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Navigational Tools


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Basics on the topic Navigational Tools

Take a hike with Mio and learn about the basics of navigational tools!

Transcript Navigational Tools

On a warm summer's day, Mio decided to go on an adventure and set up camp in the great outdoors. Right now, he's on a hike. But, where exactly? He's not quite sure. Let's help our lost friend by learning about "Navigational Tools". Navigational tools are things that help us get from one place to another. Over time, many different tools have been used to help people find their way. You may already know about the compass, which is a tool whose needle always points north due to Earth's magnetic field. A "map" is another tool that shows a place's landscape and features and a "compass rose" is a symbol that labels north, south, east, and west to show which way a map is pointing. This helps you determine which way you need to go. But, there is another tool many people already have with them. It's a navigation system called GPS, which can be found on most cell phones and devices. GPS stands for Global Positioning System and works by exchanging signals between satellites in space and a device, like a phone, on Earth to show exactly where someone or something is. Hmm, unfortunately, Mio doesn't have any of these navigational tools with him. Is there another way for Mio to find his way back to the tent? Now that it's dark, let's give our little cat a hint, psst, Mio, look up! Stars are also navigational tools. Hidden here in the twinkling night sky is the North Star. Have you heard of it? The North Star, also called Polaris, is one of the few stars you can see all year long. In order to find it, you need two constellations! Constellations are a group of stars that form a figure when connected by imaginary lines. You might already know about the constellation called the Big Dipper. Once you find the Big Dipper, look straight above it. There you will find the little dipper. And, on the tip of the little dipper's handle, you can see Polaris, the North Star. As long as you walk towards Polaris, you will always head north! This is quite helpful, but did it work for Mio? We'll find out after we review. There are many navigational tools that help us find our way, like the compass, map, compass rose and navigation systems like GPS. There are also other ways to determine direction without technology. One way is to find Polaris, the North Star, which always points north. But, what about Mio? He was able to his way back thanks to the North Star! Now, he's snoring in his tent, dreaming of his next big adventure.

  1. politely closes tab

    From Solana, 7 months ago
  2. and it helped a lot lol its so amazing:D

    From Jace, 7 months ago
  3. its a good video :)

    From Jace, 7 months ago

Navigational Tools exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Navigational Tools.
  • What is the purpose of navigational tools?


    Navigational tools help people figure out how to move from one location to another accurately and efficiently.

    The compass is a tool whose needle always points north due to Earth's magnetic field.


    Navigational tools help people find their way from one place to another.

    Some examples of navigational tools are a compass, a map, and GPS.

  • How does a compass help with navigation?


    A compass is a simple instrument that aligns itself with a particular force of nature, which is particularly useful for determining directions.

    The Earth's magnetic field plays a crucial role in how a compass needle behaves, helping people find directions such as north, south, east, and west.


    A compass needle points north due to Earth's magnetic field, assisting in determining directions.

  • What does a map show, and how is a compass rose related to maps?


    Maps are visual representations of places, and they include features like mountains, rivers, and roads.

    The compass rose is a small design on a map that serves as a directional marker.


    A map:

    • displays a place's landscape
    • displays a place's features
    A compass rose:

    • labels north, south, east, and west
    • indicates map's orientation
  • What does GPS stand for, and how does it work?


    GPS is an acronym that stands for a system that allows you to determine your exact location on Earth's surface, no matter where you are.

    This system relies on signals sent back and forth between devices on Earth and satellites in space, enabling you to pinpoint your position with a high level of accuracy.

    There are two correct answers.

    • GPS stands for Global Positioning System.
    • It works by exchanging signals between satellites and devices on Earth to determine precise locations.
  • What natural navigational tool could you use to find your direction?


    Imagine you're in a situation where your GPS isn't working, and you need to figure out which way is north.

    What natural navigational tool could you use?

    In the absence of technology, looking up at the night sky and finding a particular star that is always aligned with the north direction can help you stay oriented.


    You can use the North Star (Polaris) as a natural navigational tool to determine the direction of north, even without technology.

  • If you're in a remote area without any technology, how could you determine the direction of north at night?


    The North Star is a bright star in the night sky that has been used as a navigational reference for centuries.

    It's always in the same direction.

    To find the North Star, you need to identify two specific constellations—one resembling a large spoon and another resembling a smaller spoon.

    The North Star is located at the end of the handle of the smaller spoon.


    You can find the North Star (Polaris) by identifying the Big Dipper constellation and locating the Little Dipper constellation above it. Polaris is situated at the tip of the Little Dipper's handle and always points north.