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Time to the Hour


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Time to the Hour

Basics on the topic Time to the Hour

Telling Time to the Hour

You are at the airport and you are looking at a wall of clocks that show the gates for all the flights. One flight leaves at six o'clock and the other flight leaves at one o'clock. The analog clock tells the time. But can you read it too? In this text, we will learn how to tell time to the hour and how to read analog clocks.

Telling Time to the Hour – Reading Clocks

When we read a clock, we call it telling time. Analog clocks show numbers one through twelve show the hours in a day, but also represent the sixty minutes in one hour.


On an analog clock, we always read the shorter, hour hand first and then the longer minute hand. When reading the longer minute hand, the twelve at the top represents zero or the start of an hour.


Then, we skip count each hour by five to figure out all of the minutes. When the minute hand is directly on the twelve, it means zero or o' clock.


Telling Time to the Hour – Steps

Telling time to the hour for first grade is simple. First, find the short hour hand and write the number it points to. Here, it's ten. The hour always gets written on the left side.


Then, find the long minute hand. When the minute hand points to the twelve, it means zero minutes, so we write two zeroes.This is because no minutes have passed and the top of the clock is the start of a new hour. The minutes are always written on the right.


Now can we read the time by saying ten o'clock. You can also watch the corresponding telling time to the hour video.

Telling Time to the Hour – Summary

Follow these steps to tell the time to the hour on an analog clock:

Step # What to do
1 Find the number the short hour hand points to.
Write this number on the left.
2 Read the long minute hand.
Write this number on the right.
3 When the minute hand points to twelve,
it represents zero minutes and we write it as zero zero.
4 Tell time to the hour using the phrase o'clock
and the number on the hour hand.

Telling Time to the Hour – Further Practice

Have you practiced yet? After watching the video, you can also find telling time to the hour worksheets and interactive exercises.

Transcript Time to the Hour

Freddie and Zuri are at the airport ready to leave on vacation! Freddie’s flight leaves at six o'clock and Zuri’s flight leaves at one o'clock. They need to read the clocks on the sign to figure out what gate their planes leave from. BUT, they don’t know where to go because they can’t tell time. Let's help Freddie and Zuri by teaching them to tell "Time to the Hour". When we read a clock, we call it telling time. This type of clock is called an analog clock. The numbers one through twelve show the hours in a day, but also represent the sixty minutes in one hour. On an analog clock, we always read the shorter, hour hand first and then the longer minute hand. When reading the longer minute hand, the twelve at the top represents zero or the start of an hour. Then, we skip count each hour by five to figure out all of the minutes. When the minute hand is directly on the twelve, it means zero or o' clock. To tell time to the hour… first, find the short hour hand and write the number it points to here, it's ten. The hour always gets written on the left side. Then, find the long minute hand. When the minute hand points to the twelve, it means zero minutes, so we write zero zero here. This is because no minutes have passed and the top of the clock is the start of a new hour. The minutes are always written on the right. Now we read the time by saying ten o’clock. Let's practice telling time to find Freddie's gate! Freddie's flight is at six o'clock. Let's read this clock to see if the times match. First, find the number the short hour hand points to; it is six. Write six here on the left. Now, look at the long minute hand. It is pointing to twelve. That means it's starting the hour and we write zero zero here on the right. Zero minutes have passed in the hour. This clock says six o'clock just like Freddie's flight. That means Freddie must go to Gate A! Now let's help Zuri. Her flight is at one o'clock. Let's read the next clock to see if the times match. First, find the number the short hour hand points to; it Is eleven. Write eleven here on the left. Now look at the long minute hand. It's pointing to twelve. That means it's on the hour and we write zero zero here on the right. Zero minutes have passed in the hour. This clock says eleven o'clock which does not match Zuri's one o'clock flight. Try to read the next clock to see if the times match instead. Remember to read the short hour hand first, then the long minute hand. What time does this clock read? It says one o'clock because the hour hand is pointing to the one... and the minute hand is pointing to the twelve which means zero minutes have passed. This clock matches Zuri's flight, so she must go to Gate C! While Freddie and Zuri walk to their gates, let's remember! When we read a clock, we call it telling time. We always read the short hour hand first and then the long minute hand. To tell time to the hour... first, find the number the short hour hand points to. Write this number on the left. Then read the long minute hand. write this number on the right. When it points to twelve, it represents zero minutes and we write it as zero zero. We tell time to the hour using the phrase "o'clock". "Ok! Bye. Don't forget to take pictures!"


