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Writing fractions

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Writing fractions

Basics on the topic Writing fractions

Writing Fractions

Fractions can be written in different forms: Their number form and their word form. In this text, we are going to examine different ways of writing fractions in word and number form.

Repetition: What are Fractions?

What are fractions used for? Fractions in math are used to represent equal parts of a whole or equal parts of a group. Below are examples of equal parts of a whole and equal parts of a group. Fractions are represented with a numerator, the top number, and the denominator, the bottom number. These are separated by a fraction bar. Fractions represent an equal portion of a whole or a group. For example, they could represent one-half of a whole watermelon.

Writing Fractions – Forms

When writing fractions in number form, we read the first part of the word for the numerator. In one-half, this means the numerator will be one. Then read the second part of the word for the denominator. In one-half, this means the denominator will be two, since half means two equal parts.


When writing fractions in word form, first look at the numerator for the first word. In three-fourths, the three tells us the numerator is three. Then write the hyphen next to the three. Next, look at the denominator for the second word. In three-fourths, the fourths tell us the second word is four. Three over four in word form is three-fourths. These are the steps for writing out fractions in words.


Writing Fractions – Summary

Remember, fractions can be displayed either in their word form or in their number form. This is how the two forms for writing fractions look like:

Form Example
Word Form one-half
Number Form ½

After watching the video you will find writing fractions in words worksheets for more practice. Alongside the writing fractions worksheets are some independent practice problems too!

Transcript Writing fractions

"Another day, another adventure." "I know! Let's solve this and get out of this room!" To solve the puzzle and escape, Axel and Tank will need help writing fractions. A fraction is a way of representing equal parts of a whole, or equal parts of a group. A fraction consists of three components, which are a top number, called the numerator, a bottom number, called the denominator, and these are separated by a fraction bar. Fractions can also be written as one-third or one-fourth. These are fractions written in word form. How can we write them in number form? Let's take a look at one-half to help Axel and Tank solve the first problem! When we write fractions, the first number tells us what the numerator will be. Like here, we have the word one, so we write a one for the numerator. Next, we write the fraction bar underneath the numerator, which is like the hyphen. Then, we read the second word for the denominator. Here the word is half, meaning there are two equal parts, so we write two for the denominator. One-half in number form is one over two! Let's move on to the second puzzle, which is two-thirds. First, identify what the numerator is. What is the numerator? It is two, because the first word is two! What is the next step? Next, write a fraction bar under the numerator. Finally, identify the denominator. What is the denominator? It is three, because the second word is thirds. Two-thirds in number form is two over three! The final puzzle to unlock the door requires us to write three over four in word form! Even though it is in number form this time, we follow the same steps. What is the numerator? It is three, so write the word three. Next we write a hyphen ready, and you can think of this as representing a fraction bar for word form fractions. Now identify the denominator. What is the denominator? It is four, so write fourths after the three. Three over four in word form is three-fourths. It looks like Axel and Tank can escape the room now, but first, let's review! Fractions can be written in word form and number form. To write fractions in word form and number form, first, identify and write the top number, the numerator. Second, write the fraction bar if writing in number form. Third, identify and write the bottom number, the denominator. "Woah. This sure is making a lot of noise Axel! Um Axel, you might want to take a look here." "How did we not see that?"

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Writing fractions exercise

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  • Label the parts of a fraction in number form.


    When writing a fraction, the numerator is the top number.

    The middle line is the fraction bar.

    When writing a fraction, the denominator is the bottom number.


    The top number is the numerator.

    The middle line is the fraction bar.

    The bottom number is the denominator.

  • What is this fraction in number form?


    The first number tells us what the numerator, or the top number, will be.

    The fraction bar goes underneath the numerator, which is like the hyphen.

    The second number tells us what the denominator, or bottom number, will be.

    Sixths in the denominator is 6 in number form.

    For example, two-fourths written in number form is $\frac{2}{4}$.

    • The first number tells us what the numerator, or the top number, will be. Here we have the word Two, so we write a 2 for the numerator.
    • The fraction bar goes underneath the numerator, which is like the hyphen.
    • The second number tells us what the denominator, or bottom number, will be. Here we have sixths, meaning six equal parts, so we write a 6 in the denominator.
  • Fractions in word form to number form.


    The first number tells us what the numerator, or the top number, will be.

    The fraction bar goes underneath the numerator, which is like the hyphen.

    The second number tells us what the denominator, or bottom number, will be.

    • The first number tells us what the numerator, or the top number, will be.
    • The fraction bar goes underneath the numerator, which is like the hyphen.
    • The second number tells us what the denominator, or bottom number, will be.
  • Fractions in number form to word form.


    First, identify the top number, or the numerator, and write it in words.

    Next, write the hyphen, which is like the fraction bar.

    Last, identify the bottom number, or the denominator, and write it in words. For numbers 4 and greater, we add "ths" to the number when writing it in words.

    • First, identify the top number, or the numerator, and write it in words.
    • Next, write the hyphen, which is like the fraction bar.
    • Last, identify the bottom number, or the denominator, and write it in words. For numbers 4 and greater, we add "ths" to the number when writing it in words.
  • What is this fraction in word form?


    First, identify the top number, or the numerator, and write it in words.

    Next, write the hyphen, which is like the fraction bar.

    Last, identify the bottom number, or the denominator, and write it in words.

    $\frac{2}{5}$ written in word form is two-fifths.

    • First, identify the top number, or the numerator, and write it in words. Here, we have the number 3, so we write Three.
    • Next, write the hyphen, which is like the fraction bar.
    • Last, identify the bottom number, or the denominator, and write it in words. Here, we have the number 4, so we write fourths.
  • Where do the fractions belong?


    The first number tells us what the numerator, or the top number, will be.

    The second number tells us what the denominator, or bottom number, will be.

    For numbers 4 and greater, we add "ths" to the number in the denominator.

    When looking for eighths or sixths, you need to look at the denominator.


    $\frac{4}{8}$, $\frac{6}{8}$, and One-eighth are all eighths because they have an 8 in the denominator.

    $\frac{3}{6}$, Four-sixths, $\frac{5}{6}$, and $\frac{1}{6}$ are all sixths because they have a 6 in the denominator.