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The Dollar (plus Dollar Notation)

Content The Dollar (plus Dollar Notation)
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Basics on the topic The Dollar (plus Dollar Notation)

The Dollar

Money is a way for you to buy things that you would like to own. The dollar is a form of paper currency used in America. Paper currency means that the money comes in form of a paper bill that reads a number. The number printed on it represents the value of the dollar bill.

Dollar Notations

There is a special symbol used to represent the dollar. It is an S with a vertical line through it, like in the image below.


Dollar Bills

There are six commonly used dollar bills in the US, and these are one dollar, five dollars, ten dollars, twenty dollars, fifty dollars, and one hundred dollars!


To identify the value of a dollar bill, you can look at the number on the note, or the word form of the number on the note. In the example below, you can see where you might find these on a dollar bill. Every bill has the number form or word form of the value on it.


The Dollar - Summary

There are six commonly used dollar bills:

Bill Alternative notation
one dollar $1
five dollars $5
ten dollars $10
twenty dollars $20
fifty dollars $50
hundred dollars $100

They all have the value in number or word form on them, so you know the value of the bill. If you want to practice some more, you will find more interactive exercises, worksheets and further activities on learning about the dollar and dollar notations in 2nd grade after watching the video.

Transcript The Dollar (plus Dollar Notation)

"Zuri, you won't believe what I found out." "What, Freddie?" "We can use these to buy ice cream!" "What? With this paper?" Let's help Zuri and Freddie learn all about the dollar. The dollar is a form of paper currency, or money, that is used in America. Money in the United States is represented by dollars and cents. There is a special symbol, or notation, we use when writing money in dollars, and it looks like this. We know what the dollar notation looks like, but how do we write it? First, start by writing an S. Then, put a vertical line down the middle. Now you have seen how to write the dollar notation, lets see what dollar bills there are! There are six commonly used dollar bills in the US. The one dollar bill, the five dollar bill, the ten dollar bill, the twenty dollar bill, the fifty dollar bill, and the hundred dollar bill! You can identify the value of a dollar bill by looking at the number on the bill, or the word form of the number on the bill! Before Zuri and Freddie can spend some of their savings, let's practice identifying some dollar bills and writing their value! Here is our first dollar bill. What is the value of this? We can see ten in number form here and also in word form here, so the value is ten dollars! How do we write ten dollars? First write the dollar notation, then write a ten after it. We can also write it with a period followed by two zero's after it, where the numbers after the period would represent cents. "Okay, so that's ten dollars!" "What about this one?" What is the value of this dollar bill? We can see one in number form here, and also in word form here so the value is one dollar! How do we write one dollar? First write the dollar notation, then write a one after it. We can also write it like this. Zuri and Freddie now understand the dollar. While they head off to spend some money, let's review! Remember, the dollar is a form of paper currency, or money, that is used in America. We can write money in dollars by writing the dollar notation, or symbol, followed by a value. There are six commonly used dollars bills, which include the one dollar bill, the five dollar bill, the ten dollar bill, the twenty dollar bill, the fifty dollar bill, and the hundred dollar bill! "I'm glad we stopped for some new stuff before we get ice cream, Freddie, we look so cool" "Oh man, we only have enough left for one ice cream cone!" "Next time, let's be more careful with our money!"

The Dollar (plus Dollar Notation) exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video The Dollar (plus Dollar Notation).
  • Which symbol represents the dollar?


    Remember, the symbol that represents the dollar shows an S with a vertical line through the middle.

    Remember, the dollar symbol shows how much something costs.


    A dollar is represented by this symbol.

  • Which places show the value of the dollar bill?


    Remember, this is $\$20$. Look for all the places on the bill that says it is $\$20$.

    Remember, sometimes the value of the bill is written in words.


    There are many places that show the value of the bill.

  • What is the value of this dollar bill?


    Remember, look at the dollar bill to see what its value is.


    The value of this dollar bill is $10.00.

  • What's the value?


    Remember, look on each dollar bill to see its value.


    The one dollar bill is worth $\$1.00$, the ten dollar bill is worth $\$10.00$, the fifty dollar bill is worth $\$50.00$, and the one hundred dollar bill is worth $\$100.00$.

  • What is the dollar?


    Look at the top of this dollar bill to figure out which country it is used in.


    The dollar is a form of currency (money) used in America.

  • Which bill should they use?


    Remember, their ice cream costs $\$11.00$. Which dollar bills make $\$11.00$?


    Since Zuri and Freddie's ice creams cost $10.00, they would pay with a ten dollar bill.