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Using Context Clues to Find Meaning

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Using Context Clues to Find Meaning

Basics on the topic Using Context Clues to Find Meaning

Let's use context clues to find meaning!

Transcript Using Context Clues to Find Meaning

"P-P-PIP did you hear that!?" "Oh Koko, don't worry, it was just a bunny going to sleep in its burrow under the ground!" "What's a burrow?" Let's find out what Pip means by... Using Context Clues and Illustrations to Find Meaning. Context clues are hints in a sentence that we can find to help understand the meaning of words we don’t know. We can also use pictures, or illustrations, to help us. Let's find the meaning of the word FOREST in this sentence. It says, 'We need a map to find our way in the FOREST.' In order to use context clues: STOP and reread the sentence and... underline the words you know. Follow along while we read it again! We need a map to find our way in the FOREST.' In the illustration, we see trees and a few different trails. You might know that a map is a drawing of a place that shows what's there, so underline map. Now, THINK, what does FOREST mean? Is it land covered with a lot of trees OR is it a road? (...) A FOREST is land covered with a lot of trees. Now let's use context clues and the illustration to find the meaning of the word POURED. The rain POURED down on the cold bear cubs.' Remember, in order to use context clues: STOP and reread the sentence and... underline the words you know. Follow along while we read it again! The rain POURED down on the cold bear cubs. What does the illustration show? (...) We see lots of rain and the bear cubs are wet. You probably know that if you stay out in the rain you'll get wet and cold, so underline rain. Now, THINK, what does POURED mean? Does it mean the rain kicked all over them OR fell heavily on them? (...) POURED means that the rain fell heavily on them. Now that we've practiced using context clues, let's see what BURROW means! The bunny goes into its BURROW under the ground.' Remember, in order to use context clues: STOP and reread the sentence and... underline the words you know. Follow along while we read it again! The bunny goes into its BURROW under the ground.' In the illustration, we see a bunny near a hole. You might have seen a bunny go into a hole under the ground, so underline under the ground. Now, THINK, what does BURROW mean? Does it mean where bunnies live OR a game bunnies play? (...) A BURROW is where bunnies live! Before we get back to the campfire, let's remember! Context clues are hints in a sentence that we can find to help understand the meaning of words we don’t know. In order to use context clues: STOP and reread the sentence... and underline the words you know. Then, using what you know, think about the meaning of the unfamiliar word. "Phew! I'm glad it was just a bunny!" "But, what do you think they do in their burrow?"

1 comment
  1. Funny 😆 how how 🤣 funny 😆

    From Lucas Scott Kerley, 7 months ago

Using Context Clues to Find Meaning exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Using Context Clues to Find Meaning.
  • Which of the statements about context clues are true?


    How are context clues meant to help you?

    There are 2 correct answers.


    Context clues are hints in a sentence that we can find to help understand the meaning of words we don’t know.

    The correct answers are:

    • Context clues help you figure out tricky words.
    • Context clues make new words clear.
  • Determine the meaning.


    Think about what happens when the sun is very hot.

    Consider the effect of the sun on the sand.

    Does the sun make you feel ice cold?


    The correct answer is: Scorched means something has been heated intensely.

  • Identify the context clues.


    Remember that context clues are words or phrases around the unfamiliar word that help explain its meaning.

    Look for descriptive words or actions that tell you more about the unfamiliar word.

    What does "mischievous" mean when a monkey is playing in a way that might be a little naughty?


    The correct answers are:

    • enormous - The context clue is "size was so big that it blocked out the sunlight," which emphasizes the elephant's immense size.
    • rustle - The context clue is "a gentle breeze blew making the leaves on the trees rustle softly," indicating that the leaves are making a soft, swishing sound.
  • Match the words to their definitions.


    What does enormous mean when something is so big it blocks out the sunlight?

    What's the word for the quiet sound leaves make when they move in the wind?

    One sunny morning, I spotted an enormous elephant by the river. Its size was so big that it blocked out the sunlight.

    Suddenly, a gentle breeze blew, making the leaves on the trees rustle softly.


    The correct answers are:

    1.) enormous - The context clue is "size was so big that it blocked out the sunlight," which emphasizes the elephant's immense size. This helps us understand that "enormous" means extremely large or gigantic.

    2.) rustle - The context clue is "a gentle breeze blew making the leaves on the trees rustle softly," indicating that the leaves are making a soft, swishing sound. This helps us understand that "rustle" means a soft, gentle sound, like leaves moving in the wind.

  • What is the meaning of the word "poured?"


    What is happening in the illustration?

    Focus on the context clue "rain" and how it's related to the word "poured." What kind of rain is being described?

    Consider how the rain behaves when it's pouring. Does it sprinkle gently or come down heavily?

    Does the illustration and context clue have anything to do with building something?


    The correct answer is:

    Poured means when rain falls heavily from the sky.

    The word "poured" is associated with the context clue "rain," indicating that the rain is falling heavily, which matches the meaning of the word "poured."

  • Match the words with their context clues.


    What feeling might someone get when they hear the word home?

    Think about what the squirrel is doing in the story and how that can help you figure out what the word scurrying means.

    Pay attention to words that describe the squirrel's tail.

    Look for special words or phrases in the sentences that help you understand the meaning of the bold words.


    The correct answers are:

    • scurrying - darting about quickly and quietly
    • twitched - a sudden, brief jerk or movement
    • gripped - holding onto something tightly
    • cozy - warm, comfy, and safe