Addition on a Number Line up to Twenty—Let's Practice!

Basics on the topic Addition on a Number Line up to Twenty—Let's Practice!
Addition on a Number Line up to Twenty – Introduction
We're diving into the world of addition on a number line. These exercises require us to use a number line to find our answers. As we embark on this mathematical journey, remember that adding on a number line is like taking steps on a path, and you're the adventurer!
What Is Addition on a Number Line?
Addition on a number line involves finding a starting number on the line and then moving a certain number of steps to the right to find the sum. This visual method helps us understand how numbers increase as we add.
Here are the steps to tackle addition on a number line:
Step # | Action |
1 | Identify the starting number on the number line. |
2 | Count the number of steps to the right. |
3 | Land on the final number, which is your sum. |
4 | Check your answer to ensure it makes sense with the problem. |
Let's practice understanding addition on a number line with a few examples.
Solving Addition on a Number Line – Example
Example 1:
Solve 3 + 6 using the number line.
Steps to Solve the Problem:
Step # | Action |
1 | Find 3 on the number line. |
2 | Count 6 places to the right. |
3 | Land on 9. |
The sum is 9.
Example 2:
Solve 11 + 5 using the number line.
Steps to Solve the Problem:
Step # | Action |
1 | Find 11 on the number line. |
2 | Count 5 places to the right. |
3 | Land on 16. |
The sum is 16.
Example 3:
Solve 2 + 8 using the number line.
Steps to Solve the Problem:
Step # | Action |
1 | Find 2 on the number line. |
2 | Count 8 places to the right. |
3 | Land on 10. |
The sum is 10.
Example 4:
Solve 3 + 2 + 1 using the number line.
Steps to Solve the Problem:
Step # | Action |
1 | Find 3 on the number line. |
2 | Count 2 places to the right to land on 5. |
3 | Count 1 more place to the right. |
4 | Land on 6. |
The sum is 6.
Solving Addition on a Number Line – Application
Now, let's put your skills to the test. Solve these problems on your own, and check the solutions when you're ready!
Solving Addition on a Number Line – Summary
Key Learnings from this Text:
- Solving addition problems on a number line can be achieved by following these steps:
Step # | Action |
1 | Identify the starting number on the number line. |
2 | Count the number of steps to the right. |
3 | Land on the final number, which is your sum. |
4 | Check your answer to ensure it makes sense with the problem. |
- Mastering addition on a number line is an important visual math skill.
Keep practicing these steps, and you'll become a pro at adding numbers on a number line! Check out more fun math challenges and exercises on our website to continue sharpening your skills.
Solving Addition on a Number Line – Frequently Asked Questions
Transcript Addition on a Number Line up to Twenty—Let's Practice!
[Title] Addition on a Number Line up to Twenty. It's time to begin! Let's solve (...) three plus six using the number line. [2-5 second pause] First, find three on the number line... then count six places to the right to land on NINE! Did you also get nine as your answer? Let's tackle the next problem! Solve (...) eleven plus five using the number line.. [2-5 second pause] First, find eleven on the number line... then count five places to the right to land on SIXTEEN! Did you also get sixteen as your answer? Let's try another! Solve (...) two plus eight using the number line. [2-5 second pause] First, find two on the number line... then count eight places to the right to land on TEN! Did you also get ten as your answer? Let's try one more! This time we are adding three numbers! Solve (...) three plus two plus one using the number line. [2-5 second pause] First, find three on the number line... then count two places to the right to land on five... then count one MORE place to right to land on SIX! Did you also get six as your answer? Razzi had so much fun practicing with you today! See you next time!
Addition on a Number Line up to Twenty—Let's Practice! exercise
What is 5 + 4?
HintsHave a look at this number line to 10 to help you fill in the missing numbers.
The arrows show 4 jumps from 5. Which number do we land on? That is the answer.
Solution5 + 4 = 9
The missing numbers were 6, 7, 8 and 9. When we count 4 jumps from 5, we get to 9.
Can you use the number line to solve the problems?
HintsFind the first number in the number sentence on the number line. Once you have done that, count forwards by the second number.
For example, if we were solving 13 + 5, we would find 13 on the number line and then jump forwards 5 spaces.
This picture of part of a number line shows how we would use the number line to solve 13 + 5.
SolutionThe above picture of part of a number line shows how we would solve 12 + 6. We would start on 12 and jump 6 spaces forwards to land on 18. 12 + 6 = 18
- 4 + 8 = 12
- 11 + 8 = 19
- 5 + 9 = 14
Can you complete the number line and solve the problem?
HintsWe are counting on 3 from 12, so there are three gaps to fill in on the number line. What numbers come after 12?
Once you have filled in the gaps, make three jumps from 12. Which number do you land on?
Have a look at this number line from 11 to 20 to help you complete the above number line.
Solution12 + 3 = 15
The missing numbers were 13, 14 and 15.
When we make 3 jumps forwards from 12, we land on 15.
Use the number line to solve the problems.
HintsFind the number you are starting with on the number line, then jump forwards by the other number.
For example, when you are solving 13 + 5, find 13 on the number line and then jump 5 spaces forwards.
When you are solving 4 + 4 + 2, start on 4 and jump 4 spaces forwards, then jump 2 more spaces forwards.
Solution13 + 5 = 18. Start on 13 and jump 5 spaces forwards as shown above. You will land on 18.
7 + 6 = 13
9 + 7 = 16
4 + 4 + 2 = 10
Can you solve 4 + 3?
HintsWe are adding onto 4, so the answer has to be greater than 4.
Use the jumps on the number line to help you. Where do they end?
Solution4 + 3 = 7
Beth's Walk.
HintsLook carefully at the numbers in each sentence. Can you make a number sentence?
Can you use or draw your own number line to help you?
Here is a number line to help you.
SolutionOne day, Beth went for a walk. As she was walking she saw 4 blue cars and 6 red cars. Altogether, that is 10 cars. 4 + 6 = 10
Beth was walking her 2 dogs. She also saw 7 more dogs on her walk. Altogether, that is 9 dogs. 2 + 7 = 9
Beth walked past some shops. There were 8 shops on one side of the road and 7 shops on the other side. Altogether, that is 15 shops. 8 + 7 = 15
Beth also walked past 1 apple tree, 5 horse chestnut trees and 3 oak trees. Altogether, that is 9 trees. 1 + 5 + 3 = 9