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Analog Clock: Face and Hands

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Analog Clock: Face and Hands

Basics on the topic Analog Clock: Face and Hands

Analog Clock – Face and Hands

An analog clock is a type of clock that uses hands to show the time. It has a round face with numbers and two or three hands that move around the face. In this text, we will learn about the different parts of an analog clock and how to read the time.

Parts of an Analog Clock

An analog clock has three main parts: the face, the hour hand, and the minute hand. Some analog clocks also have a second hand.

The Face: The face of an analog clock is a round circle with numbers from 1 to 12. The numbers represent the hours of the day. The face is divided into two halves, one for the hours and one for the minutes.


The Hour Hand: The hour hand is shorter and thicker than the minute hand. It points to the current hour on the clock face. The hour hand moves slowly and takes 12 hours to complete one full rotation.

The Minute Hand: The minute hand is longer and thinner than the hour hand. It points to the current minute on the clock face. The minute hand moves faster than the hour hand and takes 60 minutes to complete one full rotation.

The Second Hand: Some analog clocks have a second hand, which is the thinnest and longest hand. It moves even faster than the minute hand and points to the current second on the clock face.


Telling the Time on Analog Clocks

To read the time on an analog clock, follow these steps:

Step What to do What will it tell?
1. Look at the hour hand and see which number it is pointing to. This tells you the hour
2. Look at the minute hand and see which number it is pointing to. This tells you the minute
3. If the clock has a second hand, look at it to see the seconds. This tells you the second


For example, if the hour hand is pointing to the 3 and the minute hand is pointing to the 12, the time is 3:00. If the hour hand is pointing to the 8 and the minute hand is pointing to the 30, the time is 8:30.


Differences between Analog Clocks and Digital Clocks

Analog clocks and digital clocks are two different types of clocks.

Analog Clocks: Analog clocks have a round face with hands that move around to show the time. They are often found in homes, schools, and public places. Analog clocks can be a bit more challenging to read, but they can also be more visually appealing.

Digital Clocks: Digital clocks display the time using numbers. They are often found on electronic devices like smartphones, computers, and microwaves. Digital clocks are easier to read because the time is shown in digits. Feel free to learn more about digital clocks through the learning text Digital Clocks.


The Story and Importance of Analog Clocks

Analog clocks have a fascinating story that goes back many, many years. They were the first kind of clock that lots of people used. The first analog clocks were made with gears and springs to help tell time. These clocks were super important in helping people keep track of time and find their way around.

The way analog clocks look, with their round face and moving hands, was based on how things in the sky move. The hour hand is like the sun moving across the sky, and the minute hand moves faster, just like we do during the day. Analog clocks are not just for telling time, they can also be beautiful pieces of art. They are often decorated in fancy ways and made with a lot of skill.

Analog clocks have always been really important in helping us organize our day, plan our work, and even in how cities are built. In the 17th century, the pendulum was invented, and it made analog clocks much more accurate. Even though we have digital clocks now, people still love analog clocks because they look nice and remind us of old times.


Analog Clock – Summary

Let’s review what we have learned about analog clocks in this text.

We have learned that:

  • Analog clocks are used as a traditional way of telling time.
  • They have a round face with numbers and hands that move to show the time.
  • By understanding the parts of an analog clock and how to read the time, you can become a master at telling time!

Analog Clocks – Frequently Asked Questions

What are the hands on an analog clock called?

Which hand on an analog clock is minutes?

Which hand on a clock is the hour hand?

How many hours does it take for the hour hand to complete one full rotation?

How many minutes does it take for the minute hand to complete one full rotation?

What does the face of an analog clock represent?

What are the numbers on the clock face called?

What is the purpose of the second hand on an analog clock?

How do you read the time on an analog clock?

What is the difference between an analog clock and a digital clock?

Transcript Analog Clock: Face and Hands

Zuri and Freddie are having a fun day searching through items at their local landfill when they hear something odd. : "Freddie, there's something down here!" : "I found it! Look what a pretty blue it is... what... is it?" Zuri and Freddie have found an analog clock. Today we will learn about the features of an analog clock, such as its face and hands. "Analog Clock: Face and Hands" : "Uh, Freddie? Why is it making that noise?" : "More importantly, how do we get it to STOP?" Let's take a look at the analog clock that Zuri and Freddie have found. This type of clock displays the time with moving arrows, typically, around a circle. It's different from the rectangular digital clock, which displays time with digits instead of arrows. Today we'll focus on the features of an analog clock. The analog clock shows numbers one through twelve around the circle. The clock starts at one and ends at twelve. An analog clock has arrows that move to show the time, also called hands. The first arrow is the hour arrow or the short hand. You can rermember this because the hour hand is short, and so is the word "hour". The next arrow is the minute arrow, or minute hand. You can remember this because the minute arrow is longer, and the word "minute" is longer than the word "hour". Which arrow is pointing to the number three on Zuri and Freddie's clock? (...) The shorter arrow is pointing to the number three, so the HOUR HAND is pointing to the number three. Which arrow is pointing to the number twelve on Zuri and Freddie's clock? (...) The longer arrow is pointing to the number twelve, so the MINUTE HAND is pointing to the number twelve. Once the minute hand makes it all the way around the clock, sixty minutes, or, one hour has passed. On a digital clock, there is usually a label that says AM or PM. That tells us whether it's before 12:00 noon, AM, or after 12:00 noon, PM. There isn't a label on analog clocks that shows AM or PM (...) So, it's important to pay attention to what is happening at that time to know if the time is AM or PM. For example, if Freddie says he's going to play outside at three using an analog clock we know it is 3:00 PM, or afternoon, NOT 3:00 AM, or morning. If the analog clock says nine while Zuri eats breakfast, do you think it is 9:00 AM or PM? (...) (...) If Zuri is eating breakfast it is probably in the morning. That means she will be eating at 9:00 AM. 9:00 AM shows something that is happening in the morning while 9:00 PM shows something that is happening at night. Let's summarize. Today we explored an analog clock. We learned that it has numbers from one to twelve all around it, and that as time moves forward the arrows move around the clock in a direction called clockwise. We learned about the hour and minute hands, and explored the difference between AM and PM. Let's see if Zuri and Freddie have figured out their analog clock yet. : "DID YOU MAKE IT STOP YET?"

Analog Clock: Face and Hands exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Analog Clock: Face and Hands .
  • Can you find all of the analog clocks?


    Does the clock have a long hand and a short hand?

    Numbers above 12 are not on analog clocks.


    These are the analog clocks!


    • are usually circular
    • have a long (minute) hand, and a short (hour) hand
    • display the numbers 1 to 12

  • Can you match the times?


    Think about which hand is which. What is the blue hand showing? What is the red hand showing?

    On these clocks, the blue hand is the longer minute hand and the red hand is the shorter hour hand.

    This clock shows 2 o' clock. The long minute hand is at 12 and the short hour hand is at 2.

    • The first clock shows three o' clock. The long minute (blue) hand is at 12 and the short hour (red) hand is at 3. When the long minute hand is at 12, it is always an o' clock time.

    • The second clock shows 12 o' clock. Both hands are at 12.
    • The third clock shows 6 o' clock. The long minute hand is at 12 and the short hour hand is at 6.
    • The fourth clock shows 1 o' clock. The long minute hand is at 12 and the short hour hand is at 1.
  • Do you know the features of an analog clock?


    Can you use this clock to help you?

    What shape is the clock? Which numbers are displayed?

    Remember, the length of the hands help us to remember what each one does. On this clock, the blue hand is the minute hand and the red hand is the hour hand.


    1. An analog clock is usually in the shape of a circle.
    It displays numbers one through twelve around the edge.

    2. It has two hands.
    The hands move around in a clockwise direction to show the time.

    3. The long hand is also called the minute hand.
    The short hand is also called the hour hand.

    4. The analog clock does not display AM or PM, so it is important to pay attention to what is happening to know what time of day it is.

  • Can you order Zuri's day?


    Does the picture give you a clue as to whether it is morning or evening?

    Remember, 12 noon is in the middle of the day, then the analog clock goes back to 1:00pm.


    Zuri got up at 7 o'clock and brushed her teeth at 7 o'clock, but one of them happened at 7:00 AM and one of them happened at 7:00 PM. You normally get out of bed in the morning, so Zuri got up at 7:00 AM. She is wearing her pajamas and it looks like the evening when she is brushing her teeth, so this event happened at 7:00 PM.


    • Zuri got up at 7:00 AM
    • Zuri ate her breakfast at 8:00 AM
    • Zuri ate her lunch at 12:00 noon, which is 12:00 PM
    • Zuri played outside with Freddie at 2:00 PM
    • Zuri brushed her teeth at 7:00 PM
    • Zuri went to sleep at 8:00 PM
  • Can you label this analog clock?


    Remember, the length of each hand gives us a clue about the job it does.

    This clock is showing the time 9 o' clock because the long minute hand is at 12 and the short hour hand is at 9.


    Here is the fully labelled analog clock.

    • We can remember that the long hand is the minute hand because minute is a longer word than hour.
    • We can remember that the short hand is the hour hand because hour is a shorter word than minute.
    • The numbers move around from 12 in a clockwise direction.
    • The time displayed on the clock is 3 o' clock.
  • Can you solve Freddie and Zuri's puzzle?


    Remember, when the minute hand goes all the way around, the hour hand just moves from one number to the next.

    If it is going counter-clockwise, then the hour hand will move back one number.

    If we are starting at 3:00 and going around the clock once, we are adding on one hour.


    The correct time is 5 o' clock!

    • The clock started at 3 o' clock.
    • Freddie and Zuri wound it forwards one hour to 4 o' clock.
    • They then wound it forwards two more hours to 6 o' clock.
    • Finally, they wound it backwards one hour to 5 o' clock.