Key Details that Support the Main Idea

Basics on the topic Key Details that Support the Main Idea
Key Details that Support the Main Idea
Transcript Key Details that Support the Main Idea
Otis and Pearl are trapped in the Jurassic Period. They are researching the topic and looking for the details that will help them escape. Otis and Pearl must locate Key Details that Support the Main Idea. The main idea is the focus of a text or paragraph. Key details are examples of evidence used to support the main idea. These can be facts or examples to help understand the topic. However, not every idea in a text is relevant to the main idea. Authors usually include interesting details that enhance the text but do not help with understanding the main idea. For example, if the main idea was describing alligators' eating habits, one key detail would be that they eat once a week. A detail that could be included for interest could be stating that they live around thirty to fifty years. We can discover the important details that support the main idea by, first, determining the main idea, and then looking for text evidence that is directly connected to the author's point of view. Let's assist Pearl and Otis by reading passages and identifying key details to support main ideas. The Jurassic Period was a period of significant changes for the planet. It lasted slightly more than fifty million years and began approximately two hundred million years ago. Previously, the Earth was a single landmass known as Pangea. Shifting tectonic plates caused the land to fracture and move apart, resulting in the continents we know today. Which of these sentences best describes the author's main idea? (...) : Millions of years ago, the Earth was one large piece of land. : Earth's surface went through many changes during the Jurassic Period.
Key Details that Support the Main Idea exercise
What is the main idea in a text or paragraph?
HintsThe main idea is the most important thing about the who or the what in the text or paragraph.
When you read a text, focus on the who or the what.
SolutionThe main idea is the focus of a text or paragraph.
Key details are examples of evidence used to support the main idea.
These can be facts or examples to help understand the topic.
What can help you understand the main idea in a text?
HintsAuthors use evidence or facts to support the main idea.
Examples can also help you understand the main idea.
SolutionThe main idea is the focus of a text or paragraph.
Key details are examples of evidence used to support the main idea.
These can be facts or examples to help understand the topic.
However, not every idea in a text is relevant to the main idea.
Which sentence best describes the main idea in this paragraph?
HintsWhat is the focus of this text?
The key details in the text support the main idea.
SolutionThe sentence that best describes the main idea is:
Plastic pollution harms our planet and urgent action is required to reduce its impact.
Which key details from the passage best support the main idea that participating in sports is crucial?
HintsYou find the key details by first determining the main idea of a passage.
You find evidence in the text that directly connects to the author’s point of view.
One of the key details from this passage, gives more information about the benefits of doing sports, like how it strengthens the muscles.
Another key detail from this passage, gives more information on how doing sports affects school performance.
SolutionThe key details that best support the main idea in this passage are:
Physical fitness can be improved by participating in sports, which can promote a healthy weight and strengthen muscles and bones.
Moreover, sport has been linked to the improvement of school performance and serves as an outlet for stress relief.
Can you find the main idea in the paragraph?
HintsWhat is the focus on in this text?
This question can help you determine the main idea.
Examples, or key details, can also help you understand the main idea.
There are four key details in the paragraph that support the one main idea.
SolutionThe main idea in this paragraph is:
- Using strategies to assist in understanding and remembering information is a necessary part of learning effectively.
Can you find the main idea, key details and interesting details in the paragraph?
HintsYou find the key details by first determining the main idea of a passage.
Some sentences can be used to enhance the text. These are interesting details.
SolutionThe main idea in this paragraph is:
Learning effectively means using strategies that help you understand and remember information.
The key details are:
One way to do this is by listening attentively and asking questions when you need clarification.
Taking notes is another helpful strategy as it helps you organise important details and remember them later.
Breaking tasks into smaller parts makes learning easier and less overwhelming.
Regular practice is important for improving skills and remembering information.
Don't be afraid to ask questions if something is unclear.
The interesting details are:
A lot of people use paper notebooks for taking notes in.
Remembering interesting facts can be quite helpful when playing games.

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Strategies to Determine the Main Idea of an Informational Text

Key Details that Support the Main Idea

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