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Key Ideas: Illustrations


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Key Ideas: Illustrations

Basics on the topic Key Ideas: Illustrations

Let's learn how illustrations help us find key ideas with Pearl and Otis!

Transcript Key Ideas: Illustrations

"Um, Pearl, what are you doing?" "Oh you know just HANGING OUT, like those spider monkeys I've been telling you about. Let's learn about them AGAIN!" "But Pearl, (...) never mind." Let's find out more about spider monkeys using... Key Ideas: (...) Illustrations. Illustrations' are pictures or drawings in a text that help us to understand the key idea. The key idea is what the text is mostly about. When we read, we mix information from WORDS with information from IllUSTRATIONS (...) to help us understand the key idea. Let's look at this spider monkey illustration HERE. The text says, 'Spider Monkey', so we know the key idea is spider monkeys. But what ELSE does this illustration tell you about how a spider monkey climbs? (...) Look carefully at the illustration (...) what do you notice? Let's use the sentence starter, 'this shows me that". (...) This shows me that a spider monkey uses its tail to climb! Now, let's look at another illustration! Take a minute and think (...) what do you notice? What does this illustration tell you about what a spider monkey likes to eat? (...) Let's use the sentence starter, 'this shows me that", again. This shows me that the spider monkey likes to eat fruit. Let's look at the last illustration. What does this illustration show you about where a spider monkey sleeps? (...) Take a minute and think (...) what do you see? This shows me they sleep in trees together! Remember(...), Illustrations are pictures or drawings in a text that help us understand the key idea. The key idea is what the text is mostly about. When we read, we mix information from WORDS with information from IllUSTRATIONS to help us understand the key idea. "WOW, spider monkeys are so cool!" "Huh, what happened?" "WOO HOO! Oh, sorry Otis! I thought this was a vine."

Key Ideas: Illustrations exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Key Ideas: Illustrations.
  • How do we understand the key idea?


    When we read, we get information from words but we also look at the pictures.

    The key idea is what the text is mostly about.


    When we read we get information from words and illustrations.

    The key idea is what the text is mostly about.

  • Can you help Pearl connect the phrases?


    When we read, we mix information from the text and illustrations to help us understand the key idea.

    Here is an example of text.

    • Pictures or drawings in a text are called illustrations
    • What the text is mostly about is the key idea
    • Words and pictures both give us information
    • Writing on a page is also called text
  • Look at this picture. What does it tell you?


    Pictures and drawings can show us the key idea.

    Look at where the monkeys are sleeping.

    Look at the time of the day.


    The illustration shows me that spider monkeys sleep in trees together. Pearl also noticed that the spider monkey likes to sleep at night. It looks like the baby monkeys sleep on the mama or papa monkeys.

  • What does this illustration tell you?


    Think of what the two animals may be doing with the jam.

    Bear is smiling. Bunny has two jars of jam.

    Take a look at what time of the day it may be.


    We can tell from the image that two animals are selling jam.

    Bunny and Bear like jam because we see that Bunny bought two jars and Bear looks happy.

    Although the jam is red, we cannot be sure it is strawberry jam.

  • What are illustrations?


    Illustrations can be pictures or drawings in a text.

    An illustration gives us information.

    We can learn from illustrations.


    Illustrations are all of the following:

    • Pictures in a text
    • Drawings that tell us something
    • Tell us about the key idea

  • What does this illustration in today's paper tell us?


    Look at the illustration and read the text to find the key idea.

    Notice there is a ladder and a tree.

    Scout the dog has a thumb up.


    Looking at the whole illustration and information in the text, we can say that, the key idea is, Scout the dog saved the cat from the tree.