What are Abstract Nouns?

Basics on the topic What are Abstract Nouns?
What are Abstract Nouns?
Did you know that there are different kinds of nouns? We call them concrete and abstract nouns. But how can you tell the difference between concrete or abstract nouns? In order to determine the difference, we need to clarify ‘what’s an abstract noun?’ and practice concrete noun and abstract noun identification. This text will offer all the necessary information on abstract and concrete nouns.
Abstract Nouns – Definition
An abstract noun is a noun that cannot be experienced with the senses. It is usually an idea, experience, feeling, or quality someone or something has.
Abstract Nouns – Examples
What is an abstract noun example? Bravery is a good example of an abstract noun, because you cannot see it. It is usually a feeling or an experience someone has! And feelings and experiences can vary from person to person.
Let’s have a look at another example:
Koko and Pip admired the beauty of one another. Koko and Pip are concrete nouns because we can see, hear, smell, and touch them. Beauty is an abstract noun because it is an idea someone has of something, and this is often dependent on the person.
Abstract Nouns - Summary
Now you have seen an abstract noun example, let’s review what we have learned today. Abstract nouns cannot be experienced with the five senses. They are often ideas, experiences, feelings, or qualities.
Here are some examples of the four categories of abstract nouns presented in this text:
Category | Example |
experiences | a memory |
ideas | a suggestion |
feelings | love |
qualities | honesty |
Next time someone asks you, “what’s an abstract noun?” You can now answer this question! Below you will find interactive exercises, worksheets and more activities on abstract nouns with examples and answers.
Transcript What are Abstract Nouns?
Abstract nouns art class is in session, but Koko and Pip are a little confused. In order to create a masterpiece for an abstract noun, they need to learn what are abstract nouns? Nouns can be concrete nouns or abstract nouns. A concrete noun is a physical object, like a ball, a dog, or candy, that can be experienced with the five senses, touch, hearing, taste, smell, and sight! An abstract noun is usually an idea, feeling, experience, or quality, and cannot be experienced with the five senses. Today, we are going to explore more about abstract nouns. So, if an abstract noun cannot be experienced with the five senses, what are they? Abstract nouns are usually ideas, such as thoughts, experiences, such as childhood, qualities, such as bravery, and feelings, such as love! None of these nouns are experienced with the five senses, making them abstract! Now that we have explored a little bit about what abstract nouns are let's practice identifying whether a sentence has a concrete noun or an abstract noun! There was a lot of bravery shown by all involved. What is the noun in this sentence? The noun is BRAVERY. Is bravery a concrete noun, or an abstract noun? Bravery is an abstract noun, because we cannot experience it with any of the five senses, and it is usually a quality one has. Let's take a look at the sentence, that elephant is so big compared to the others. What is the noun in this sentence? The noun is elephant. Is elephant a concrete noun, or an abstract noun? Elephant is a concrete noun, because we can experience it with some of the five senses. You can touch and see an elephant. And you could probably smell an elephant too if you were close enough! Sometimes, sentences can contain concrete nouns and abstract nouns. Look at the sentence, Koko and Pip admired the beauty of one another. What are the nouns in this sentence? The nouns are Koko, Pip, and beauty. Is Koko a concrete noun, or an abstract noun? Koko is a concrete noun, because it is a name, and you can see and touch koko! Is Pip a concrete noun, or an abstract noun? Like Koko, Pip is a concrete noun because it is a name, and we can see and touch Pip too! Is beauty a concrete noun, or an abstract noun? Beauty is an abstract noun, because beauty is often an idea or feeling that goes beyond what someone can see with their eyes; because what one person finds beautiful, someone else may not! It looks like Koko and Pip have decided to paint a piece of abstract artwork for the noun beauty, so let's review while they paint! Remember, nouns can be concrete nouns or abstract nouns. A concrete noun is a physical object that can be experienced with the five senses. An abstract noun is usually an idea, feeling, experience, or quality, and cannot be experienced with the five senses. A sentence may contain concrete nouns and abstract nouns. "Pip, here is what I painted for beauty. It's myself!" "That's funny because I also painted you for beauty!" "Oh Pip, that's... that's beautiful. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder!"
What are Abstract Nouns? exercise
Determine if the option is a concrete or abstract noun.
HintsA concrete noun can be experienced with the five senses, such as a flower.
An abstract noun cannot be experienced with the five senses, such as love for a friend.
There are four abstract nouns.
SolutionAbstract nouns are usually ideas, experiences, qualities, and feelings.
Which is a concrete noun?
HintsA concrete noun is a physical object that can be experienced with the five senses (touch, hearing, taste, smell, and sight).
An abstract noun cannot be experienced with the five senses.
Solution"Painting supplies" are a concrete noun because they can be experienced with the five senses.
Identify the abstract and concrete noun in a sentence.
HintsConcrete nouns are physical objects that you can see, hear, taste, smell, or touch.
You cannot see, hear, taste, smell, or touch abstract nouns.
SolutionConcrete nouns are highlighted here in yellow and abstract nouns are highlighted in blue. We use abstract nouns in writing to express specific feelings, ideas, experiences, or qualities. We use concrete nouns to refer to specific people, places, or things.
Determine if each sentence uses an abstract or concrete noun.
HintsSolutionThe concrete nouns are:
*Koko and Pip
*slothsThe abstract nouns are:
*courage -
Identify which option is an abstract noun.
HintsAn abstract noun cannot be experienced with the five senses.
A concrete noun can be experienced with the five senses.
There is only one correct answer.
SolutionAbstract nouns are usually ideas, experiences, qualities, and feelings. An idea is an abstract noun.
How do we use abstract and concrete nouns in writing?
HintsThere are three concrete nouns in this question. Concrete nouns are physical objects that you can see, hear, taste, smell, or touch.
There are eight concrete nouns in this question. You cannot see, hear, taste, smell, or touch abstract nouns.
SolutionThe abstract nouns are highlighted here in purple and the concrete nouns are highlighted in green. Abstract nouns are used in writing to express ideas, experiences, qualities, and feelings. Concrete nouns are used in writing to describe physical objects that can be experienced with the five senses.