Comparing Scaled Bar Graphs and Picture Graphs

Basics on the topic Comparing Scaled Bar Graphs and Picture Graphs
Learn about scaled bar graphs and picture graphs with this video.
Transcript Comparing Scaled Bar Graphs and Picture Graphs
“BOOOO!” “What do you think?" “Not scary.” I’ve been researching scary monsters from our old movie collection.” “Let’s take a survey to see which ones seem to be the scariest.” " "We’ll collect the data, create graphs, compare the results, and then choose our costumes." We can help Nari and Gus understand how data can be organized and select their Halloween costumes by “Comparing Scaled Bar Graphs and Picture Graphs.” A survey is a method of collecting data by asking people questions. A data set is created from the results of a survey. The data set will tell us how many answered for each survey category. We can create a scaled graph of the data to make it easier to understand the results and answer questions about the information. One type of graph is called a scaled bar graph. Here, the survey results are shown as long bars that represent the number of times a response was recorded. This scaled bar graph shows Nari's data from his scariest monster costume survey. In this bar graph, the categories are shown horizontally and show the types of monsters surveyed. On the left-hand side of the graph is a vertical number line. Since there were a lot of survey responses, it is easier to group the line by fives. This is what makes it a scaled graph. Looking at this bar graph, we can easily see that the Dracula has the most number of votes and mummies has the least. Gus made a different type of graph with the results, called a scaled picture graph. We can share the exact same data in this type of graph, too. Let’s compare and contrast how the survey results are shown here to the previous graph. Does this graph have a title? Yes, this graph has the same title because we are sharing or displaying the same information. Does the scaled picture graph show the costume categories? (...) Yes, this graph also shows the different types of costumes from the survey. Does this graph show the amount of votes each costume received? Yes, we can see the vote totals next to each category, and the votes are grouped by fives and tens on this graph. Can we identify the scariest and least scariest costumes? Yes, like the bar graph, this also makes the information easier to understand and answer questions about the data. So, what is different about the way this graph organizes the information? A scaled picture graph uses pictures to represent more than one unit, and there is a key next to the graph that tells us how many units are represented by each picture. A scaled picture graph does not have a number line. This scaled picture graph is organized horizontally, and the scaled bar graph is organized vertically. In the comment section, share other similarities and differences you observe between the scaled bar graph and the scaled picture graph. While Nari and Gus get ready to go trick or treating, let's review. Remember... a survey is a method of collecting data by asking people questions. We can create a scaled graph of the data to make it easier to understand the results and answer questions about the information. One type of graph is called a scaled bar graph. Another type of graph is called a scaled picture graph. These graphs share the same information but organize them in different ways. "Nari, you look so scary!" "I bet everyone thinks you're the REAL Dracula!" "Good evening." "Awww, don't you two look so cute."
Comparing Scaled Bar Graphs and Picture Graphs exercise
Can you match the terms with their definitions?
HintsWe need to conduct a survey by asking questions before we have a data set.
The data set can be represented in different ways, for example, with a pictogram.
Solution- Survey: A method of collecting data by asking people questions.
- Data set: Set of information. Could be responses to a survey.
- Scaled bar chart: Shows data in long bars that represent the number of times a response was recorded.
- Pictogram: Uses pictures to represent the information from a data set.
How many people preferred apples?
HintsEach full circle represents 2 people therefore each semi-circle represents half of two.
What is half of two? 1
For oranges, we can see one and a half circles. One full circle represents 2 people and half a circle represents 1 person. 2 + 1 = 3 so 3 people prefer oranges.
For apples, we need to find out how many people do two and a half circles represent?
Solution5 people prefer apples.
After apples, there are two full circles and one semi circle. Each full circle represents 2 people and each semi circle represents half of two which is 1.
2 + 2 + 1 = 5
Use the scaled bar chart to complete the sentences.
HintsThe tallest column represents the most popular choice and the shortest column represents the least popular choice.
Look carefully at the scale, it goes up in steps of two.
Solution- The most popular choice is leopard.
- The least popular choice is tiger.
- Ten people's favourite animal is elephant.
- Seven people's favourite animal is crocodile.
Use the pictogram to complete the sentences.
HintsRemember, each picture represents four people.
If a whole circle represents four people then a semi-circle represents two people.
If there are more pictures in one row compared to another then more people chose that option.
Solution- Ten people like winter the most.
- More people like spring than summer.
- Fall is the most popular choice.
- Winter is the least popular choice.
- Four people like fall more than spring.
What are these charts called?
HintsScaled bar charts have bars that represent the data.
Pictograms use small pictures to represent the data.
SolutionOn the left is a scaled bar chart which shows data in long bars that represent the number of times a response was recorded.
On the right is a pictogram which uses pictures to represent the information from a data set.
Use highlighters to answer the questions.
HintsTo find the most common age, look for the bar or the row that represents the greatest number of people.
To find the least common age, look for the bar or the row that represents the smallest number of people.
Remember, each soccer ball in the pictogram represents 3 people.
SolutionThe title of each chart is Ages in football team. This should have been highlighted in green.
The most common age in the bar chart is 8 and the most common age in the pictogram is 9. These should have been highlighted in yellow.
The least common age in the bar chart is 6 and the least common age in the pictogram is 10. These should have been highlighted in blue.
There are 9 players in each team who are 7 years old. This should have been highlighted in violet.