Even and Odd Numbers

Basics on the topic Even and Odd Numbers
Even and Odd Numbers
What are even and odd numbers? Odd numbers and even numbers can be identified by one key difference between odd and even numbers; if you were to pair off numbers with counters, an odd number always has one left over, and an even number will always have none left over. This is the easiest way of explaining odd and even numbers.
Even and Odd Numbers – Overview
Even numbers are numbers that end in zero, two, four, six, and eight!
Odd numbers are numbers that end in one, three, five, seven, and nine!
Identifying Even and Odd Numbers
We can identify odd and even numbers by following some steps. Let’s use the number nine for example. First, we gather up counters to match the number nine.
Next, pair off the counters until no more pairs remain.
Finally, we can identify if the number is even or odd. Nine is odd, because we have one counter leftover after we paired off all counters.
Even and Odd Numbers – Summary
This text helps you to learn about even and odd numbers. We learned you can use counters to identify even and odd numbers. You can also remember that numbers ending in zero, two, four, six, and eight are even numbers, and that numbers ending in one, three, five, seven, and nine are odd numbers.
Even Numbers | Odd Numbers |
0 → (10, 20, 30, ...) | 3 → (3, 13, 23, …) |
2 → (2, 12, 22, ...) | 5 → (5, 15, 25, ...) |
4 → (4, 14, 24,...) | 7 → (7, 17, 27, ...) |
6 → (6, 16, 26, ...) | 9 → (9, 19, 29, …) |
8 → (8, 18, 28, ...) |
Below you will find odd and even numbers worksheets for 2nd grade.
Transcript Even and Odd Numbers
It sure is a beautiful day for Skylar and Henry to be playing outside! “Hey Henry, you’re odd!” “Wow, okay. That’s not very nice, Skylar.” “No, I mean your number, it’s odd!” “Oh okay, but how do you know?” Let's learn how to identify even and odd numbers with Skylar and Henry. All whole numbers can be identified as odd or even by the digit in the ones place. If the ones place digit is zero, two, four, six, or eight, it is even! If the ones place digit is one, three, five, seven, or nine, it is odd! Another way to identify even and odd numbers is the pairing strategy! First, read the number shown. We see a four here. Then, gather the correct amount of objects, matching the number. For the number four, we need four objects. Next, pair up the objects in sets of twos, until no more pairs remain. We will pair two objects here, and another two here. Finally, identify if the number is even or odd. If no objects remain, the number is even. If one object remains, the number is odd. Let's practice now, with Henry's jersey number! First, read the number, which is nine. This means we need to gather nine objects. Now pair off the objects until no pairs remain. Is this number even, or odd? It is odd, because one object remains. Skylar was right, Henry's number nine jersey is odd! Now let's identify Skylar's jersey number. First, read the number. What is Skylar's number? Skylar's number is twelve. We need to gather twelve objects. What is the next step? The next step is to pair off objects until no more pairs remain. Is Skylar's number even or odd? It is even, because no objects remain. Skylar's number twelve jersey is even! Before we rejoin Skylar and Henry, let's review. Remember, to identify if a number is even or odd, first, read the number shown. Then, gather the correct amount of objects, matching the number. Next, pair up the objects in sets of twos, until no more pairs remain. Finally, identify if the number is even or odd. "Okay Henry, ready when you are!" "Whoa!" "I'm so sorry Henry!" "That's okay Skylar, that is a beautiful butterfly!"
Even and Odd Numbers exercise
Which numbers are even?
HintsIf there is one dot without a pair, the number is odd.
If all the dots have a pair, then the number is even.
This number is even, since all the dots have a pair.
Solution4 and 6 are both even numbers because each dot has a pair with none left over.
Are the numbers even or odd?
HintsPair up the footballs to help you figure out whether the number is even or odd.
If there is one football without a pair, the number is odd.
If all the footballs have a pair, then the number is even.
This number is odd, since one dot doesn't have a pair.
Solution8 and 4 are even numbers because each football has a pair with none left over.
5 and 7 are odd numbers because there is one football without a pair.
Even or odd?
HintsPair up the dots to help you figure out whether the number is even or odd. If there aren't any dots to pair up, you can draw dots and pair them up.
If there is one dot without a pair, the number is odd.
If all the dots have a pair, then the number is even.
Solution9, 3, and 5 are odd because there is one dot without a pair.
10, 2, and 8 are even because each dot has a pair with none left over.
Even or odd?
HintsPair up the dots to help you figure out whether the number is even or odd. If there aren't any dots to pair up, you can draw dots and pair them up.
If there is one dot without a pair, the number is odd.
If all the dots have a pair, then the number is even.
3 numbers shown are even and 3 are odd.
Solution5, 11, and 1 are odd numbers highlighted in blue because there is one dot without a pair.
10, 8, and 6 are even numbers highlighted in green because each dot has a pair with none left over.
Is this number even or odd?
HintsIf all the dots have a pair, then the number is even.
If there is one dot without a pair, the number is odd.
This number is odd because there is one dot without a pair.
Solution7 is odd because there is one dot without a pair.
Even or odd?
HintsLook at the ones place to help you decide if the number is even or odd.
Draw dots and pair them up to help you figure out whether the number is even or odd.
If there is one dot without a pair, the number is odd.
If all the dots have a pair, then the number is even.
Solution12, 16, and 14 are even numbers because each dot has a pair with none left over.
13, 9, and 15 are odd numbers because there is one dot without a pair.