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Punctuation for Effect


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Punctuation for Effect

Basics on the topic Punctuation for Effect

Learn about punctuation for effect in this video. You will learn about commas, dashes, ellipses, and parentheses.

Transcript Punctuation for Effect

"It's time to eat Grandma..." "Are you... Are you sure Koko?!" "Yes! And dinner is a surprise." While Pip tries to understand what Koko means, let's learn all about punctuation for effect. When we talk about effect, we are talking about the impact something might have upon another thing. To make writing more interesting and engaging for the reader, we use punctuation for effect. Writing includes many different types of punctuation, and/but today we will focus on commas, dashes, ellipses, and parentheses. You may already know about commas, but let's review it quickly. This is a comma. Commas effect sentences by adding a short pause. For example, you could write, my favorite side dish, mashed potatoes, is on the menu tonight and let's eat, Grandma. These bits of extra information add a sense of fulfillment for the reader, since they know what you were talking about or who you were talking to. Now let's look at some punctuation you may not have used too much before: dashes, ellipses, and parentheses. Dashes can set off information that is important, like a name or date, and can add emotion through statements and information. Examples include my favorite chef is cooking dinner tonight - the amazing Koko! and the dinner is to celebrate Grandma's birthday - she is nintey-five years old! Next, we have ellipses. Ellipses are used to show that there is more to come, or to create suspense. We also use ellipses to indicate a pause or to leave a sentence unfinished. For example, It's time to eat Grandma... shows suspense or I can't tell you what's for dinner... it's a surprise indicates a pause. Finally, we have parentheses. Parentheses are used to add information that is not necessary to the main point of the sentence but can also add further emotion to sentences. Examples include let's eat, Grandma (it's already five pm), or let's eat, Grandma [ready with emphasis] (no, we are not going to eat her)! Can you write a sentence that uses a dash, ellipses, or parentheses for effect? Share your sentence in the comments! Now we know more about punctuation for effect, let's review! Punctuation can add effect to your sentences, by adding emotion, suspense, or further information to your writing. Some of the punctuation we focused on today are commas, dashes, ellipses, and parentheses. Try and use these in your writing next time to see if you can add some effect for your readers! "Oh good! You meant 'let's eat, Grandma'!" "What did you think I meant?" "Oh, never mind!"

Punctuation for Effect exercise

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  • What does each punctuation mark do?


    Here is an example sentence with a comma: Terrified, Lily screamed for help.

    Here is an example sentence with a dash: After many years of dreaming, the old man realized it was time to finally revisit the land of his youth—Scotland.

    Here is an example sentence with an ellipses: The story will continue...

    Here is an example sentence with parentheses: I bought a gift for you (and two for me).

    • Commas add a short pause to a sentence.
    • Dashes add emotion through statements or information.
    • Ellipses show that there is more to come or create suspense. They can also show a sentence that is not finished.
    • Parentheses add information that is not necessary to the main point of the sentence.
  • Put the punctuation in the correct place.


    Sentences with conjunctions like so, and, yet, and but use commas before the word.

    Ellipses add suspense to the sentence.

    A dash is used to add emotion or information to a sentence.


    A comma is used in this sentence to add a short pause.

    • I love dogs, but my brother loves cats.
    Ellipses are used in this sentence to show suspense.
    • We slowly walked into the dark cave...
    A dash is used in this sentence to add more information.
    • I saw Mrs. Smith - the teacher who lives on my street.

  • Which sentence should have parentheses?


    Parentheses highlight information that is not essential to the main topic.

    The subject or the verb of the sentence should not be in parentheses.

    Check to see if the sentence would still make sense without the information in the parentheses.


    My grandmother (who I barely knew) passed away when I was young.

    The parentheses are used correctly in this sentence because they surround information that is less important or not essential to the main topic of the sentence.

  • Which comma is in the right place?


    If you are talking to someone and not about them, you need to put a comma before their name.

    Commas come before conjunctions (and, so, but, yet).

    Commas come after words that indicate time like first, last, next, secondly.

    If extra information is added that gives the reader a sense of fulfillment, a comma is needed.


    Let's watch TV, grandpa.

    • In this sentence, they are asking grandpa to watch not watching grandpa so it needs a comma.
    I really love chocolate ice cream, but she likes vanilla
    • Commas go before conjunctions to add a pause.
    Next, we will go running.
    • Commas go after words that indicate time.
    His mother, a teacher, made him do his homework.
    • In this sentence, commas are needed because extra information is added about the sentence,

  • What is one reason punctuation is used in writing?


    How does punctuation have an effect on your writing?

    Punctuation is sometimes used to add more information to writing.

    Punctuation makes writing more engaging.


    Punctuation can be used to add effect that makes writing more engaging and informative for readers.

  • Which sentences need an ellipses and which need a dash?


    Ellipses help to add suspense in a sentence.

    Dashes are often used to add extra information or emotion in a sentence.

    If you opened a container and did not know what was inside, would suspense be building as you opened it?

    Is the statement the wonderful Tommy adding emotion or extra information to the sentence I am watching the best soccer player in a game tonight ?


    A dash is used in this sentence because the phrase adds emotion.

    • I am watching the best soccer player in a game tonight -the wonderful Tommy!
    In this sentence, the ellipses is creating suspense.
    • He carefully opened the container and discovered... a bunch of money!
    The ellipses adds a long pause into this sentence which creates suspense.
    • Today I decided... to quit my job.
    The dash in this sentence adds more information and emotion to the sentence.
    • I plan all the trips -she has all the fun.