What are Action Verbs?

Basics on the topic What are Action Verbs?
What are Action Verbs?
Let's look at the definition of verbs:
A verb tells us what the subject in a sentence is doing. Remember, the subject represents who or what the sentence is about. You’ll see as you learn about action verbs, that they are similar to other verbs.
Subject | Action verb | Object |
Koko | sings | her favorite song. |
Action Verbs – Examples
Common action verbs have many different uses. We can differentiate between physical and mental action verbs. An action verb is a type of verb that expresses physical or mental action. Physical action refers to something your body can do. Mental action refers to something your brain can do.
You may see examples of action verbs which are useful for writing essays in this text. What are action verbs examples? The next section will show action verbs in sentences with examples of different action verbs.
Physical Action Verbs
Remember, physical action refers to something your body can do. For example, Pip and Koko open the brochure.
To identify the action verb, you need to do the following:
- Find the subject of the sentence.
In this sentence the subject is: Pip and Koko. Now, think: what is the subject doing?
Open is what Pip and Koko are physically doing, so open is the action verb. Opening something is a physical action, so you can call open a physical action verb. Here are some more examples of physical action verbs:
Physical action verbs
- run
- touch
- sing
- play
Mental Action Verbs
Remember, mental action refers to something your brain can do. For example, Pip and Koko consider all of the activities at the resort.
Remember: To identify the action verb:
- Find the subject of the sentence. In this sentence the subject is: Pip and Koko. Now, think: what is the subject doing?
- Consider is what Pip and Koko are mentally doing, so consider is the action verb in this sentence.
Want some more examples of mental action verbs? Here is a list of action verbs:
Mental action verbs
- dream
- wonder
- know
- imagine
These are just some of the verbs that can be used in the sentences with action verbs! There are so many more!
Action Verbs – Summary
An action verb is a type of verb that expresses physical or mental action. Physical action refers to something your body can do. Mental action refers to something your brain can do. Let’s look at an overview of the action verbs we looked at in this text:
Physical action verbs | Mental action verbs |
run | dream |
touch | wonder |
sing | know |
play | imagine |
Don’t feel quite ready to use action verbs in a sentence yet? Don’t worry! On this website you will find interactive exercises on action verbs as well as worksheets so you can keep practicing the use of action verbs!
Transcript What are Action Verbs?
"Koko, look! I found where we can go on our vacation!" "Hmm...it says 'Action Verbs Vacation Resort'. (...) I wonder what kinds of activities they'll have for us?" What is an Action Verb? A verb tells us what the subject in a sentence is doing. Remember, the subject represents who or what the sentence is about. An action verb is a type of verb that expresses PHYSICAL or MENTAL action. Physical action refers to something your body can do. For example, Pip and Koko open the brochure. To identify the action verb... first, find the subject of the sentence. In this sentence there are two subjects: Pip and Koko. Now, think: what is the subject doing? Open' is what Pip and Koko are PHYSICALLY doing, so it is the action verb. Mental action refers to something your brain can do. For example, Pip and Koko consider all of the activities at the resort. There are also two subjects in this sentence: Pip and Koko. Now, to find the action verb, think: what is the subject doing? Consider' is something Pip and Koko's brains are doing, so it is the action verb. Let's look at some action verbs from the brochure. You can swim in one of our heated pools. What is the action verb? (...) Swim is an action verb because it refers to a physical movement that can be done by the subject, you! The next activity says: Can you imagine a room with a view like this? What is the action verb? (...) Imagine is something YOUR brain can do, so it is the action verb. A sentence MAY have more than one action verb, like this one: It's hard to believe how many water activities we offer, you just have to see for yourself! What are the action verbs? (...) Believe and see are BOTH action verbs. What kind of action verbs are they? (...) Believe is a MENTAL action verb because it's something your brain can do... and see is a PHYSICAL action verb because it's something your body can do! Now that Pip and Koko know all about what the resort has to offer, let's summarize! Remember,(...) an action verb is a type of verb that expresses a physical or mental action. Physical action refers to something your body can do. Mental action refers to something your brain can do. To identify the action verb in a sentence... think: what is the subject doing? "Alright Pip, I'm ready for some ACTION!" "Toooooo much ACTION PIP!"
What are Action Verbs? exercise
What is an action verb?
HintsAn adjective is used to describe a person, place, or thing.
A noun is a person, place, or thing.
SolutionAn action verb is a type of verb that expresses physical or mental action. Opening the brochure is a physical action because Pip and Koko are using their hands.
Identify if the action verb in the sentence is a physical or mental action verb.
HintsThe action verb can be a physical action, such as opening something with your hands.
An action verb can be a mental action, such as considering something with your mind.
There are two of each type of action verbs.
SolutionAn action verb expresses the physical or mental action of the subject in a sentence.
Determine if the action verb in each sentence is a physical or mental action verb.
HintsThere are two physical actions and three mental actions.
SolutionAn action verb expresses the physical or mental action of the subject in a sentence.
Identify the subject and action verb in each sentence.
HintsSolutionThe subjects are highlighted in green and the action verbs are highlighted in violet.
Which sentence uses more than one action verb?
HintsMental action refers to something your brain can do. In this picture, Pip and Koko are considering all of the activities they can do.
Physical action refers to something your body can do. In this picture, Pip and Koko are opening a brochure.
Which choice has both a physical action verb and a mental action verb in it?
SolutionThis sentence has both a physical and mental action verb.
Identify the action verb.
HintsPhysical action refers to something your body can do. In this picture, Pip and Koko are opening a brochure.
Mental action refers to something your brain can do. In this picture, Pip and Koko are considering all of the activities they can do.
An action verb is a type of verb that expresses physical or mental action. Look for context clues in the sentences to choose the correct action verb.
SolutionAn action verb is a type of verb that expresses physical or mental action.