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Make It Plural: 'S' or 'ES'— Let's Practice!

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Make It Plural: 'S' or 'ES'— Let's Practice!

Basics on the topic Make It Plural: 'S' or 'ES'— Let's Practice!

Understanding Plural Nouns – Definition

A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea. When a noun names just one, it is called a singular noun. When a noun names more than one, it is called a plural noun.


  • Singular: cat → Plural: cats
  • Singular: dog → Plural: dogs
  • Singular: house → Plural: houses
  • Singular: tree → Plural: trees
  • Singular: flower → Plural: flowers

What is a singular noun?

What is a plural noun?

Give an example of a singular noun and its plural form.

Rules for Forming Regular Plural Nouns

Adding -s:

Most nouns form their plural by simply adding an -s to the end of the word.

  • Example: book → books
  • Example: car → cars
  • Example: apple → apples
  • Example: pen → pens

Adding -es:

Nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, or sh form their plural by adding -es to the end of the word.

  • Example: box → boxes
  • Example: church → churches
  • Example: bush → bushes
  • Example: quiz → quizzes

Changing -y to -ies:

If a noun ends in a consonant followed by a -y, change the -y to -ies.

  • Example: baby → babies
  • Example: story → stories
  • Example: city → cities
  • Example: puppy → puppies

How do most nouns form their plural?

What is the rule for forming the plural of nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, or sh?

Understanding Irregular Plural Nouns – Explanation

Some nouns don't follow the regular rules when forming their plural. These are called irregular plural nouns - they do not follow any specific pattern, and therefore we need to memorize them.

Examples of Irregular Plural Nouns:

  • Child → children
  • Foot → feet
  • Mouse → mice
  • Tooth → teeth

What are irregular plural nouns?

What is the plural form of foot?

Make it Plural – Example

Let's look at some examples of forming plural nouns:

Regular Plural Nouns

Singular Plural
car cars
dish dishes
city cities

Irregular Plural Nouns

Singular Plural
man men
woman women
tooth teeth

Make it Plural – Guided Practice

What is the plural of dog?

What is the plural of box?

What is the plural of baby?

What is the plural of man?

What is the plural of goose?

What is the plural of tooth?

Make it Plural – Application

What is the plural of cat?

What is the plural of brush?

What is the plural of lady?

What is the plural of mouse?

What is the plural of child?

Make it Plural – Summary

Key Learnings from this Text:

  • A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.
  • Singular nouns name one, while plural nouns name more than one.
  • Regular plural nouns typically add -s, -es, or change -y to -ies.
  • Irregular plural nouns do not follow standard rules.

Continue exploring more content on our website, such as interactive practice problems, educational videos, and printable worksheets to support your learning journey!

Make it Plural – Frequently Asked Questions

What is a plural noun?

How do you form the plural of most nouns?

How do you form the plural of nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, or sh?

What is the rule for forming the plural of nouns ending in a consonant followed by a -y?

What are irregular plural nouns?

Can you give an example of an irregular plural noun?

What is the plural form of "mouse"?

How do you form the plural of a noun ending in "ch"?

What is the plural form of "tooth"?

How can I practice forming plural nouns?

Transcript Make It Plural: 'S' or 'ES'— Let's Practice!

Goopaw says let's start practicing how to "Make It Plural: S or ES." Plural means there is more than one of something. When we read, write, or speak, we can hear this when we add S to the end of the word. Here is an example. One dog becomes many dogs. Sometimes, if the word ends in s, x, ch, or sh, we add an ES to the end instead of an s. Here is an example. One wish becomes many wishes. Now it's your turn! Try this word. How do you say more than one cup? Cups! You add an S to the end. Here is the next word. How do you say more than one bus? Buses! You add an ES to the end because the last letter in bus is an S. Here is another word. How do you say more than one web? Webs! You add an S to the end. Here is one more word. How do you say more than one car? Cars! You add an S to the end. Here is the last word. How do you say more than one fox? Foxes! You add an ES because the last letter in fox is an X. Goopaw had so much fun practicing with you today! See you next time!

Make It Plural: 'S' or 'ES'— Let's Practice! exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Make It Plural: 'S' or 'ES'— Let's Practice!.
  • Identify how to make a word plural.


    Is the word flags singular or plural? What does it end with?

    Is the word foxes singular or plural? What does it end with?


    To make a word plural, add es or s to the ending.

    For example:
    We flew a flag.
    We flew flags.

    The fox ran fast.
    The foxes ran fast.

  • Make words plural.


    For regular nouns that do not end in s, x, or ch, add an s to make them plural.

    One way to make a word plural is to add es at the end.


    Words that end in ch, x, or s, use an es to become plural.

  • Identify the correct plural form of the word.


    The plural of car is cars.

    The plural of batch is batches.


    To make a word plural, add the suffix -s or -es.

    1. Our wristwatches tell us the time.
    2. There are two hands on a watch.
    3. One is for the minutes and the other is for the hours.
    4. With a watch, you'll get to places on time!
  • Label a picture with plural forms.


    The plural of the word hat, is hats.

    The plural of the word bunch, is bunches.


    For words that end in s, sh, ch, and x, add -es to make the plural.

  • Determine the correct plural form of a word.


    Words that end in t take an s to become plural.

    The sentence below is an example of a correct plural form of the word kitten:

    My cat had a litter of seven kittens.


    None of the words above end in ch, x, or s. Therefore, the plural just takes the suffix -s.

    1. balloons
    2. baskets
    3. tigers
    4. lemons
  • Write a story using plural words.


    The plural of the word cat, is cats.

    The plural of the word fox, is foxes.


    To make a word plural, add the suffix -s or -es.

    Uncle Ted's farm is between two mountains. There are cows, ducks, and chickens. Every morning we go and collect eggs from the coop.

    We have to get up before the sun! Uncle Ted pushes me to work hard. We gather the eggs into cartons, then put the cartons into boxes. Uncle Ted will bring them to the neighboring towns to feed everyone!