Introduction to Adverbs

Basics on the topic Introduction to Adverbs
Let's learn about adverbs with Koko and Pip!
Transcript Introduction to Adverbs
Koko and Pip's Wish. Ah, my friends, you've freed me from the lamp! I'd like to thank you by giving you a wish. Tell me ONE thing you want to do. In order for me to grant your wish, you must tell me three details about it: when, where, and how. Koko and Pip quickly got to work trying to come up with the perfect wish. In order for Koko and Pip to get their wish to come true, they must learn about Adverbs:When, Where, and How. Do you remember the parts of a sentence? We have nouns, (...)verbs, (...) and adjectives. Today we will look at a new part of the sentence called an adverb. Adverbs are words that give additional information about the verb or action in a sentence. They make our ideas clearer for others and can help us answer three important questions. When did the action happen? Where did the action happen? How did the action happen? Let's use Koko and Pip's wish to take a look at each kind of adverb. Some adverbs tell us WHEN an action happens by using time words. Koko and Pip told the Genie, Please grant our wish instantly! First, let's identify the action of the sentence. The action of the sentence is 'grant'. Now look for a time word that describes WHEN they want the wish granted. They want the wish granted 'instantly'. Instantly' is an adverb that describes an action happening right away. Other examples of adverbs that answer the question 'when' are 'today', (...) 'soon', '(...) 'later', (...) and 'early'. Each adverb changes the sentence's meaning because it tells us different information about the time of the action. Another type of adverb answers the question of WHERE the action happens by using location words. Koko and Pip also told him: We fly high in the sky! First, identify the action of this sentence. The action of the sentence is 'fly'. Now look for a location word that describes WHERE they want to fly. They want to fly 'HIGH'. High is an adverb that describes a place of where an action happens. More examples of adverbs that answer the question 'where' are 'inside', (...) 'under', '(...) 'behind', (...) and 'over'. These adverbs change the sentence's meaning because it tells us different information about the location. Other adverbs tell us HOW an action happens by using describing words. Finally, Koko and Pip told the Genie, Let's travel fast! First, let's identify the action of the sentence. The action is 'travel'. Now look for a describing word that describes HOW they want to travel. They want to travel, 'fast'. Fast is an adverb that describes the speed of the action. Other examples of adverbs that answer the question 'how' are 'slowly', (...) 'carefully', '(...) 'quietly, (...) and 'beautifully'. We can see that most adverbs that answer the question 'how' end in