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Converting Inches and Feet


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Converting Inches and Feet

Basics on the topic Converting Inches and Feet

Convert Inches to Feet – Introduction

Inches and feet are common measurements of lengths that you will encounter when measuring lengths, widths, and heights. It is important to understand these units and to be able to convert between them. In this text, we’ll dive deeper into the conversion of these units of measurement. We’ll look at how to convert inches to feet and feet to inches and look at examples of guided conversions.

Inches and Feet – Revision

Let’s repeat what inches and feet are and how they are used by revising the definition:

Both inches and feet are used to measure length, width, and height – which are all distances. Inches are smaller units than feet and are used to measure shorter lengths or distances. Feet, on the other hand, are used to measure longer distances, and 1 foot is made up of 12 inches.

Converting Feet to Inches

If we know that 1 foot is made up of 12 inches, this is the conversion rate for feet to inches. We can use this information to change from inches to feet and from feet to inches. To change from feet to inches:

Step 1: Create a ratio table


Step 2: Label feet on one side of the table and inches on the other side.


Write 1 in the ‘Feet’ column and 12 in the ‘Inches’ column to show that 12 inches is the same as 1 foot. Notice to convert from feet to inches you need to multiply the number of feet by 12.

Step 3: Now place the feet that you want to convert into inches in the ‘Feet’ column and multiply it by 12 to convert into inches.


For example, if you want to change 3 feet into inches, your table would look like this:


To convert feet to inches, we can follow these steps:

Step # What to do
1 Create a ratio table and label the
first column “feet” and
the second column “inches”
2 Write 1 in the feet column and 12
in the inches column to show that
1 foot is 12 inches
3 Write the number of feet that you
need to convert in the ‘Feet’ column
4 Multiply by 12 to calculate
the number of inches in each foot

Feet to Inches – Conversion Table

It can be helpful to have a conversion table with some common conversions of feet and inches. Below you will find a conversion table for an overview.

Feet Inches
1 12
5 60
6 72
20 240

Converting Inches to Feet

To convert inches to feet, set up a ratio table like the one before. However, this time, place the inches in the ‘Inches’ column. Then, use the opposite operation to calculate the number of feet. Since the opposite operation of multiplication is division, we divide. For example, if we want to convert 60 inches to feet, we place the 60 in the ‘Inches’ column and divide by 12.

Feet (ft) Inches (in)
1 12
3 36
60 ÷ 12

The quotient of 60 and 12 is five, so 60 inches is 5 feet.

Feet (ft) Inches (in)
1 12
3 36
5 60 ÷ 12

Converting Inches and Feet – Steps for Conversion

To convert inches to feet, we can follow these steps:

Step # What to do
1 Create a ratio table and label the first
column “feet” and the second column “inches”
2 Write 1 in the feet column and 12 in the
inches column to show that 1 foot is 12 inches
3 Write the number of inches that you need
to convert in the ‘Inches’ column
4 Divide by 12 to calculate the number of feet

Inches to Feet Conversion table

Take a look at the conversion table below. It contains common conversions from inches to feet.

Inches to Feet
12 inches 1 foot
36 inches 3 feet
72 inches 6 feet
120 inches 10 feet

Converting Inches and Feet – Summary

Let’s review what we learned about converting inches and feet.

Converting inches and feet is important when dealing with measurements of distance such as length, width, and height. To change from feet to inches, multiply the number of feet by 12. To change from inches to feet, divide the number of inches by 12.

Additionally, you can go ahead and learn about measuring and calculating area in square feet with another video!

Frequently Asked Questions about Converting Inches and Feet

Why is it necessary to convert inches to feet?
How do I convert inches to feet when the number of inches is not divisible by 12?
Can I use a calculator to convert inches to feet?
Is there an easier way to convert inches to feet without using division?
Are there any common mistakes to watch out for when converting inches to feet?
Are there any standardized abbreviations for inches and feet?
Is it possible to convert inches to feet without using any tools or operations?
What is the reverse conversion of feet to inches?
Is there an easier way to convert inches to feet without using division?
Are there any historical reasons for the use of inches and feet as units of measurement?
Can I convert inches to feet using fractions instead of decimal numbers?
How do I convert a mixed measurement (e.g., 5 feet 6 inches) to inches or vice versa?
Can I convert inches to feet using the metric system?
Is it necessary to round the result when converting inches to feet?

