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Tools for Measuring Length

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Tools for Measuring Length

Basics on the topic Tools for Measuring Length

Ways of Measuring Lengths

You probably know how measuring lengths works. You need a unit of measurement and a tool for measurement. But how do you know which tool to use for different objects? In this text, we will examine how to measure the length of an object and how to choose the right tool for measuring.

Tools for Measuring Length

We can use tools for measuring length such as a ruler, yardstick, meter stick, or tape measure to measure the length of objects.


Steps for Measuring Length

Sometimes, different tools will make more sense to use than others because objects differ in length and size.

To determine which tool makes the most sense when measuring, you can follow these simple steps:

Step # What to do
1 Observe the object.
2 Identify which tool to use.
3 Measure the object with the right tool.


Measuring Lengths – Examples

For example, you might want to measure a piece of candy! You could use all of the tools to measure candy, but a ruler makes the most sense because it is closest in length to a piece of candy.


If we were to measure a fishing rod, we probably would not use a ruler, yardstick, or meter stick since they would not be long enough. In this case, we would be best of using a tape measure to measure a fishing rod!


Ways of Measuring Length – Summary

To identify the best tool for measuring length, remember:

  • First, observe the object
  • Second, identify the tool to use
  • Finally, measure the tool


Below you will find more interactive exercises, worksheets for extra practice on tools for measuring length!

Transcript Tools for Measuring Length

"I don't know Freddie. I'm not sure this ruler is best for measuring this fishing rod!" "But what can we use?" Let's help Zuri and Freddie by learning all about tools for measuring length. When measuring the length of objects, we can use tools such as a ruler, a yard stick, a meter stick, and a measuring tape! It is important to use the appropriate tool when measuring to get an accurate measurement. A ruler is often used to measure small objects. They can be used to measure in centimeters and millimeters, and also inches. A ruler is usually around thirty centimeters long, or twelve inches. A yard stick can be used to measure medium sized objects and is exactly one yard long, or three feet. A meter stick can also be used to measure medium sized objects and is exactly one meter long, or one hundred centimeters. Yard sticks and meter sticks are similar in size, but not the same length. Finally, a tape measure can measure bigger sized objects, and is a great tool because it can be used to measure all sorts of objects from small to large! They can be used to measure in meters, centimeters, and millimeters, and inches and feet. Tape measures can be found in lots of different lengths, but the most common length is twenty-five feet! So, how do you decide which tool is the best to use for different objects? First, you can observe what you want to measure. Ask yourself, what tool is closest in size to this object I want to measure? Next, identify the tool you want to use. Finally, measure the object you want to find the length of! For example, if you wanted to measure your hand, you could use any of the four tools, but it makes most sense to use a ruler because it is closest in size to your hand. Well, unless you're a giant, of course. Now let's help Zuri and Freddie identify the best measuring tool to use! Freddie found an old tricycle. What tool would be best to measure this? A yard stick or a meter stick would make the most sense here! A ruler would be too short and a tape measure does not make sense since the tricycle isn't that big. Here is the next object that Zuri has found; a piece of candy! What tool would be best to measure this? A ruler would make the most sense here! You could use a yard stick, meter stick, or tape measure, but they don't make the most sense since candy is usually pretty small. What about the fishing rod; which tool would be best? A tape measure would be best for this object. A ruler, yard stick, and meter stick would not be long enough to measure this object! While Zuri and Freddie look for more objects to measure, let's review! Today, we learned about choosing the best tools for measuring objects. You can choose between a ruler, a yard stick, a meter stick, and a measuring tape! When deciding what tool to use, first, observe what you want to measure. Next, identify the tool you want to use. Finally, measure the object. "Well, the measuring tape makes the most sense, right?" "It does Freddie, but how do we measure it?" "Stop waving at me you wibbly wobbly thing, we're trying to measure you!"

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  1. nice

    From Lucas Scott Kerley, over 1 year ago

Tools for Measuring Length exercise

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