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Meet Bossy 'R' (er, ir, ur)— Let's Practice!

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Meet Bossy 'R' (er, ir, ur)— Let's Practice!

Basics on the topic Meet Bossy 'R' (er, ir, ur)— Let's Practice!

Let's practice the Bossy 'R', specifically er, ir, ur, with Goopaw!

Transcript Meet Bossy 'R' (er, ir, ur)— Let's Practice!

Goopaw says get ready to Meet Bossy R (ER, IR, UR). Remember, when R follows e, i or u, it makes the pair say /er/. One way to spell /er/ is with the letters ER. If you hear /er/ sound in the second syllable at the end of a word, it's mostly likely the ER spelling. Another way to spell /er/ is with the letters IR. They spell /er/ inside the word if it's followed by the sounds /d/, /an/, /m/, /t/, or /th/. Finally, UR can spell /er/ in the beginning, middle or end of a word. Here is an example. Water. Which bossy R says /er/ in water? ER, IR, or UR? ER because the /er/ sound is at the end of the two syllable word, water. Let's look at another word. Curl. Which bossy R says /er/ in curl? ER, IR, or UR? UR, the /er/ sound is in the middle of the word curl. Here is the next one. Third. Which bossy R says /er/ in third? ER, IR, or UR? IR because the /er/ sound is inside 'third' and it's followed by the /d/ sound. Here is another word: purple. Which bossy R says /er/ in purple? ER, IR, or UR? UR, the /er/ sound is inside of the word purple. Here is the last word. Dirt. Which bossy R says /er/ in dirt? ER, IR, or UR? IR because the /er/ sound is inside 'dirt' and it's followed by the /t/ sound. Goopaw had so much fun practicing with you today! See you next time!

Meet Bossy 'R' (er, ir, ur)— Let's Practice! exercise

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  • In the word "park," what letter makes the vowel "a" say its sound differently?


    The ar sound is often found in words like car and farm.

    Look for a letter that comes after the vowel in park.


    In the word park, the Bossy "R" changes the sound of the vowel.

  • In which words is the Bossy "R" spelled as "er"?


    The /er/ sound at the end of a word is typically spelled with the letters er.

    For example, farmer and writer.


    The Bossy "R" is spelled er in:

    • teacher
    • computer
    • sweater
  • In which words is the Bossy "R" spelled as "ur"?


    When you hear the "R" sound, especially when followed by a consonant, it's often spelled as ur.

    Words with the ur spelling typically involve actions or descriptions related to movement.


    The correct words are:

    • burn
    • turn
    • blur
  • In which words is the Bossy "R" spelled as "ir"?


    When you hear the Bossy "R" sound (like in bird or shirt), you'll often find it spelled as ir.

    Words with the ir spelling typically have the Bossy "R" sound, especially when it's followed by a consonant.


    The Bossy "R" is spelled as ir in:

    • girl
    • third
    • skirt
  • Can you find the Bossy "R" words?


    This sound typically occurs when the letter r follows a vowel and changes its sound.

    Like in the word dancer.

    Think of words like turn, squirt and farmer.

    You can hear the Bossy "R" in star.

    There are 3 correct answers.


    The correct words are:

    • dancer
    • skirt
    • star
  • Which Bossy "R" do we hear in the words?


    One way to spell /er/ is with the letters er.

    If you hear the /er/ sound in the second syllable at the end of a word, it's mostly likely the er spelling.

    Like in the words summer and butter.

    Another way to spell /er/ is with the letters ir.

    They spell /er/ inside the word if it's followed by the sounds /d/, /an/, /m/, /t/, or /th/.

    Like in the words third and birthday.


    The answers are:

    • baker
    • firm
    • purse
    • birth