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Different Shapes, Same Fractions - Let's Practice!


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Different Shapes, Same Fractions - Let's Practice!

Basics on the topic Different Shapes, Same Fractions - Let's Practice!

Today we are practicing different shapes, same fractions with Razzi! This video contains examples to help you further practice and grow confident in this topic.

Transcript Different Shapes, Same Fractions - Let's Practice!

Razzi says get these items ready because today we're going to play different shapes, same fractions! It's time to begin! What fraction do these two shapes represent? Pause the video to work on the problem, and press play when you are ready to see the solution! There are four parts in all, and two parts are shaded in. Both shapes represent two-fourths. Did you also get two-fourths? Let's look at the next one! What fraction do these two shapes represent? Pause the video to work on the problem, and press play when you are ready to see the solution! There are six parts in all, and four parts are shaded in. Both shapes represent four-sixths. Did you also get four-sixths? Let's tackle the next shapes! What fraction do these two shapes represent? Pause the video to work on the problem, and press play when you are ready to see the solution! There are ten parts in all, and three parts are shaded in. Both shapes represent three-tenths. Did you also get three-tenths? Here is the final pair! What fraction do these two shapes represent? Pause the video to work on the problem, and press play when you are ready to see the solution! There are seven parts in all, and five parts are shaded in. Both shapes represent five-sevenths. Did you also get five-sevenths? Razzi had so much fun practicing with you today! See you next time!