Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes

Basics on the topic Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes
Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes
Roots are the part of the word that carries meaning.
Affixes are word parts that we add to the beginning or end of a root to give it additional meaning.
There are two types of affixes.
Prefixes- added to the beginning
Suffixes- added to the end
Transcript Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes
Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes "Thanks for coming to the movie premiere with me, Koko." The Arachnid is my favorite actor! "Never heard of him." "I hope I get his name on my poster!" "You mean his autograph?" "Autograph" is a word made from ancient root parts. Greek and Latin roots and affixes are the building blocks of the English language. Roots are the part of the word that carries meaning. Affixes are word parts that we add to the beginning or end of a root to give it additional meaning. There are two types of affixes. Prefixes are added to the beginning of the root, and suffixes are added to the end. Learning Greek and Latin roots helps us understand the meaning of words. Graph is an example of a Greek root. "Graph" means to write or record something. When we see this word by itself, we think of the meaning of showing data. We can change this meaning by adding prefixes to it. When we add a prefix to it, such as "auto," we change the meaning by adding additional information. The prefix "auto" means by oneself. So, an "autograph" is to write, or sign, your name. Many words can be formed from the root, graph. We can change the prefix again to change the meaning. We can make this "photo," meaning light, for photograph. A photograph is the recording of an image using light. Now, let's change the prefix to tele, which means "far away." The new word is "telegraph." What is a telegraph? (...) A telegraph is an instrument used to send written messages to faraway places. We also get many of our English words from Latin. Aud is an example of a Latin root. The meaning of aud is to hear or listen. The root, aud, cannot be used as a word on its own; it requires an affix, usually a suffix, to become a common English word. We can add the suffix "ible," meaning "able to be." We have made the word audible. If something is audible, then we are able to hear it. We can make another word by changing the suffix. If we add ience to aud, we have audience. An audience is a group of people who are listening to a performance. In this word, we changed the suffix to "ition." "Ition" means the state of being. What does the word, "audition", mean? (...) An audition is when a person is heard performing in order to demonstrate their abilities for a role or part. Based on the applause, it sounds like Pip's favorite star is coming, so let's review. Remember,... Greek and Latin roots and affixes are the building blocks of the English language. Roots are the part of the word that carries meaning. Affixes are word parts that we add to the beginning (or end) of a root to give it additional meaning. Learning Greek and Latin roots helps us understand the meaning of words. "Yoohoo! Mr. The Arachnid! "May I please get your autograph?" "SP...SP...SPIDER!"
Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes exercise
Help Koko unscramble the terms.
HintsThere are two types of affixes. Do you remember what they are?
A word that starts with 'pre-' often means 'something that comes first'. For example, a preschool is a place for children to go before they start school.
What do you think the 'pre' in the word 'prefix' means?
SolutionRoots: carry the primary meaning of the word.
Affixes: can be added to the beginning or the end of a word.
Prefixes: are added to the beginning of words.
Suffixes: are added to the end of words.
True or False?
HintsAn airplane pilot's job is to fly the airplane. What does this tell you about the meaning of the root 'pilot'?
In the video, Pip wanted to get an autograph. The image below shows you an example of one.
Think about what the prefix auto means in the word autograph and combine it with the root pilot!
SolutionThe answer is true!
The prefix auto means by oneself and the root pilot means to drive. So, the word 'autopilot' means a plane, car, or ship that can drive itself!
Help Koko find the meaning of the word below.
HintsIn the video, we learned that a telegraph is a device used to send messages from far away.
The word telescope has the same prefix, 'tele'! What do you think it means?
This image shows a telescope. What would you use this device for?
Solution- 'Tele' means far.
- 'Scope' means to see.
Complete the words based on the descriptions below.
HintsThe suffix '-ition' means 'the action or state of'.
Can you find the root that means 'starting a fire'?
'-ible' is a suffix that means 'able to'.
Can you find a root that means 'to eat'?
'Aud' is a root that means 'to hear'.
Can you find the suffix that means 'the study of'?
Solution1.The study of hearing and sounds : audiology.
- 'Aud-' means 'to hear'
- '-logy' means 'the study of'
2.The action or state of lighting a fire: Ignition.
'Ign-' is a root that means 'starting a fire'.
'-ition' is a suffix that means 'the action or state of'.
3.Able to be eaten: edible.
- 'Ed-' is a root that means 'to eat'
- '-ible' is a suffix that means 'able to'
What does the word 'biography' mean?
HintsThe word graph by itself means to show data. But, the root graph has a different meaning.
Can you guess what it means?
Combine the meanings of both the root graph and the prefix bio to get the meaning of the word 'biography'.
The prefix 'bio' means life.
SolutionA 'biography' is a book about someone's life!
The root graph means to write and the prefix bio means life. When we combine the meanings, we can see that this is the only possible answer!
Help Pip and Koko with their homework.
Hints'Archaeo-' means ancient.
What suffix means 'the study of'?
'Micro-' means small.
What root means 'to see'?
Can you think of the prefix that means 'life'?
Use this word bank below to fill in the gaps:
scope, logy, graph, bio
SolutionParagraph: A section of writing in a larger essay or article.
- Para- is a prefix that means 'alongside'
- -graph is a root that means 'to write'
Archaeology: The study of ancient artifacts.
- Archaeo- is a root that means 'ancient'
- -logy is a suffix that means 'the study of'
Microscope: A device that helps you see things up close.
- Micro- is a prefix that means 'small'
- -scope is a root that means 'to see'
Biology: The study of animal and plant life.
- Bio is a root that means 'life'
- -logy is a suffix that means 'the study of'