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Adding Coins

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Adding Coins

Basics on the topic Adding Coins

Addition for Kindergarten – Adding Coins

Your parents gave you their wallet so you can buy yourself ice cream. But how many coins do you need for one scoop of ice cream? Let’s learn more about counting coins and how to count coins for beginners with the following explanation. At the end, don’t miss out on the counting coins interactive exercises, worksheets and more activities for 2nd grade.

Coins – A Review

Remember, coins are little, flat, circular pieces of money made from metal. When counting mixed coins, it is important to remember that each coin has a different face, a different size, and a different value. When counting American coins, they are usually worth cents, or less than a dollar. We use THIS symbol, which looks like a “c” with a line through it, it represents cents.


The values of US coins are as follows:


Coin Worth
1 penny 1 cents
1 nickel 5 cents
1 dime 10 cents
1 quarter 25 cents

Adding Coins – Example

To review how to teach coins to second graders, let’s start with an example to model. There are several strategies for counting coins. Let's use the coins below (one penny, one dime, two quarters, and three nickels) to review this strategy for counting coins. First, order the coins from greatest to least by writing the value of each one below it.


The order will be two quarters at twenty five cents each, one dime at ten cents, three nickels at five cents each and one penny at one cent.


Next, set up an equation by adding all the values together.


Then, solve the equation by adding up the values.


Finally, put a cent symbol next to the answer since this represents money.


Counting Coins – Summary of Steps

Remember to follow these steps when counting coins:

Step # What to do
1 Order them from greatest to least
by writing their values beneath.
2 Set up an addition equation to add
the values of each coin together.
3 Solve by totaling the values.
4 Don't forget to write the cent
symbol after your total!

Have you had counting coins practice yet? On this website, you can also find counting coins worksheets, counting mixed coins worksheets, and counting coins activities.

Transcript Adding Coins

Freddie and Zuri are so excited! "I can't believe we found three piggy banks in the dump today we're going to be millionaires!" "I'm going to get a racecar with my coins!" "Well, I'm going to get a diamond ring with mine!" Hold on just one second, Zuri and Freddie. Don't you think you should learn about "Counting Coins" before you go spending that money? Remember, coins are little, flat, circular pieces of money made from metal. Each coin has a different face, a different size, and a different value. In the United States, coins are usually worth cents, or less than a dollar. We use THIS symbol, which looks like a ‘c’ with a line through it, it represents cents. A penny is worth one cent, a nickel is worth five cents, a dime is worth ten cents, and a quarter is worth twenty-five cents. Let's use the first piggy bank to review the steps for counting coins. First, order the coins from greatest to least by writing the value of each one below it. How could we order the amount here from greatest to least? Two quarters, one dime, three nickels and one penny. Next, set up an equation by adding all the values together. Then, solve the equation by adding up the values. Finally, put a cent symbol next to the answer since this represents money. Now that the first piggy bank is sorted, let's count the coins in Freddie's bank. First, order the coins from greatest to least by writing the value of each one below it. Freddie's order is one quarter, five dimes, one nickel and one penny. Next, set up an equation by adding all the values together. Then, solve the equation by adding up the all the numbers. Finally, put a cent symbol next to the answer since this represents money. Freddie has ninety cents to spend! Let's help Zuri count her coins! What is her first step? First, she must order her coins from greatest to least by writing the value of each one below. Zuri's order is one quarter, one dime, one nickel, and penny. What will Zuri do next? Next, she'll set up an addition equation to add the values of each coin together. How can Zuri solve the problem? She can add up the all the values to get forty-one. There's one last step Zuri needs to remember, what is it? She must remember to put a cent symbol next to forty-one. Zuri has forty-one cents! Before we see what Freddie and Zuri can afford, let's remember! Today we learned about counting coins in the United States. Coin are usually worth cents, an amount of money that is less than one dollar. A penny is worth one cent, a nickel is worth five cents, a dime is worth ten cents, and a quarter is worth twenty-five cents. To count coins, first, order them from greatest to least by writing their values beneath. Second, set up an addition equation to add the values of each coin together. Third, solve by totaling the values. Don't forget to write the cent symbol after your total! "Well...we might not have had enough for EXACTLY what we wanted ... " Yeah, but we got pretty close!"

Adding Coins exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Adding Coins.
  • Identify the coins.


    A coin's name is what we call the coin. A coin's value is how much it is worth.

    The faces, size and color of a coin can help us identify which coin it is.


    Look at the faces, size, and color of the coins to remember their names. Here are the values of USA coins:

    • Penny = 1₵
    • Nickel = 5₵
    • Dime = 10₵
    • Quarter = 25₵

  • Tick the coins that are ordered correctly.


    Remember to put all your coins in a straight line and pair matching coins.

    The coins should be in order from largest to smallest. Put the value of each coin under the coin.

    This image shows the coins in order from smallest to largest.


    The image above shows the correct order of Freddie's and Zuri's coins. The correct order starts with the largest coins and ends with the smallest coins.

    Zuri's coins: quarter, quarter, dime, nickel, penny, penny

    Freddie's coins: quarter, quarter, dime, nickel, nickel, penny, penny

  • Count the coins.


    Remember the value of each coin and write the value underneath the coins in the problem.

    Write your answer using digits. For example "87."

    Use another sheet of paper to add your coins.


    Use the above image to see an example of how to count these coins.

    • The first set of coins total to 73¢ (25+25+10+5+5+1+1+1)
    • The second set of coins total to 51¢ (25+10+10+5+1)
    • The third set of coins total to 65¢ (25+10+10+10+10)
    • The fourth set of coins total to 91¢ (shown above).

  • Compare the coins.


    When comparing use the symbols > (greater than), < (less than), or = (equal to).

    The open section should face the larger number. For example, 10 > 7 or 4 < 9.

    Here are the coin values to help you count them up.


    Row 1 shows 26¢ is greater than 11¢

    Row 2 shows 25¢ is equal to 25¢

    Row 3 shows 20¢ is greater than 12¢

    Row 4 shows 15¢ is less than 35¢

  • Count the coins.


    Use this image to help you order and count the coins above.

    After ordering the coins, create an addition equation with the values.


    The image above shows the coins in order from largest to smallest and the values underneath. After ordering the coins, create an addition equation with the values. This set's equation should be:

    • 25 + 25 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 83₵

  • Chose the correct amount of coins.


    Use the value of each coin to help you count them up.

    Think of how many 10s, 5s and 1s you can use to make 61.


    Another way to make 61¢ without quarters is using:

    • 5 dimes = 50¢
    • 2 nickels = 10¢
    • 1 penny = 1¢
    Together make 61¢