathing regularly, and brushing our teeth are some examples of good hygiene! That is why it is paired with the picture of the soap.

    Exercise is when we work to get our bodies physically fit. Playing sports, running, or riding a bike are all great ways to get exercise! That is why it is paired with the picture of the bike.

  • How do we keep fit and healthy?


    Any way where we get our bodies moving is an example of exercising!

    Soap and water are objects that we might hear about when talking about hygiene!


    Getting enough sleep each night is an example of rest. Doing activities that I enjoy is also a good example!

    Eating a variety of healthy foods shows that I practice good nutrition. Healthy foods help our bodies grow!

    Bathing regularly, brushing my teeth, and washing my hands are examples of good hygiene. Good hygiene helps keep us healthy!

    Riding my bike with friends or playing football are great examples of exercise. Most things that get our heart pumping can be considered exercise.

  • Is this a way to keep fit and healthy?


    Remember the four words to remind us how to keep fit. Use the images pictured here to help you remember!

    Remember the four ways of keeping fit: REST, NUTRITION, HYGIENE, EXERCISE


    Let's take a look at each of the answers and explore why they are ways to keep fit (or not)!

    Playing basketball with friends is a great way to get the heart pumping and keep fit! This is a great example of exercise!

    Eating pizza everyday is not a way to keep fit. Eating a balanced diet of healthy foods is the best way to be fit.

    Sleeping enough each night is also important to being fit. Getting enough rest gives us the energy to get through the day.

    Brushing teeth once a week is not enough. To practice good hygiene we need to brush our teeth every day in the morning and at night.

    Not washing hands after the bathroom is not a way to keep fit. We need to practice good hygiene including bathing everyday.

    Eating enough everyday is important to our nutrition so skipping breakfast is not a way of keeping fit.

  • Categorize Hannah's fitness.


    Use the image below to help you remember what each of the four ways to stay fit means!

    Another example of good hygiene is when Hannah bathes every day and brushes her teeth twice a day!


    Let's take a look at each of the activities individually:

    Rest isn't just sleeping, but taking a mental (brain) break. This could look different for everyone, but often includes a hobby or something we enjoy doing. Hannah enjoys painting!

    Nutrition is how we keep fit using food. Hannah enjoying a healthy dinner is a great example. Even better, she eats her healthy dinner with her family and talks about her day!

    Hygiene is not just bathing our entire body, but washing our hands after touching dirty surfaces or animals or before we eat.

    Exercise is when we get our bodies moving and our hearts pumping! Hannah playing tennis and riding bikes with her friends is a perfect example of exercise!

  • How do we keep our bodies fit and healthy?


    These four pictures represent the four activities that help keep our bodies fit!

    Think, which of these activities will help you be a healthier person!


    The four words that describe how we keep fit are rest, nutrition, hygiene, and exercise.

    Rest allows our bodies and minds to recharge. Children should sleep about 10 hours each night.

    Nutrition tells us that we should eat a healthy and varied diet of foods that will help our bodies grow. Mealtimes are also a great time to catch up with our family and friends!

    Hygiene is a word that tells us how to keep our bodies clean from top to bottom! Washing hands, bathing regularly, and brushing your teeth are some examples of good hygiene!

    Exercise is when we work to get our physical body fit. Playing sports, running, or riding a bike are all great ways to get exercise!

  • How is each person keeping fit?


    Use the images above to help you remember each of the ways to keep fit!

    Rest doesn't always have to be sleeping or napping. It can also be a way to relax and give yourself a brain break.


    Let's take a look at each child:

    Mark eating a healthy breakfast is a great example of good nutrition. A healthy breakfast will help make him fit and be his best self today!

    Lea going out with her friends to play football helps get her heart pumping and works her body. This is great exercise for Lea.

    Sam didn't sleep or nap, but what he did is an example of rest. He took time to relax with a hobby that he enjoys after a stressful day at school.

    Steve's decisions were not healthy. He enjoys playing video games, but because he played them for too long he did not get enough rest. We need enough sleep to each night to be fit during the day!

    Paula knew that when it was time for dinner she should wash her hands before and brush her teeth after dinner. Paula getting clean in these ways is an example of good hygiene.