Transcript Converting Inches and Feet

"All right Zuri, I think we have everything we need to make the superhero costumes." "I can KNOT believe you found that magic fabric just sitting there!" "Just one thing, it SEAMS like the sewing instructions are explaining the steps using inches AND feet." Let's help Zuri and Freddie make their superhero costumes by Converting Inches and Feet. When we measure length, width, or height, we can measure using inches and feet. An inch is a small unit of length. When we write inches, we can abbreviate using the letters . We can use inches to measure smaller objects, like this piece of cheese. A foot is a unit of length that is larger than an inch. When we write feet, we can abbreviate using the letters . We use feet to measure larger objects, like this refrigerator. When we measure with inches and feet we can use a ruler or measuring tape. Sometimes we need to convert, or change, FEET to INCHES and INCHES to FEET. One foot is equal to twelve inches, and twelve inches is equal to one foot. We can use a ratio table to help us write our conversions. To set up the ratio table, first label feet on one side and inches on the other. One foot is TWELVE TIMES bigger than one inch. That means to convert FEET to INCHES, we multiply by twelve. Write times twelve next to the foot we are converting and solve. One times twelve is twelve, so there are twelve inches in one foot. Zuri and Freddie need to convert the first piece of fabric, which is three feet long, to inches. Write three under the feet column HERE. How many inches is three feet? Remember, one foot is twelve inches, so we multiply three TIMES twelve. Three times twelve is thirty-six, so they need thirty-six inches of the magic fabric. The next piece of fabric is sixty INCHES long, this time they need to convert inches to feet. How can we do this? We can solve for feet by using the INVERSE, or OPPOSITE, operation. The inverse operation of multiplication is division, so we DIVIDE sixty inches by twelve. What is sixty divided by twelve? Sixty divided by twelve is five. That means they need five feet of the magic fabric. While Zuri and Freddie finish making their costumes, let's remember. Sometimes we need to convert, or change, FEET to INCHES and INCHES to FEET. One foot is equal to twelve inches, and twelve inches is equal to one foot. We can use a ratio table to help us write our conversions. To set up the ratio table, first label feet on one side and inches on the other. Finally, multiply by twelve to convert feet to inches or divide by twelve to convert inches to feet.

"These superhero costumes are awesome, check this out Zuri!"

"Yeah Freddie, they're SUPER!"

"I guess my superpower is going to be VERYYY useful!"

Converting Inches and Feet exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learned? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Converting Inches and Feet.
  • Would we measure these items in inches or feet?


    Smaller objects are measured in inches and larger objects are measured in feet.

    This banana is small so it will be measured using inches.

    This table is large and will be measured using feet.

    • The can is small so it is measured using inches.
    • The apple core is small so it is measured using inches.
    • The sofa is large so it is measured using feet.
    • The lamp is large so it is measured using feet.
    • The pole vault is large so it is measured using feet.
  • How do we convert 3 feet to inches?


    This image shows how to convert 5 feet to inches.

    Remember, when converting inches to feet we divide by 12 and when converting feet to inches we multiply by 12.


    36 is correct because when converting feet to inches we multiply to amount of feet by 12 because 1 foot is 12 inches. 3 feet times 12 will give the correct number of inches.

  • Complete the conversions.


    When converting inches to feet we divide by 12 and when converting feet to inches we multiply by 12.

    Example: 2 feet = 24 inches

    2 x 12 = 24

    Example: 24 inches = 2 feet

    24 $\div$ 12 = 2

    • 7 feet = 84 inches (7x12 = 84)
    • 48 inches = 4 feet (36 $\div$ 12 = 3)
    • 72 inches = 6 feet (72 $\div$ 12 = 6).
    • 9 feet = 108 inches (9 x 12 = 108)
  • Which conversions are correct?


    Try using a ratio chart to help you find the correct statements.

    When converting inches to feet we divide by 12 and when converting feet to inches we multiply by 12.


    The correct conversions are:

    • 10 feet x 12 = 120 inches
    • 12 inches $\div$ 12 = 1 foot
    • 48 inches $\div$12 = 4 feet

  • Complete the list of steps by filling in the blanks.


    Read the sentences carefully and start with the ones you know.

    When converting inches to feet we divide by 12 and when converting feet to inches we multiply by 12.

    1. There are twelve inches in one foot.
    2. To convert feet to inches, multiply the amount of feet by twelve.
    3. To convert inches to feet, divide the amount of inches by twelve.
    4. There are 12 inches in 1 foot.
  • Compare the measurements.


    Using a conversion chart can help to find the correct conversions.

    > greater than ex. 5 > 3

    < less than ex. 7 < 9

    4 feet = 48 inches

    Any amount of inches over 48 inches is greater than 4 feet.


    4 feet is the same as 48 inches, so:

    • 60 inches > 4 feet
    • 52 inches > 4 feet
    • 3 feet < 4 feet
    • 40 inches < 4 feet
    • 48 inches = 4 feet