Time to the Hour exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Time to the Hour.
  • How do we write the time?


    On this clock, the hour hand is red and the minute hand is blue.

    This clock is showing 7:00.


    First read the shorter hour hand and then read the longer minute hand.

    If the longer minute hand is pointing at twelve, this means that no minutes have passed in the hour and the time is o' clock.

    Find the number the short hour hand is pointing to, for example 10.

    Write the hour in digits on the left.

    Write the minutes in digits on the right.

    Here the time is 10 o' clock, which we would write 10:00.

  • What time do the flights leave?


    Where is the hour hand pointing to?

    Remember, the hour hand is the shorter hand.

    This clock shows 2:00.


    Here are the matching times.

    On each clock, the longer minute hand is pointing to twelve meaning that all of the times are o' clock.

    We need to look at the shorter hour hand to find out the time.

    • On the first clock the hour hand is pointing to 1 so the time is 1 o' clock or 1:00.
    • On the second clock the hour hand is pointing to 6 so the time is 6 o' clock or 6:00.
    • On the third clock the hour hand is pointing to 9 so the time is 9 o' clock or 9:00.
    • On the fourth clock the hour hand is pointing to 12 so the time is 12 o' clock or 12:00.
    Sometimes clocks don't show all of the numbers but here we can see the hour hand is still pointing to where the 1 would be.

  • What time do the activities start and end?


    If the minute hand is pointing to 12 it means no minutes have passed the hour yet.

    Look where the hour hand is pointing to to find out the hour.


    Zuri's activity

    • The activity started at 9:00 . The minute hand is pointing to 12 and the hour hand is pointing to 9 so it is 9 o' clock or 9:00.
    • The activity ended at 11:00 . The minute hand is pointing to 12 and the hour hand is pointing to 11 so it is 11 o' clock or 11:00.
    Freddie's activity
    • The activity started at 4:00 . The minute hand is pointing to 12 and the hour hand is pointing to 4 so it is 4 o' clock or 4:00.
    • The activity ended at 6:00 . The minute hand is pointing to 12 and the hour hand is pointing to 6 so it is 6 o' clock or 6:00.

  • Which gates should Zuri and Freddie go to?


    Remember, 00 in the minutes mean o' clock.

    The longer hand is the minute hand.


    Zuri should go to Gate A.

    • Zuri's flight leaves at 12:00.
    • The hour hand should be pointing at 12 because that is the hour.
    • Zero minutes have passed the hour meaning that it is an o' clock time and the minute hand should also be pointing at 12.
    Freddie should go to Gate D.
    • Freddie's flight leaves at 9:00.
    • The hour hand should be pointing at 9 because that is the hour.
    • Zero minutes have passed the hour meaning that it is an o' clock time and the minute hand should be pointing at 12.

  • What time is Zuri's flight?


    Remember, on this clock, the short red hand is the hour hand and the long blue hand is the minute hand.

    This clock shows 6:00 and the minute hand is pointing at 12.


    This clock is showing the correct departure time of 2:00 or 2 o' clock.

    • The short hand is pointing at 2 which means the hour is 2.
    • The longer minute hand is pointing at 12 which means no minutes have passed the hour and it is an o' clock time. We write this is 00.
    • If we put the hour and minutes together we get 2:00.
  • What time does Zuri land?


    If the flight was delayed by one hour, what time did it leave?

    What time will it be 3 hours after the actual departure time?


    Zuri's flight landed at 1:00 or 1 o' clock.

    • It was supposed to depart at 9:00, but was delayed by one hour.
    • This means that it departed at 10:00.
    • Three hours after 10:00 is 1:00.