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Tens and Ones — Let's Practice!


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Basics on the topic Tens and Ones — Let's Practice!

Let's practice tens and ones with Razzi!

Transcript Tens and Ones — Let's Practice!

Razzi says get these items ready (...) Because today we're going to practice... Tens and ones. It's time to begin! When someone says this, they are talking about the value of a number depending on where it is. Using groups of ten can be helpful to count faster. Skylar has found sixteen butterflies, and sixteen is made up of two numbers, one and six. What do these numbers tell us when they are put together? It tells us that there is one group of ten, and six ones! Let's tackle the next problem! Henry has found forty grasshoppers! Forty is made up of one four and one zero. What do these numbers tell us when they are put together? It tells us that there are four groups of ten and zero ones! Let's tackle the next problem! Skylar found fifty-three buttons, fifty-three is made up of a five and a three. What do these numbers tell us when they are put together? It tells us that there are five groups of ten and three ones! Let's tackle the last problem! Henry finds sixty-five books. Sixty-five has one six and one five. What do these numbers tell us when they are put together? It tells us that there are six groups of ten and five ones! Razzi had so much fun practicing with you today! See you next time!

Tens and Ones — Let's Practice! exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Tens and Ones — Let's Practice!.
  • What number is it?


    Look at the number 64. The 6 is in the tens place, which means there are 6 groups of ten. The 4 is in the ones place, which means there are 4 groups of one.

    Look at the number 29. The 2 is in the tens place, which means there are 2 groups of ten. The 9 is in the ones place, which means there are 9 groups of one.

    Razzi has counted all of the markers in his classroom. There are 3 groups of ten and 7 ones. So, there are 37 total markers.


    Razzi has counted 52 total pencils. There are 5 groups of ten and 2 ones.

  • Find the groups of tens and ones in 2-digit numbers.


    Remember, the value of a number changes depending on where it is placed. This chart reminds you when you count groups of tens and groups of ones.

    In this example, the number 34 has 3 groups of ten and 4 groups of one.

    • The number 71 has 7 groups of ten and 1 group of one.
    • The number 15 has 1 group of ten and 5 groups of one.
    • The number 96 has 9 groups of ten and 6 groups of one.
    • The number 23 has 2 groups of ten and 3 groups of one.
  • Match the groups of tens and ones to 2-digit numbers.


    Use the place value chart to help determine groups of tens and ones.

    If a number is less than ten, there will be 0 groups of ten. For example, the number 7 is shown with 0 tens and 7 ones, but we would just say 7 ones.

    If a number has 0 ones, that means it can be counted just by tens. For example, the number 90 has 9 groups of ten and 0 ones, but we would just say there are 9 tens. So, count by ten 9 times to find the value: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90.

    • The number 46 has 4 tens and 6 ones.
    • The number 30 has 3 tens and 0 ones, but we would just say 3 tens.
    • The number 9 has 0 tens and 9 ones, but we would just say 9 ones.
    • The number 27 has 2 tens and 7 ones.
    • The number 85 has 8 tens and 5 ones.
    • The number 36 has 3 tens and 6 ones.
  • Find the groups of ten in a 2-digit number.


    Look at the number 16. The 1 in the tens place is highlighted, which means there is 1 ten.

    Look at the number 40. The 4 in the tens place is highlighted, which means there are 4 tens.

    For this question, you do not need to count the groups of ones!


    For each number, only look at the tens place to determine how many groups of ten there are. You do not need to look at the ones place for this question.

    2 tens

    • The number 29 has 2 tens and 9 ones.
    • The number 24 has 2 tens and 4 ones.
    3 tens
    • The number 35 has 3 tens and 5 ones.
    • The number 32 has 3 tens and 2 ones.
    4 tens
    • The number 40 has 4 tens and 0 ones, but we would just say 4 tens.
    • The number 42 has 4 tens and 2 ones.
    5 tens
    • The number 57 has 5 tens and 7 ones.
    • The number 52 has 5 tens and 2 ones.

  • Label the tens and ones places.


    The number 18 has one group of ten and 8 groups of one.

    Look at this picture to label your place value chart.


    The number 1 is in the tens place and the number 8 is in the ones place. This means there is 1 group of ten and 8 groups of one that make up the number 18.

  • Name groups of hundreds, tens, and ones in a 3-digit number.


    Look at the place value chart. The number 294 has 2 hundreds, 9 tens, and 4 ones.

    Be sure to match each number with the correct place. Remember, the value of a number depends on where it is.

    There are 361 books. The 3 in the hundreds place means there are 3 groups of 100. The 6 in the tens place means there are 6 groups of 10. The 1 in the ones place means there is 1 group of 1.


    The number 483 is made of 4 hundreds, 8 tens, and 3 ones.

    • If you had 3 hundreds, 1 ten, and 4 ones, that would make the number 314.
    • If you had 4 hundreds, 3 tens, and 7 ones, that would make the number 437.
    • If you had 8 hundreds, 2 tens, and 1 one, that would make the number 821.