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Plural and Singular Verbs

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Plural and Singular Verbs

Basics on the topic Plural and Singular Verbs

Plural and Singular Verbs – Explained for First Grade

Verbs are action words in the English language. They help us describe what a person, animal or object is doing. Some examples of the verbs are: run, think, open, forget, stay.

Today we will learn everything about plural and singular verbs.

Plural and Singular Verbs – Definition

First, let’s define what the singular form and the plural form of verbs are.

Plural verbs are the verbs that are used in sentences with plural subjects (nouns or pronouns). It means that the sentence describes more than one person or thing.

For example:


The sentence "The cats play together" describes more than one cat. This sentence has plural subjects, and we need to use a plural verb here.

Plural noun Plural verb Object
The cats play together.

Singular verbs are the verbs that are used in sentences with a singular subject. They describe an action of one person or thing.

For example:


The sentence "The girl skates on her skateboard" describes one girl. This sentence contains a singular subject, and therefore we use a singular verb here.

Singular noun Singular verb Object
The girl skates on her skateboard.

Forming Plural Verbs from Singular Verbs

Remember: If the singular subject of the sentence can be replaced by a personal pronoun in its third person singular, you need to add a suffix -s at the end of the verb. If you need to transform a singular verb form into a plural verb form, this suffix -s disappears. Look at this example of singular and plural verbs from sentences above.

Singular Plural
It plays They play
She skates They skate

Just by adding one letter -s we change the meaning of the verb and make it singular. Now we can use these verbs with singular and plural nouns. To use nouns with verbs in their singular and plural forms correctly, we need to follow certain steps.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Find the verb. Find who the sentence is about.

Is it about one person or a group of people?
Use a plural verb, if it is about many people or objects.

Add -s and make a singular verb if it is about one person or thing.

Plural and Singular Verbs – Summary

We can use verbs in singular and plural. We use a plural verb when the sentence describes more than one person or thing. We use a singular verb when the sentence describes an action performed by one person or object. To find the correct verb form, we need to find the verb and identify who the sentence is talking about. If the subject is a single person, animal or object, you need a singular verb form. If the subject is more than one person, animal or object, you need a plural verb form.

Now you know everything about singular and plural verbs! You can download our singular and plural verbs worksheets for grade 1 with a singular and plural verbs list or try our singular and plural verbs exercises.

Frequently Asked Questions about Plural and Singular Verbs

When to use singular and plural verbs?

How do you change a verb to singular?

What are singular verbs and plural verbs examples?

Transcript Plural and Singular Verbs

: "A new paint by word puzzle! But, the directions are a bit confusing." Koko is completeing a new paint by word puzzle where she needs to fill in the correct verb for each sentence. Let's help her by learning about plural and singular verbs. What do you notice about the verbs JUMP and JUMPS? One has the letter ’ at the end! With just one letter, you can change the entire meaning of a word! But how do we know when to use each verb? You may have already learned about verbs, which are action words that describe what a person is doing, such as walk or swim. We can decide when to use each based on WHO the sentence is about. Let's take a look at Koko's first sentence puzzle. The girl BLANK on her skateboard. When choosing the correct verb... First identify or find the VERB, this is the action, or, what the person is doing. Here the girl is skating on her skateboard, so the verb is skate. Next, find WHO the sentence is about. This sentence is about the girl. When a verb is used in a singular sentence with ONE person or thing there is always an at the end. That means we need to put an at the end of the verb skate to make skates. Then, fill in the blank with the correct verb... and reread the sentence to make sure it makes sense. The girl skates on her skateboard. Let's help Koko with her next sentence, the cats blank together. First identify or find the VERB, this is what the person or thing is doing. What is the verb here? (...) The verb is play. Next, find WHO the sentence is about. Who is this sentence about? (...) The cats! The word cats is plural, which means that there is more than one cat. We leave out the at the end when a verb is used in a plural sentence OR describes more than one person or thing. That means we will NOT put an at the end of the verb, play. Now, fill in the blank with the correct verb... and reread the sentence to make sure it makes sense. The cats play together. While Koko finishes her puzzle, let's review. Today we learned about singular and plural verbs. When deciding whether to use a singular or plural verb... start by finding the verb, or, what the person or thing is doing. Next, find WHO the sentence is about. If the sentence is singular, or, about one person or thing, add an to the end of the verb. If the sentence is plural, or, about more than one person or thing, do NOT add an to the end of the verb. Then, fill in the blank with the correct verb... And reread the sentence to make sure it makes sense. Now, I wonder how Koko's painting turned out. : "Piiiip!"

