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The Number 3

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Basics on the topic The Number 3

The Number 3 – Definition

3 is an important number. Let’s explore the meaning of the number 3 together. Let’s learn how to spell the number 3, look at images of the number 3, and explore what the number 3 represents. After that, apply your newly gained knowledge on the number 3 in worksheets for the number 3.

What is the Meaning of the Number 3?

Let’s learn more about the number 3 in the following explanation.

When someone talks about the number three, they are talking about the number of things that you have. The number 3 meaning is that there are three items in a group!

Take a look at these examples:



How to spell and write the Number 3?

The number three looks different from other numbers. It has two little bumps that stick out to the right side. To write the number three, we need to start at the very top line, make one curve that reaches the middle line, and another that goes to the bottom. Can you practice tracing the number 3? Take a look at the image below to help you trace.


Sometimes the number 3 is written in words. You might wonder how to spell the number 3. The number three is spelled T H R E E!

Where can I find the Number 3?

The number 3 is quite the playful number. It likes shapes and always appears in the three sides of a triangle. You can find it in the three bright petals of a tulip, the three legs on a little stool, or when you hear a bird chirping a song that goes, "tweet, tweet, tweet!" It's like nature's way of showing us a special number everywhere we look.

The Number 3 – Summary

Well done! You just learned all about the number three, how to write the number three, and groups of objects that represent the number three.

How it looks 3
How it is spelled T H R E E
How many it is ▲▲▲

Have you practiced yet? On this website, you can find an explanation video as well as a worksheet for the number 3, a picture of the number 3, and exercises after the video so that you can say, “I can show the number 3!”.

Frequently Asked Questions about The Number 3

How does the number 3 play a role in geometry?

Why is 3 a prime number?

What role does the number 3 play in modern mathematics?

Transcript The Number 3

Let's make room for ... "The Number Three." : "What's the number three anyway?" Today we will learn about the number three. When someone says there are three of something, they are talking about the number of objects. : "Like my THREE robots?" : "Or my THREE pens?" That's right, Skylar and Henry. Those are GREAT examples of the number THREE. Can you see any other examples of groups of three in Henry and Skylars room? There are THREE pillows! Is there another example of a group of the number THREE? There are THREE apples in the bowl. What does the number THREE look like? (pause for think time) Skylar and Henry both have the number three on their shirts! The number three has two little bumps that stick out to the right side. How do you write the number three? To write the number three, we need to start at the very top line, make one curve that reaches the middle line, and another that goes to the bottom. There are different ways to remember how, let's hear a rhyme to help! Hop, hop, can you see? Two bunny ears make a three Uh oh! It looks like the three got stuck and needs our help to be written! Let’s hop together to make a three! Everytime you hear the word hop, hop like a bunny! Hop hop, can you see, two bunny ears make a three! One more time! Hop hop, can you see, two bunny ears make a three! Now THAT is a great looking three, thanks for helping! Today we learned all about the number THREE. We learned about objects in sets of three, the number three, and how to write it! Up for a challenge? Watch this video again and see if you can find the THREE butterflies, THREE suns, and THREE bunnies hidden in the playroom! Comment below when you find them! If you want to learn more, check out the next video on the number FOUR!

  1. i saw it all

    From Jniya Vincent, 11 months ago
  2. fun lerning

    From Jniya Vincent, 11 months ago
  3. cool

    From Jsiah, 11 months ago

The Number 3 exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video The Number 3.
  • How do we write the number three?


    Remember, the number three has two little bumps that stick out to the right side.


    The number three has two little bumps that stick out to the right side. It looks like this: 3

  • Show the number three.


    Look at the keyboard on your computer, and find the row of numbers at the top. Press the key that shows the number three.

    If you are on a tablet or phone, switch to the number keyboard to find the number three. Ask an adult if you need help!

    Remember, three comes after the number 2.

    If you are using pencil and paper, practice writing the number three. How does it look?


    When we type the number three, we type 3.

  • Which objects or signs represent the number 3?


    Remember, you are looking for three objects, or things that represent 3.

    Look for the number 3 in word form and in number form.

    There are four items to highlight in total.


    3, Three, three cups, and three dots in a ten frame all represent the number 3!

    3 is the number in number form.

    Three is the number in word form.

    Three cups are three objects.

    Three dots are three objects.

  • Identify the objects that show the number 3.


    Remember, highlight the objects that show 3.

    There are four groups of three in the image. You will highlight 4 groups of 3.

    Look in the sky. Do you see 3 of something?


    Skylar and Henry find 3 trees, 3 butterflies, 3 clouds, and 3 flowers.

  • Which object shows three?


    Remember, you are looking for a group of three.

    After lunch, Henry will eat 3 strawberries. Here is an example of a group of 3.


    Henry has 3 crackers to eat!

    He has 1 sandwich, 1 bag of chips, 6 apple slices, and 3 crackers.

  • 3 or not 3?


    Remember, when there are three of something, it means there are three objects.


    The objects that show three are the 3 flowers, the 3 frogs, the 3 boxes, and the 3 cars.

    There were 5 stars, which did not show 3.

    There were 6 leaves, which did not show 3.

    There was 1 cat, which did not show 3.

    There were 2 apples, which did not show 3.