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Planning for Writing

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Planning for Writing

Basics on the topic Planning for Writing

Do you want to know how to plan your writing and how to use a graphic organizer for essay writing? Learn planning writing through an interactive video, activities, and worksheets!

Planning Sheets for Writing – Introduction

The writing process consists of planning, drafting, revising, formatting, editing, and proofreading. The first stage of writing is planning, during which we think about what we are going to write. Spending more time in the planning phase of the writing process leads to better results, which is why it is important to do planning in the writing process properly.

Graphic Organizers – Planning Sheets for Writing an Essay

To make sure our writing is well-structured and we don’t forget anything important, we use a graphic organizer template for writing. This graphic organizer is sometimes called a planning sheet for writing an essay, and it helps us think about what we are going to write.

We use it to take short notes about ideas we will include in our writing. This writing planning graphic organizer would be perfect for a 5-paragraph essay writing.


Remember, that we can use this graphic organizer for narrative writing (story writing), descriptive writing, opinion writing, persuasive writing, or argumentative writing.

Planning a writing project involves determining what title you are going to use. You can do it as a first step of your planning, or at the very end if you can’t think of a good title immediately.

Next, we plan the introduction. The introduction of your writing should include a hook, which grabs readers’ attention.

The hook can include facts, questions, or quotes that will make the reader want to keep reading further.

Then, you should include some background information which gives the purpose of your writing. This part can include the main points on why the topic you are writing about is important.

After planning the introduction, we can start planning our body paragraphs. Usually, the main points from the introduction become the topics of each paragraph.

Body paragraphs can include things like facts and directions, 5 Ws (who? what? when? where? why?) and how, descriptions, text evidence, or opinions and reasons.


Body paragraphs can include:
1. facts and directions
2. 5 Ws and how
3. descriptions
4. text evidence
5. opinions and reasons

When using a graphic organizer for writing body paragraphs, make sure that each paragraph includes a topic sentence, the body (5-7 sentences long), and a closing sentence that restates the topic sentence.

Finally, we plan the conclusion.

In the conclusion we restate the main idea, summarize main points, and draw to a close by making a final impactful observation, making a call to action, or ending with a powerful quote or fact.

Planning for Writing – Summary

Let’s summarize what we have learned about planning for writing. We can use a graphic organizer to plan our writing more efficiently. When using a graphic organizer, you should include notes about the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion paragraph.

Now you are ready to start writing your essay! If you want more practice, check out our writing planning worksheets that include a free printable graphic organizer for 4th grade informational writing in PDF, and watch our video!

Frequently Asked Questions about Planning for Writing

Why is planning important in writing?

What is a graphic organizer for writing?

Why use graphic organizers for writing?

How do you use a graphic organizer to write an essay?

Transcript Planning for Writing

Ernie and Jane have an intern, who wants to write his first article! They will need to teach Benji all about planning for writing. When planning for writing we think about what we are going to write about and make a plan! Planning for writing is very important because it ensures our writing is focused and easy to follow, and that we don't forget anything important. So, with all this in mind, how can we plan our writing? We use a graphic organizer, like this! First, we usually think of a title, but you can always do this last if you can't think of a title immediately. Benji decides on the title, pawsitive minds in ruff times. Next, we move onto the introduction box. The introduction of your writing should usually include a hook, which reels in the readers. The hook could include facts, questions, or quotes that will make the reader want to keep reading. Benji decides to use the hook; wonder why mindfulness is important? Usually you should include background information, which gives the purpose of your writing. This can include the main points and why the topic is important. For example, Benji makes the notes: Mindfulness is important, calming, helps you focus, and lowers stress. Now, we can begin planning our body paragraphs. Usually, the main points from the introduction becomes the topic of each paragraph. Depending on the type of writing you are doing, the body paragraphs will include things like facts and directions, the five w's and how, clear descriptions, text evidence to support, or opinions and reasons! When planning for writing, each paragraph should include notes for a topic sentence, the body, which should be at least five to seven sentences long, and a closing sentence that restates the topic sentence. Let's watch as Benji makes notes for one of his paragraphs! For his topic sentence, Benji makes the note: Mindfulness is calming. For his paragraph body, he makes the notes: focus on what's bothering you, helps balance hormones, and identifies your feelings. For his closing sentence, Benji writes: A lot of reasons why it calms you. Did you notice how short Benji's notes are as he plans? This is just the planning stage, so short notes are completely okay. Finally, the conclusion can be planned. In the conclusion, we usually restate the main idea, summarize the main points, and finally, draw to a close by making a final impactful observation, making a call to action, or ending with a powerful quote or fact that drives home your writing points! In his conclusion, Benji writes mindfulness is important, to restate his main idea. Calming, helps you focus, and lowers stress, to remind him of his main points to summarize. And for his closing; two hundred to five hundred million people meditate worldwide. Benji is going to complete the rest of his organizer, then type up his draft! While he does this, let's review! Remember, when planning for writing, we can use a graphic organizer to help. The introduction paragraph, the body paragraphs, and conclusion paragraph should all include notes that make it easy for you to stay organized and focused in your writing. "Ahem!" "Oh, look at him! He wants to publish it already!" "Oh, you eager pup. You have so much to learn! We still need to revise this."

