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Clock Faces

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Clock Faces

Basics on the topic Clock Faces

Analog Clock Faces

Many digital clocks can be read by identifying the numbers on the screen. Analog clocks however are a little different to read. You need to know about the hands on the clock as well as understand the analog clock face. This text teaches you how analog clocks work and how to read an analog clock.

Reading Analog Clocks

Analog clocks are tools used to measure and tell time. We usually see analog clocks that look like circles, but they can be other shapes too!


Analog Clocks – Face

The front of the clock is called the face. The face shows the numbers one through twelve at equal spaces along its edge. Four special numbers help us make sure the others are spaced evenly: twelve at the top, six at the bottom, three on the right and nine on the left.


Analog Clocks – Hands

On this clock, there are two hands, or arrows, pointing to the numbers.The shorter arrow, or hour hand, points to the hour. The longer arrow or, minute hand, points to the minute.


You can remember this because the word hour is short like the hour hand. The word minute is long like the minute hand.


The hands on the clock always move this way around the face, from one to twelve.

Assembling a Clock Face

Let's put the numbers and hands on this clock face.


First, we sort our numbers in order from one to twelve.


Next, we put the number twelve at the top spot. Then add the rest of the numbers, starting with one.


Last, we have the short hour hand and the long minute hand meet in the middle. Viola, our clock face is complete!


Analog Clock Faces – Summary

Remember these tips about analog clocks when you want to read them.

# Tip
1 Analog clocks are tools used to measure and tell time.
2 The front is called the face and shows the numbers
one through twelve at equal spaces along the edge.
3 Two hands point to the numbers to tell us the time:
the shorter hour hand and the longer minute hand.
4 The hands always move around the face from one to twelve.

Have you practiced yet? On this website, you can also find worksheets and interactive exercises with analog clock faces for kids.

Transcript Clock Faces

Freddie and Zuri can't wait to see what's in today's dump. "Is this a house...or a clock?" "Hmmm, let's take it back to the van and find out!" This is a cuckoo clock, but it's fallen apart! Let's help Freddie and Zuri put it back together by teaching them about "Clock Faces!" This type of clock is called an analog clock. Analog clocks are tools used to measure and tell time. We usually see analog clocks that look like circles, but they can be other shapes too! The front of the clock is called the face. The face has the numbers one through twelve at equal spaces along its edge. Four special numbers help us make sure the others are spaced evenly: twelve at the top, six at the bottom, three on the right and nine on the left. On this clock, there are two hands, or arrows, pointing to the numbers. The shorter arrow, or hour hand, points to the hour. The longer arrow or, minute hand, points to the minute. You can remember this because the word hour is short like the hour hand. The word minute is long like the minute hand. The hands on the clock always move this way around the face, from one to twelve. Let's put the numbers and hands on this clock face. First, we sort our numbers in order from one to twelve. Next, we put the number twevle at the top spot. Let's put the rest of the numbers on starting with one. Last, we have the short hour hand and the long minute hand meet in the middle. Ta-dah, our clock face is complete! Now that we've practiced assembling a clock face, let's help Freddie and Zuri fix the one they found! What do we do first? We put the numbers in order from one to twelve! What happens next? Next, twelve goes to the top of the clock face. Now, let's put the rest of the numbers on starting with one. Uh-oh something does not look right! What is wrong? The numbers are pushed too close together! How can we fix this? Let's spread the numbers out evenly at each marker so that they meet up with twelve at the top. That's better, what is our last step? Last, we have the short hour hand and the long minute hand meet in the middle. We've fixed the cuckoo clock. "Let's point the hour hand to one and the minute hand to twelve!" "Freddie, what did you do?!" Before we find out what's happening, let's remember! Analog clocks are tools used to measure and tell time. They usually look like a circle, but can be any shape. The front is called the face and shows the numbers one through twelve at equal spaces along the edge. Twelve is at the top, six is at the bottom, three is on the right and nine is on the left. Two arrows, or hands, point to the numbers to tell us the time. The shorter arrow, or hour hand, points to the hour. The longer arrow or, minute hand, points to the minute. The hands always move this way around the face, from one to twelve. . "Now I know why it was broken!"

  1. The cuckoo clock alarm noise……im dead🤣🤣💀💀

    From Samayah, about 2 months ago
  2. @Will, Wissel? do u mean weasel?
    and their names are weasel: Freddy, racoon: Zuri

    From Samayah, about 2 months ago
  3. I love that the Wissel is Italian and the racoon is British

    From Will, about 2 years ago
  4. /

    From Fiona, over 2 years ago

Clock Faces exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Clock Faces.
  • What is a clock?


    We use clocks to tell the time.

    Most clocks have a face with the numbers one to twelve, and two hands.

    A clock face can be any shape.


    Three of these images are clocks: the round clock, the square clock, and the watch.

    Three are not clocks: the egg timer, the thermometer, and the ruler.

  • Identify the hour hand and minute hand.


    Remember that the minute hand is longer.

    Remember that the hour hand is shorter.


    This image shows how the clock hands should have been highlighted.

  • Where are the numbers on a clock?


    Remember that the 12 goes at the very top of the clock.

    Here are some of the numbers filled in. Can you figure out the others?


    Here are the numbers placed correctly on the clock.

  • True or False?


    Use this image of a clock face to help decide whether the statements are true or false.

    The hands move around the clock in the same direction that the numbers go around the clock: from one to twelve.


    The hands move around the clock in a clockwise direction. ✅

    The front of the clock is called the face. ✅

    We use clocks to tell the time. ✅

    The long parts that move around the clock are called arms. ❌

    All clocks are round. ❌

    1 is at the top of the clock. ❌

  • Numbers on clocks.


    The numbers on a clock should go around in a clockwise direction.

    The numbes on a clock should be in order from one to twelve - check that the numbers on these clocks are in the correct order.

    The twelve numbers around a clock should be evenly spaced all the way around the clock.


    The correct clock was this one:

    • The numbers go around in a clockwise direction.
    • The numbers are evenly spaced all the way around the clock.
    • The numbers are in the correct order from one to twelve.

  • What time is it?


    Look at the number the hour hand is pointing to. This tells you the time to o'clock when the minute hand is on the 12.

    The hour hand is the short hand.

    This clock shows 2 o'clock.


    Here are the correct times: