Place Value with 3 Digits

Basics on the topic Place Value with 3 Digits
Place Value in 3-Digit Numbers
Three digit numbers can be confusing at times. But you can use place value charts to display three digit numbers and thus arrange them neatly to solve problems easily.
Place Value in 3-Digit Numbers – Example
To read place value, we first look at each digit in a number. We can use a place value chart to help identify 3-digit number place value. Let’s look at the number two hundred and six, and use place value blocks to help.
Place value blocks can help to understand place value! In the hundreds place, we write two hundreds because there is a two in the hundreds place. In the tens place we write zero tens because there is a zero in the tens place. Finally, in the ones place we write six ones because there is a six in the ones place.
Place Value in 3-Digit Numbers – Summary
Remember these three things for 3-digit numbers place values.
Hundreds | Tens | Ones |
The hundreds place shows how many hundreds there are. |
The tens place shows how many tens there are. |
The ones place shows how many ones there are. |
After watching the video you can practice further with interactive exercises, worksheets and more activities for place values with 3-digit numbers.
Transcript Place Value with 3 Digits
Skylar and Henry are at the bingo hall ready for place value bingo! The caller will shout out a number using place values, and Skylar and Henry will need to mark off the matching three digit number on their bingo cards! To help them play, let's learn about place value with three-digits. Place value is the value of a digit based on its position in a number. We can use a place value chart, and base ten blocks to help identify the value of a digit in a number. Let's look at the first number on Skylar's card: one hundred eleven. In the hundreds place value use one hundreds block, because the digit is one. We can also think of this as ten tens! The value of the hundreds place is one hundred In the tens place value use ones tens block because there is a one in the tens place. We can also think of this as ten ones! The value of the tens place is one ten. Finally, in the ones place value use one ones block because there is a one in the ones place. The value of the ones place is one one. Skylar will need to listen for one hundred plus one ten plus one one! Let's look at another number on Skylar's card! Here we have two hundred and six. In the hundreds place value use two hundreds blocks because there is a two in the hundreds place. What is the value of the hundreds place? The value is two hundreds. In the tens place value use zero tens blocks because the digit in the tens place is zero. What is the value of the tens place? The value is zero tens. Finally, in the ones place value use six ones blocks, because the digit in the ones place is six. What is the value of the ones place? The value is six ones. Skylar will need to listen out for two hundreds plus zero tens plus six ones! If the bingo caller says five hundreds plus six tens plus three ones, what three digit number will Skylar mark on her bingo card? There are five hundreds, six tens, and three ones. Skylar will mark five hundred sixty-three! While Skylar and Henry finish up playing place value bingo, let's review! Remember, base ten blocks can help identify the place value of numbers with three digits. The hundreds place shows how many hundreds there are. The tens place shows how many tens there are. The ones place shows how many ones there are. "I'm glad you won place value bingo, Skylar, that pogo stick is amazing!" "Me too because now, I'm just like you!"
Place Value with 3 Digits exercise
Can you highlight the correct digits based on their place value?
HintsUse a place value chart to write each number into.
If the number is a whole and has 2 digits this will show a tens digit and a ones digit.
If the number is a whole and has 3 digits. This will mean it has a hundreds digit, tens digit and a ones digit.
Make sure that you have highlighted all the numbers that show 3 hundreds, 7 tens, and 5 ones
SolutionA whole number with 3 digits will include a hundreds digit, tens digit and a ones digit. A whole number which has 2 digits will include a tens digit and a ones digit.
A whole number with just 1 digit will represent a ones digit.
Can you help identify the value of each digit in the numbers?
HintsUse a place value chart to help identify what value each digit is.
Look at the digits carefully. In the hundreds column, how many hundreds are there?
There is 1 hundred, 9 tens and 8 ones in 198.
SolutionIf you aren't sure of place value, use a place value chart to help you.
If the number has 3 digits it will be a hundreds number.
If the number has only 2 digits it will be a tens number.
If the number only has 1 digit it will be a ones number.
Can you create each number by selecting the correct values of each digit?
HintsUse the place value grid to help you workout the value of each digit in the number.
Which number would be in hundreds column?
Look at the number. How many hundreds does it have? Then find an image which shows the correct hundreds.
In this example the 2 represents the hundred. So we would be looking for an image with 2 hundred blocks.
In the number 231 there are 2 hundreds, 3 tens and 1 one.
Solution324 is made up of 3 hundreds, 2 tens and 4 ones.
196 is made up of 1 hundred, 9 tens and 6 ones.
Place the correct digit into the place value chart to make the number 592.
HintsWrite out the number in a blank place value grid.
What number is in the hundreds column?
What number is in the tens columns?
What number is in the ones column?
Solution5 hundreds
9 tens
2 ones
Make the number 592.
What is the value?
HintsCount the hundreds squares. How many hundreds are there?
Here we can see 4 hundred squares. So we are looking for the number 400.
How many tens are there? What number does this make?
Here we can count 7 tens. This makes 70.
Count the ones.
This image shows 2 ones. So we would be looking for the number 2.
Solution253 is made up of 2 hundreds, 5 tens and 3 ones.
Help Henry work out the Bingo numbers.
HintsRead the sums out and place these numbers in a place value grid.
Do these match any of the numbers?
seven hundreds + five ones + six tens =
Read the sentence carefully and write down each digit separately into the correct column.
Remember, if you have written the numbers down and there is a blank space, you fill this with a 0
400 + 6 = 406
Solutioneight hundreds + one ten + nine ones = 819
5 + 400 + 30 = 435
2 hundreds + 3 ones = 203
6 tens + 7 hundreds = 760