Subordinating Conjunctions

Basics on the topic Subordinating Conjunctions
Let's learn about subordinating conjunctions with Koko and Pip!
Transcript Subordinating Conjunctions
"Oh Koko, I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!" "For what now Pip?" "For our sleepover with Pickles! Look, we're going to do so many activities!" "Pip I can hardly read this, it's covered in chip dust!" Let's help Koko fill in the blanks to figure out Pip's plan by learning about... Subordinating Conjunctions. A CONJUNCTION connects groups of words, ideas, and sentences. Conjuctions help you form complex sentences and make your writing more interesting. One type of conjunction is called a SUBORDINATING conjunction. SUBORDINATING conjunctions link an independent clause to a dependent clause. That means they link one complete thought, to one incomplete thought. They are also used to show relationships such as cause, (...) location, (...) condition, (...) contrast, (...) and time. Some common subordinating conjunctions are: where,(...) if,(...) since,(...) however,(...) before,(...) once,(...) now that,(...) and even though. We can use the acronym WISHBONE to remember them. Let's see how subordinating conjunctions show relationships between clauses. In the sentence, 'I'm going to walk since my bike is in the repair shop,'... and the conjunction SINCE expresses the CAUSE or reason they will walk, because their bike is in the repair shop. Did you notice there is no comma here? Subordinating conjunctions that fall in the middle of a sentence are generally not followed by a comma. The next one says, 'Where there is smoke, there is fire,... the conjunction WHERE shows location. You may also notice there is a comma. When you START a sentence with a subordinating conjunction, use a comma to separate each clause. In this one, 'Where there is smoke" is a dependent clause (...), and 'there is fire' is an independent clause. In the sentence, 'If it's sunny tomorrow, we can go to the park,'... the conjunction IF shows the condition by saying they can go to the park in the event that it's sunny outside. In the sentence, 'Even though they're rich, they drive old cars'... the conjunction EVEN THOUGH shows contrast. Next, 'Before baseball practice, he needs to warm up,'... has the conjunction BEFORE which expresses time. Now that we know more about subordinating conjunctions, let's help fill in the blanks! The first sentence says,'BLANK Pickles gets here, we can get the pizza tacos ready.' Which subordinating conjunction fits best? (...) Once, (...)because it expresses the TIME they will start preparing their snack. Next it says, 'Pickles and Koko will add savory toppings like pepperoni, BLANK, Pip will add candy.' Which subordinating conjunction fits best? (...) However, (...)because it shows the CONTRAST between the toppings they're adding. The next one says, 'We can eat in the living room BLANK we can see the
Subordinating Conjunctions exercise
Which sentences have subordinating conjunctions?
HintsSentences with a subordinating conjunction will have a dependent and an independent clause in the sentence.
Only two of these sentences contain subordinating conjunctions.
SolutionThe sentences with subordinating conjunctions are:
- We visited the house where I grew up.
- Even though it was cold, we went swimming.
The conjunction even though expresses contrast. They went swimming despite the fact the water was cold.
Can you find all of the subordinating conjunctions?
HintsIn this sentence, the subordinating conjunction is even though.
A subordinating conjunction is a word that links an independent clause to a dependent clause.
Some common subordinating conjunctions are where, if, since, however, before, once, now that, and even though.
There are four subordinating conjunctions to highlight.
SolutionThe words since, once, before, and if are subordinating conjunctions.
The conjunction since shows the cause for them going to the beach.
The conjunction once shows the time they put on sunscreen.
The conjunction before shows the time they returned home.
The conjunction if shows the condition under which they would return to the beach tomorrow.
What relationship does the subordinating conjunction show?
HintsTo figure out the relationship shown by the word "before", think about the dependent and independent clauses in the sentence.
How does eating dinner relate to washing your hands?
In this sentence, "even though" shows contrast. The two clauses express opposite ideas.
Subordinating conjunctions that express condition show that something depends on or is caused by something else.
In this sentence, if shows the weather condition that would cause a cancellation.
SolutionIn this sentence, the subordinating conjunction before shows time.
First, you wash your hands, and then you eat dinner.
Which subordinating conjunction should you use?
HintsRead each sentence out loud using the five different choices of subordinating conjunctions.
Which word makes sense at the start?
Subordinating conjunctions show different relationships.
If shows condition.
Since shows cause.
Before shows time.
Where shows location.
However shows contrast.
What relationship do you see between the two clauses in each sentence?
SolutionThe correct sentences are:
1. He will go to the movies if he can get his homework done. If shows the condition under which he can go to the movies.
2. Since she was sick, she left school early. Since shows the cause for her leaving school.
3. She promised to be here; however, she never arrived. However shows the contrast between these two ideas.
4. This is the park where I play soccer. Where shows the location where he plays soccer.
Which subordinating conjunction fits best?
HintsRead the sentence out loud with the four different word choices.
Which word makes sense at the start?
This sentence starts with a subordinating conjunction that links the independent to the dependent clause.
Under is not a subordinating conjunction, it is a preposition.
Subordinating conjunctions show different relationships.
Once shows time.
However shows contrast.
Where shows location.
What type of relationship makes sense between the light turning green and cars going?
SolutionOnce is the subordinating conjunction that fits best.
The complete sentence is: Once the light turns green, the cars can go.
Once shows the time when cars are able to go. Cars can start moving as soon as the light turns green.
Can you match the subordinating conjunctions to the relationships they show?
HintsSome common subordinating conjunctions are where, if, since, however, before, once, now that, and even though.
Find the subordinating conjunction in each sentence and then think about what relationship it shows.
In this sentence, once shows the relationship of time.
They are going camping as soon as summer begins.
Solution- Once shows time. They are going camping as soon as summer begins.
3. If shows condition. In order to have friends over, she must first clean her room.
4. Where shows location. You will find bees in places with flowers.