Identifying Main Topic — Let's Practice!

Basics on the topic Identifying Main Topic — Let's Practice!
Let's find the main topic in texts with Goopaw!
Transcript Identifying Main Topic — Let's Practice!
Goopaw says get ready to practice... Identifying main topic. Here is an example. The title of this text is 'why ice cream is great' and the author wrote that ice cream is a great treat because it is sweet and cools you down on a hot day. The author also wrote that ice cream is great because there are many flavors to choose from. What is the MAIN topic of this text? The main topic of this text is ice cream. Let's look at another example. The title of this text is 'do not litter!' and the author wrote that littering is bad for the environment. The author also wrote that littering can be dangerous for animals in their environments. What is the MAIN topic of this text? The main topic of this text is that littering is bad. Here is the final example. This text is titled 'lovely lions' and the author wrote that lions are big and furry. The author also wrote that lions are fast! What is the MAIN topic of this text? The main topic of this text is about lions! Goopaw had so much fun practicing with you today! See you next time!
Identifying Main Topic — Let's Practice! exercise
What is the main topic?
HintsWhat is the story mostly about?
- meals
- lions
- frozen desserts
- candy
What makes the story mention being:
- sweet
- cooling down
- having different flavors
SolutionThe correct answer is ice cream.
Can you spot the hints in the paragraph?
HintsAre lions small animals?
Do lions move quickly?
A hint is like a little clue that helps you figure things out, just like following footprints to find hidden treasure.
SolutionThe correct answers are:
Lions are part of the big cat family, and most live in Africa! They are big and furry and live in packs. They get their water mostly from plants and are very fast.
Can you find the hint that guided you to the main topic?
HintsLittering is when people throw garbage on the street, but why in particular is it bad?
What does the title of the paragraph tell you the story will be about?
Why does the author say littering is bad?
SolutionThe correct answer is Littering is bad for the environment and the animals that live there.
Can you determine the main topic?
HintsWhat appears in the sky after it rains?
What is an arc made up of many different colors called?
The main topic is what the story is mostly about, like the big idea.
SolutionThe correct answer is rainbows.
Can you identify the hints in the paragraph?
HintsWhat words describe ice cream?
What does ice cream do for you when it's hot outside?
SolutionIce cream is a great treat because it is sweet and cools you down on a hot day.
What hints helped you determine the main topic?
HintsWhat part of the text explains that rainbows have many different colors?
What shape are rainbows?
Two parts need to be hightlighted.
SolutionThe correct answers are in bold.
Rainbows are colorful arcs in the sky that appear after the rain. They have red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet colors.
Although rainbows do appear on days after the rain, these parts don't give us the information that the main topic of this text is rainbows, unlike the other options.

Identifying Main Topic

Identifying Main Topic — Let's Practice!

Strategies to Determine the Main Idea of an Informational Text

Key Details that Support the Main Idea

Finding the Main Idea of an Informational Text Using Key Details

Finding the Main Idea of an Informational Text using Key Details— Let’s Practice!