1 comment
  1. WoW :3

    From Michael, almost 2 years ago

Planning for Writing exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Planning for Writing.
  • Complete the organizer.


    The last paragraph should repeat and clarify the previous paragraphs, then bring the writing to an end.

    The first paragraph should get the reader's attention and give the main idea.

    The first paragraph introduces the writing and the last paragraph concludes the writing.


    A graphic organizer should include the following:

    • Title - This is the name of the piece of writing.
    • Introduction paragraph - This should include a hook to catch people's interest, and general background information about the topic.
    • Body paragraph - This should include the main points from the introduction and most of the information about the topic.
    • Conclusion paragraph - In the last paragraph, the main ideas and points are repeated, and the writing is drawn to a close.

  • Pair terms and definitions.


    The body paragraphs should include facts and directions, descriptions, evidence and opinions, and anything else the reader should know about the topic.

    The conclusion paragraph should repeat and clarify the previous paragraphs, then bring the writing to an end.

    The introduction paragraph is the first paragraph people will read, and should get the reader's attention.

    • Title - This is the name of the piece of writing.
    • Introduction paragraph - This should include a hook to catch people's interest, and general background information about the topic.
    • Body paragraph - This should include the main points from the introduction and most of the information about the topic.
    • Conclusion paragraph - In the last paragraph, the main ideas and points are repeated, and the writing is drawn to a close.
  • Describe the conclusion paragraph.


    A graphic organizer and a paragraph both follow the same structure of introduction, body, and closing.

    A conclusion paragraph should reference or close the main points brought up previously.

    The conclusion paragraph should:
    1) Remind the reader what the focus of the writing was.
    2) Remind the reader what the most important information or points were.
    3) Leave a clear, final closing message for the reader.


    The conclusion paragraph is the last paragraph in a writing piece.
    A conclusion paragraph should:

    • Restate the main idea.
    • Summarize the main points.
    • Draw to a close by making a final impactful observation, or ending with a powerful quote or fact.

  • Describe the information in a body paragraph.


    Body paragraphs are where you present the majority of your information and arguments. They should work together with the introduction and conclusion paragraphs.

    Body paragraphs come after the introduction paragraph and continue what the introduction paragraph has already started.

    There are 3 true choices and 2 incorrect choices.



    • The topic of a body paragraph is usually a point from the introduction paragraph.
    • Body paragraphs should include things like facts and directions, who, what, where, why and how questions, descriptions, text evidence, and opinions and reasons.
    • Body paragraphs should include a topic sentence, body of the paragraph (5-7 sentences), and closing sentence.
    • Body paragraphs are about the human body.
    • Body paragraphs introduce new ideas for the first time.

  • What is NOT needed for planning for writing?


    You should think about what you need to say. What can you use to plan and organize your ideas?

    You should also consider:

    • The name of the piece of your writing.
    • What is your main idea and supporting information?

    Sometimes people also type or write in pen.


    You do NOT need 20 pencils to begin a writing project.

  • Complete the graphic organizer.


    Body paragraphs have a beginning sentence, middle content, and end sentence.

    You want to get the reader's attention at the beginning of your writing. What part of the graphic organizer comes first, and would be the best place for this?

    Drawing the entire writing to a close should be the last part of your writing.

    • The introduction should include a hook to catch people's attention.
    • The body paragraph begins with a topic sentence, followed by the body of the paragraph, followed by the closing sentence.
    • The conclusion paragraph should restate the main idea before it draws the entire writing to a close.