Plural and Singular Verbs exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Plural and Singular Verbs.
  • What's a verb?


    A verb does not describe a person or thing.

    Knowing this, which choices can you eliminate?

    A verb is about what happens in the story.

    Here are some examples of verbs:

    run, jump, write.

    Verbs can be both singular and plural.


    A verb is an action word.

    Verbs tell you what people, animals, and things are doing in the story.

  • What happens on the farm?


    Identify who each sentence is about.

    The first sentence is about the dogs.

    Is the word "dogs" singular or plural?

    Singular means one. Plural means many.

    The word "dogs" is plural.

    So, the verb "run" must also be plural.


    Plural (green):

    • The dogs run in the yard.
    • The carrots grow in the dirt.
    These verbs are plural because "dogs" and "carrots" are plural.

    Singular (blue):

    • The bird eats a worm.
    • A boy milks the cow.
    These verbs are singular because "bird" and "boy" are singular.

  • What are the animals doing?


    "The cat" is singular. Which verbs in the list are singular?

    For example: The cat meows. The car purrs.

    "The dogs" is plural. Which verbs in the list are plural?

    For example: The dogs bark. The dogs run.

    Remember: singular verbs have an "s" at the end; plural verbs do not.

    Read the sentences aloud to check your work.


    The cat:

    • sleeps.
    • hides.
    • eats.
    The dogs:
    • jump.
    • play.
    • drink.
    "The cat" is singular, so the verb must be singular. "The dogs" is plural, so the verb must be plural.

  • At the zoo.


    First, pick the verb from the word bank that matches the picture.

    Then, find out who the sentence is about.

    Is it about one animal (singular) or more than one (plural)?

    Choose the singular verb if the sentence is only about one animal.

    Remember: singular verbs have an "s" at the end.

    The word "fish" can be singular or plural.

    Look at the number of fish in the image to help!


    The fish swim in the tank.

    • Plural. There are multiple fish in the tank.

    The frog sits on the pad.

    • Singular. There is only one frog.

    The animals climb the rock wall.

    • Plural. There are two animals on the wall.

    The sloth reads a book.

    • Singular. There is only one sloth.

  • Complete the sentences.


    Start by finding out who is doing the action in the story.

    Remember, it can be a person or a thing.

    In the first sentence, the cars are driving.

    Is the word "cars" singular or plural?

    The word "cars" is plural. Can you find a plural verb in the word bank?

    Remember: singular verbs have an "s" at the end; plural verbs do not.


    1.The cars drive fast. This verb is plural.

    • The first sentence is plural because "cars" is plural.

    2.Mom tells a story. This verb is singular.

    • The second sentence is singular because "mom" is singular.

  • Correct Koko's homework.


    First read the sentence aloud. Identify who or what the sentence is about.

    If the person or thing is singular, the verb must also be singular.

    If the person or thing is plural, the verb must also be plural.

    Singular verbs have an "s" at the end.


    All errors are highlighted in red in the image above.

    The correct answers are:

    1. The kids cook apple pie.
    2. Grandma slices the cake.
    3. The witches dance at night.
    4. The bird sings in the morning.
    5. A cup falls off the table.
    6. The stars shine in the sky.
    7. He plays video games.
    8. They jump in the pool.
    Remember: singular verbs have an "s" at the end. Plural verbs do not.