Ordering Numbers Up to 20

Basics on the topic Ordering Numbers Up to 20
Ordering Numbers Up to 20
When we count, we mention numbers in a specific order. Let’s learn more about comparing and ordering numbers with the following explanation. When we talk about the ordering of whole numbers, we mean listing things in a certain way. The numbers one through twenty follow a certain list when counting. It goes like this:
If you see the numbers in different places, it's called out of order. It could look like this:
Ordering Numbers with a Number Line
To help us, we can try ordering numbers using a number line as a guide. Let’s start by ordering numbers 1-10. Here are five numbers that are out of order:
Here are the numbers that are still in place.
Start by comparing the numbers still in place to a number line below it.
Then, find the first blank spot and look at the number line. The number line says two, so we need to find the number two and put it here.
Now, move to the next blank spot and check the number line below. The number line below says three, that means the number three will go here.
Let's look at the next blank spots and check them with the number line below. The number line shows us that five belongs here, eight belongs here and ten belongs here. So we put the numbers back in their places!
Now that the numbers are all back in order, let's count them to check our work by counting! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Ordering numbers is easy! You can try it yourself with the ordering numbers first grade worksheets below.
You can repeat the same process for ordering numbers with the numbers eleven through twenty.
Ordering Numbers Up to 20 – Summary
If you want to order numbers up to twenty, you should follow these steps:
Step # | What to do |
1 | Put a number line below the list with missing numbers. |
2 | Look at the missing spaces and compare them to the number line below. |
3 | Then, write the correct numbers in their spots. |
4 | Finally, count the order to check your work! |
Have you practiced with ordering numbers worksheets for grade 1 yet? On this website, you can find interactive exercises, worksheets and more activities practicing ordering numbers for students in 1st grade.
Transcript Ordering Numbers Up to 20
Henry and Skylar are visiting a friend at Yosemite Tower. But, there is a problem! A buffalo moved in and every time he walks down the hall, the apartment numbers fall off the doors! The numbers are all out of order and they can't find their friend! Let's learn about "ordering numbers up to twenty" to help! When we talk about order, we mean listing things in a certain way. The numbers one through twenty follow a certain list when counting. It goes like this. If you see the numbers in different places, it's called out of order. To help us order numbers up to twenty, we can use a number line as a guide. Let's show Skylar how to use a number line to order apartments one through ten. Five apartment numbers are on the floor. But these apartments still have their numbers on their doors. Let's start by comparing the line of doors to a number line. Start by matching them up. Then, find the first blank door and look at the number line below. The number line says two, so we need to find the number two and put it here. Now, move to the next blank door and check the number line below. The number line below says three, that means the number three will go here. Let's look at the next blank doors and check them with the number line below. The number line shows us that five belongs here, eight belongs here and ten belongs here. Let's put the numbers back in their places! Now that the numbers are all back in order, let's count them to check our work! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Great job, Skylar! Now let's help Henry. These are apartments eleven through twenty. Four apartments have numbers on the floor... and five still have numbers on the doors. Let's check with a number line to find where each number belongs. Start by matching them up. Then find the blank doors and look for those places on the number line below. What numbers will we need? We will need eleven, thirteen, sixteen and nineteen! Now we can put the numbers back where they belong and count to make sure the order is correct! Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty! While Henry and Skylar find their friend's apartment, let's review! Today we learned about ordering numbers through twenty by using a number line. First, put a number line below the list with missing numbers. Next, look at the missing spaces and compare them to the number line below. Then, write the correct numbers in their spots. Finally, count the order to check your work! "I'm glad we got everything sorted but this can't keep happening!" "You're right, Henry, I have an idea." "No more stomping down the hall now!"
Ordering Numbers Up to 20 exercise
Which of these rows of numbers are in the correct order?
HintsUse this number line to 10 to help you decide if the numbers are in the correct order.
Two of the rows of doors have their numbers in the correct order, so there are two correct answers.
SolutionWe can use a number line to help us check whether the doors are in the right order.
The doors that were correct were the doors that went: 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 5 6 7 8 9 10, since this is the order of the numbers on the number line.
The other two rows of doors were incorrect since they were not in the same order as the numbers on the number line.
Put the numbers back on the doors.
HintsThe number 1 is already on the door. What number would come after 1?
Here are some of the missing numbers.
Use this number line to help you put the numbers in the correct order.
SolutionHere are the door numbers in the correct order.
Counting to twenty.
HintsUse this number line to 10 to help you order the numbers.
Look at the number line to 20 to help you.
When you type in the number, make sure that you type in using the digits, not words.
Solution"1, 2, 3, 4 you're the friend I'm looking for. 5, 6, 7, 8. I'm really glad that you're my mate!" "9 and 10 shall we sing it again?"
"11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 I wear a feather and it's green!" "17, 18, 19, 20 I think we'll stop as that is plenty!"
Missing numbers.
HintsStart counting up from 11. What numbers come next?
Use this number line from 11-20 to help you.
SolutionThe numbers that were missing were: 12, 15, 17 and 19.
These can be seen on the one number line above.
Which numbers have fallen off the doors?
HintsLook at this number line that goes from 10-20. Can you find where the missing numbers are from the doors?
The first missing door number comes after 13. What comes after 13 when you are counting up to 20?
The second door number that is missing comes after 17. What comes after 17 when you are counting up to 20?
SolutionThe missing door numbers were 14 and 18.
Sorting numbers.
HintsThe lowest or smallest number here is 4, so that should go first.
Use this number line to help you order the numbers.
SolutionThe correct order of the numbers is:
4, 8, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20.
When placed from 0-20, these numbers would be in these positions:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.