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Prefixes: Un-, Non- , In-

Content Prefixes: Un-, Non- , In-

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Prefixes: Un-, Non- , In-

Basics on the topic Prefixes: Un-, Non- , In-

Prefix -in

Prefix -un

Non Prefix

Transcript Prefixes: Un-, Non- , In-

Prefixes- un- non-, and in. "Hmmm, This is unusual." "Unusual? What do you mean by UNusual?" Let's help Dee and Kala unravel this mystery by learning about prefixes. Unusual is a word that is made up by adding a prefix to a root word. Prefixes are affixes attached to the beginning of a word to change or add to, the meaning of the root word. Un-, non-, and in- are all prefixes we put in front of a word that means NOT or WITHOUT. Adding one of these prefixes changes the meaning of the root word to the OPPOSITE. Tangle becomes untangle. Fiction becomes nonfiction. Formal become informal. We can determine the meanings of unfamiliar words by knowing how these prefixes affect the meaning of the root word. Let's look at the unusual letter Kala and Dee got from the tree to see how these prefixes affect the meaning of words. A tree full of letters is an unusual sight. Remember, the word UNUSUAL is made by adding the prefix, 'un', to the front of the word usual. Usual means something that is common or expected to happen. When un is added, it changes the meaning to the opposite... so unusual is something that is NOT common or not expected to happen. In this sentence, 'Kala and Dee found themselves in an unpredictable situation.'... what does unpredictable mean? Unpredictable means that you would not have been able to guess this event was going to happen. Another example of a prefix that means not or without, is 'non'. In this sentence, 'The message was written on a nondescript piece of white paper.' The word nondescript is made up of the root word, descript, and the prefix, non. Descript is a root that refers to something that is detailed or has interesting features. When we add the prefix, 'non' to the front of the word, it changes the meaning to something WITHOUT detail or interesting features... so, we understand that the message was on an ordinary, plain piece of paper. The writing looked like a lot of happening at an inconvenient location'... what does the word inconvenient mean about the location? It means that the party is not in a convenient, or easy to get to place. While Kala and Dee climb to the undisclosed location... Remember... prefixes are affixes attached to the nonsense. Nonsense is made from the prefix 'non' and the root 'sense'. If 'sense' means something is clear and logical, how does the prefix non change the meaning? NONsense would mean that the message is confusing and not clear. In' is another prefix for changing the meaning of the root word to mean the opposite. The directions were difficult to follow because they were in invisible ink. How does the prefix, 'in' change the meaning of visible in this sentence? Visible means you can see it so INVISIBLE means you cannot see it! In this sentence, 'The party is the beginning of a word to change or add to the meaning of the root word. Un, non, and in are all prefixes we put in front of a word that means not or without. They all change the meaning of the root word to mean the OPPOSITE. "WOW! This is INDESCRIBABLE!" "Yes, this is UNBELIEVABLE!"


Prefixes: Un-, Non- , In- exercise

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  • Help Kala and Dee find the prefixes.


    Prefixes are affixes attached to the beginning of a word to change or add to the meaning of the root word.

    We learned about three prefixes that mean not or without. Can you find all three?

    The word able means having the skill to do something. When we add un- to this word it becomes unable. Being unable means lacking the skills to do something. How does the prefix un- change the meaning of the root word able?


    The prefixes un-, non-, and in- mean not or without. When we add these prefixes to a root word, they change the meaning of the word to the opposite.
    Here are some examples:

    • un + realistic = unrealistic
    • in + valid = invalid
    • non + living = nonliving

    The other prefixes mean something different:

    • The prefix "re-" means back or again.
    • The prefix "pre-" means before.

  • Which of the following statements about prefixes are true?


    Think about some of the example words we learned about. Are prefixes un-, non-, and in- attached to the beginning or the end of the root word?

    The word unusual means not usual. Where is the prefix in the word? How does it change the word?

    There are three correct answer choices.


    The following statements are true:

    1. Prefixes change or add to the meaning of the root word.
    2. The prefixes un-, non-, and in- mean not or without.
    3. Adding the prefix un-, non-, or in- changes the meaning of the root word to the opposite.
    The following statement is false:
    1. Prefixes are added to the end of the root word. Prefixes are added to the beginning of the base word.

  • Sorting Prefixes Non-, Un-, or In-


    Where can you find the prefix of each word? Is it added to the beginning or the end of the base word?

    Prefixes are attached to the beginning of a word to change or add to the meaning of the root word.

    When we add the prefix "un-" to the word believable, we get the word unbelievable.
    un + believable = unbelievable


    Prefix un-: unbelievable, unexpected, undefined
    Prefix non-: nonfiction, nonliving, nonexistent
    Prefix in-: invisible, incomplete, indescribable

  • Complete each word using the prefix un-, non-, or in-.


    The prefixes non-, un-, and in- mean not or without.

    Always read the sentence and think, 'does this make sense?', when choosing the correct prefix.

    What does it mean if something makes "sense"? If something makes sense, then it is easy to understand. What does it mean if something is nonsense?

    1. Dee fell down during the race because his shoe was untied.
    2. It is important to move and exercise every day! It is bad for your health to be inactive.
    3. As Jane was reading her books, she found one book that she wasn't able to read. The words were scrambled on the page. She said, "This book is nonsense!"
  • Which word completes each sentence?

    • Un-, non-, and in- are all prefixes we put in front of a word that means not or without.
    • Adding one of these prefixes changes the meaning of the root word to the opposite.

    The prefix "non-" means not or without. The word nondairy means not or without dairy.

    The word correct means without errors. How does adding the prefix "in-" change the meaning of this word? Incorrect means with errors or wrong.

    1. Kala did not believe that rainbows are created when sunlight shines through the water. She is a nonbeliever. When we add "non-" to the beginning of the word believer, we change the meaning of the word to someone that does not believe in something.
    2. Dee was unafraid of the haunted house. She laughed and smiled during her tour. When we add "un-" to the beginning of the word afraid, we change the meaning of the word to someone that is not scared.
    3. The book is incomplete. The author needs to add a title and dedication page. When we add "in-" to the beginning of the word complete, we change the meaning of the word to something that is not done or finished.
    4. Ernie is allergic to dairy. He can only drink nondairy milk, like almond milk. When we add "non-" to the beginning of the word dairy, we change the meaning of the word to something that does not contain or is without dairy.
    5. Koko needs to study more before her assessments. She received a low grade after she got many problems incorrect on her math assessment. When we add "in-" to the beginning of the word correct, the word means contains errors or is wrong.
  • Read the passage and identify the meaning of the bold words.


    How can you use the words surrounding the bold word to help you identify the meaning of each of the bold words in this passage?

    How does the meaning of the root word change when the prefix un-, non-, or in- is added?

    Let's look at the word incapable.


    Let's look at how each prefix "un-", "non-", and "in-" changes the root words below.

    • Unaware = having no knowledge of a situation or fact. Aware = having knowledge of a situation or fact.
    • Incomprehensible = impossible to understand or comprehend. Comprehensible = possible to understand or comprehend.
    • Incapable = unable to do or achieve something. Capable = having the ability to achieve or do something.
    • Unprepared = not ready or prepared to do something. Prepared = ready and prepared to do something.
    • Nondairy = something that does not contain dairy products. Dairy = something that contains dairy products.
    • Nonessential = not necessary or essential things. Essential = necessary and important things.