In Front of and Behind and Next to

Basics on the topic In Front of and Behind and Next to
Position Words – In Front Of, Behind, Next To
The terms in front of, behind, and next to are words that tell us about an object’s position in relation to another. We use words and phrases like these to find or locate something. They can be very helpful when talking about shapes and objects. Use this video’s pictures for teaching in front of, next to, and behind as well!
Position Words – Examples
We use special words to describe the location of an object compared to another. They are called position words.
One positional phrase we use often is ‘in front of’ which means just ahead of or forward of something. Above, Nia is in front of the green square.
Another positional word is ‘behind’ which means in back of something. Above, Nia is behind the green square.
Finally, there is the phrase ‘next to’ which means close to the side of, or beside, something. Above, Nia is next to the green square.
When we use these words to describe an object’s location, it helps us understand where it is.
Summary: Next To, Behind, In Front Of
Position word | Meaning | Sample Sentence |
in front of | just ahead or forward of something | The teacher is in front of the line. |
behind | in the back of something | The chair is behind the desk. |
next to | close, to the side of or beside something | My pencil is next to my paper. |
Remember, in front of, behind, and next to are position words that tell us about an object’s position in relation to another.
Have you practiced position words yet? After watching the video you can find interactive exercises and worksheets on the position words next to, in front of and behind.
Transcript In Front of and Behind and Next to
Nia and Nico are playing hide and seek at the playground. Nia counts first while Nico hides! But, she needs help finding him. To help her, let's learn all about the position words, "In Front of, Behind, and Next to", so we can tell Nia where Nico is hiding! We use special words to describe the location of something. They are called position words and help us know where someone, or something, is. There are many position words, but today we will learn about three! One phrase we'll learn about is, 'in front of' which means 'ahead of something.' We can use the words ‘in front of’ to describe where the sneakers are compared to the bench. The sneakers are in front of the bench because they are just ahead of it. Behind is another position word which means "in back of something." We can use the word behind to describe where the sneakers are compared to the bench. The sneakers are behind the bench because they are in back of it. ‘Next to’' is the last phrase we will learn today which means being beside something. We can use the phrase 'next to' to describe where the sneakers are compared to the bench. The sneakers are 'next to' the bench because they are beside it. Using these types of words can be really helpful because they help us understand or describe where something is! Let's practice using these new words to help tell Nia where Nico is hiding! Can you spot Nico's first hiding place? The swing! Is he 'in front of', behind or 'next to' it? Nico is in back of the swing so, Nico is behind it! Nia counts once more as Nico hides again! There's Nico by the sandbox! Is he 'in front of', behind or 'next to' it? Nico is just ahead of the sandbox so, Nico is 'in front of' it. Nia counts one last time as Nico finds in his final hiding spot. Look carefully is Nico 'in front of', behind or 'next to' the slide? Nico is beside it so, Nico is 'next to' the slide. Now it's time for them to switch places! While Nico counts and Nia hides, let's remember. Today we learned about the position words: 'in front of', behind, and 'next to'. They are used to describe where something is when compared to something else. ‘In front of' means 'ahead of something.' Behind means "in back of something." ‘Next to' means beside something. "Ready or not! Here I come!" "Nia, where ARE you?!" "Silly Nico! I'm right behind you!"
In Front of and Behind and Next to exercise
In front of, behind, or next to?
Hints- We use special words to describe the location of an object compared to another. These words are called position words.
- How can we use position words to describe an object’s location and understand where it is?
Nico is in front of the green square because he is ahead of it.
Nico is behind the green square because he is in the back of it.
Nico is next to the green square because he is beside it.
Solution- In front of, behind, and next to are position words that tell us about an object’s position in relation to another.
- In front of means ahead of something. Behind means in back of something. Next to means beside something.
Defining position words.
Hints- Remember, in front of, behind, and next to are position words that tell us about an object’s position in relation to another.
- Look at each picture. Where is the plane in relation to the cloud?
Read each definition carefully.
- Just ahead or forward of something. Which plane is just ahead of the cloud?
- In the back of something. Which plane is in the back of the cloud?
- To the side of or beside something. Which plane is to the side of the cloud?
Solution- In front of - just ahead or forward of something. Here we know the plane is in front of the cloud because it is just ahead of the cloud.
- Behind - in the back of something. Here we know the plane is behind the cloud because it is in the back of the cloud.
- Next to - to the side of or beside something. Here we know the plane is next to the cloud because it is beside the cloud.
Position words: true or false?
HintsDo you remember the meanings of these position words?
The trees are in the back of the house. Are the trees in front of, next to, or behind the house?
The dog is next to the house because it is beside the house.
- The dog is next to the house. If you look at the house, we can see the dog beside it.
- The trees are behind the house. The trees are in the back of the house, and are even covered by some of the house. This shows that they are behind the house.
- The car is in front of the house. The car is just ahead or forward of the house.
- The dog is behind the house.
- The car is next to the house.
- The trees are in front of the house.
Use the position words to complete the sentences.
Hints- The terms in front of, behind, and next to are words that tell us about an object’s position in relation to another.
- We use these position words to find or locate something.
The term next to means to the side of or beside something.
We can use next to when describing something on either side of an object.Look at each picture and read each sentence carefully! Make sure you understand which object's position you are identifying.
Solution- The ball is next to the bench.
- The milk carton is in front of the cereal box.
- The mouse is behind the cheese.
- The apple is next to the orange.
Where is Nico?
HintsThe term next to means to the side of or beside something.
We can use next to when describing something on either side of an object.Do you remember what the terms in front of, next to, and behind mean?
SolutionWe can use position words to describe where Nico is.
Can you find Nico, Nia, and friends?
HintsDo you remember each of the position words and their meanings?
Nico is to the side of or beside the fountain. Is he in front of, behind, or next to the fountain?
He is next to the fountain!Nari is just ahead of the trash can. Is he in front of, behind, or next to the trash can?
He is in front of the trashcan.There are two friends per each highlighter and position word.
Solution- Position words are used to describe where something is when compared to something else.
- In front of means ahead of something.
- Behind means in back of something.
- Next to means beside something.