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Cause and Effect Statements— Let's Practice!

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Cause and Effect Statements— Let's Practice!

Basics on the topic Cause and Effect Statements— Let's Practice!

Today we are practicing cause and effect statements with Goopaw! This video contains examples to help you further practice and grow confident in this area.

Transcript Cause and Effect Statements— Let's Practice!

Goopaw says get ready to practice cause and effect statements. Here is a statement. My dad got home late due to traffic. What is the cause and what is the effect? The cause is traffic as it is the reason. The effect is got home late as it is the result. Let's look at another statement. My dog learned new tricks as a result of consistent training. What is the cause, and what is the effect? The cause is consistent training as it is the reason. The effect is learned new tricks as it is the result. Did you also identify the cause and effect? Here is another statement. I will walk to the store today, and then I can get the new game. What is the cause and what is the effect? The cause is walk to the store, as it is the reason. The effect is get the new game, as it is the result. Here is the final statement! I will get better at math if I keep practicing. What is the cause and what is the effect? The cause is keep practicing, since it is the reason. The effect is get better at math, as it is the result. Goopaw had so much fun practicing with you today! See you next time!

Cause and Effect Statements— Let's Practice! exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Cause and Effect Statements— Let's Practice!.
  • How do you define the terms "cause" and "effect"?


    Think about what leads to an action or outcome – the reason behind it.

    Consider the relationship between events – one is the cause because it brings about the other, which is the effect.


    The cause is the reason, and the effect is the result.

  • "She missed the bus because her alarm didn't go off." What is the cause, and what is the effect?


    Consider the relationship between the alarm not going off and the outcome of missing the bus.

    Can you find what happened first (the reason) and then what happened because of it (the result)?


    In the statement "She missed the bus because her alarm didn't go off":

    Cause: Her alarm didn't go off.

    Effect: She missed the bus.

  • "The loud thunder scared the cat, making it hide under the bed." What is the cause, and what is the effect?


    Identify the event that created a reaction in the cat.

    This is the cause.

    Consider the cat's response and where it sought refuge as a result of the mentioned event.

    This is the effect.


    In the statement "The loud thunder scared the cat, making it hide under the bed":

    Cause: The loud thunder.

    Effect: The cat hiding under the bed.

  • Can you connect the cause to its matching effect?


    What would a teacher's praise cause?

    The term effect refers to the result produced by the teacher's praise.


    The correct statements are:

    • Lack of exercise leads to a decrease in physical fitness.
    • The teacher praised the students for their hard work, resulting in increased motivation.
    • Eating a balanced diet contributes to improved overall health.
    • The heavy rain caused the river to flood its banks.
  • "Due to the power outage, the computer lost all unsaved data." What is the cause, and what is the effect?


    Identify the event or condition that initiated the problem with the computer.

    There are 2 correct answers, 1 cause and 1 effect.

    Cause and effect refer to the relationship between events or situations where one event (the cause) leads to another event or situation (the effect).


    In the statement "Due to the power outage, the computer lost all unsaved data":

    Cause: The power outage.

    Effect: The computer losing all unsaved data.

  • Can you complete these sentences?


    Think about how knowing why things happen helps you guess what might happen next because of what you do or what happens around you.

    Consider how understanding why things happen helps you see how different parts of a situation are connected, so you can make better choices.


    Regular exercise leads to improved physical fitness and overall health.

    Studying every day and getting ready for tests helps you get better grades and do well in school.

    Getting good sleep every night helps your brain work better and makes you feel happier during the day.