Commas in Letters

Basics on the topic Commas in Letters
Commas in Letters
Transcript Commas in Letters
"Koko, my Royal Scribe, I need you to write a letter declaring that every Friday from now on will be known as "Ice Cream Fridays." Koko is writing for King Pip and needs to include, Commas in Letters. Have you ever written to someone who lived far away? Or received a letter in the mail? It is very exciting to communicate with others through writing letters; it is a great way to share ideas and thoughts! Letters are divided into sections to keep them organized. The parts of a letter are the heading, the greeting, the body, the closing, and the signature. When we look at a letter, we can see that commas are used in each section. Commas are punctuation marks that are used to separate ideas. They're important for reading as well since they tell the reader when to pause, like this. "His Royal Highness, King Pip " Let’s take a close look at how Koko used commas in each section. In the heading of a letter, we write the date. You might already know that commas are used in dates between the day and year. After the date comes the greeting in a letter; this is where you write the name you are writing to. We use a comma in the greeting after the name to show who we are talking to and to separate it from the rest of the letter. The greeting you use depends on how well you know the person and why you are writing to them. Here, Pip addressed this letter, 'Dear Citizens.' But, you could also address a letter to a teacher, like ‘Dear Mrs. Smith,’ or to a family member by saying, 'Hi Grandma'. All greetings follow the rules of capitalization and end with a comma. The body is the main part of the letter that includes the message you want to send. When listing things in series, you separate the ideas with commas. After the body of your letter comes the closing. Think of a letter's closing as a goodbye or a way to end your letter politely. The closing ALWAYS has a comma after it to separate the goodbye from who is saying it. After the closing is the signature; this is where the person writing signs their name. Pip closed the letter by saying, His royal Highness', followed by his name. The closing used in a letter is also different depending on who you are writing to and the purpose of writing to them. For example, a letter to a friend or family member may end with 'love or 'your friend.' And a formal letter may end with something like 'sincerely’ or 'take care.' Notice that we always capitalize the first word in closing. Now that we know where commas should be in letters, let's practice. Look at the greeting, 'Dear Mr. Todd.' Do you remember where the comma must go in the greeting?' The comma would go HERE! Can you remember where the comma goes in the closing? The comma would go HERE! As word of "Ice Cream Fridays" spreads throughout the kingdom, let's review. Remember, in letters, we use commas to separate information and create pauses for the reader. In the greeting, we ALWAYS put a comma after the name of the person or people we are writing to. At the end of the letter, we ALWAYS put a comma after the closing and before our name. The citizens of the kingdom LOVE "ice cream Fridays."
Commas in Letters exercise
Help Koko understand commas.
HintsWhat do commas do to ideas in a letter? Do they help them come together or keep them apart?
When you read, have you noticed that sometimes you naturally stop for a moment? What's another word for that little break you take?
SolutionThe correct answers are:
1.) Commas are punctuation marks that are used to separate ideas.
2.) Commas are important for reading since they tell the reader when to pause.
Where should you place a comma in the greeting of a letter?
HintsCommas are used to separate the name from the rest of a letter.
We place a comma after the name of the person or people we are addressing in a letter.
SolutionIn greetings, the comma goes after the name of the person or people we are addressing in the letter.
Can you identify the parts of a letter?
HintsWhat part of a letter comes first?
What is the section of the letter where you express your primary message?
Can you identify the part of the letter that serves as an ending?
SolutionThe correct answers are:
- heading: the address and date of the letter
- greeting: the part where you say "hello" to the person you're writing to
- body: the main part of the letter that contains the message
- closing: the ending of the letter, like saying "goodbye"
- signature: where the person writing signs their name
Can you identify the incorrect comma placement?
HintsThink about how you say the date out loud and where you naturally pause.
In the greeting, look for a place where the writer is saying "hi" to someone. Remember, there should be a pause after the entire greeting.
Look for places where the writer lists more than one thing, like favorite subjects. Commas help separate items so you know where one thing ends and the next begins.
Commas help us pause where we'd take a breath. Read the body sentences out loud and notice where you'd naturally pause. Do the commas match those pauses?
Pay attention to where the letter is saying goodbye. Is the comma correctly placed in the closing?
SolutionThe correct answers are in bold.
August 11, 2023
Hi Mrs. Ross,
I hope you're having a good, enjoyable day. Your lessons, stories, and assignments are awesome! My favorite things to learn about have been commas, spelling, and plot. I'm learning a lot and it's fun. I can't wait until our next class.
Take care,
Where should you place a comma after writing the closing of a letter?
HintsImagine you're saying "goodbye" in a letter. What comes right after your goodbye?
The closing is like the end of a visit. Is there something that helps separate it from the next part?
Remember, commas help readers take a little pause. Where could a small pause fit after the closing?
SolutionIn a letter, a comma is always used after the closing and before the signature.
Determine the correct and incorrect comma placement.
HintsLook at how commas are used to write this date: Monday, June 13, 2023
When you're saying "hello" to someone in a letter, think about where you would naturally pause if you were talking to them face to face.
When talking about your day or things you did, it's like making a list. Remember, a list needs commas between the items.
When you're saying a friendly "goodbye," think about where you'd pause if you were waving to your friend.
SolutionPhrases with the placement of the correct commas are:
- Heading: Friday, August 11, 2023
- Greeting: Dear Mr. Johnson,
- Body: I jumped, skipped, and ran.
- Closing: Sincerely,